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The Cultural Landscape, 11e (Rubenstein)
Chapter 2 Population and Health
1) The United States census is politically important because
A) immigrants without proper documentation are tracked and deported by the Census Bureau,
which explains immigrants’ historically low rates of participation in censuses.
B) statistical sampling reveals that homeless people are overcounted, particularly in large cities.
C) some legislative seats, including those of the U.S. House of Representatives, are apportioned
according to population.
D) every vote counts equally in a presidential election.
E) the U.S. democratic process is never influenced by corporations and corporate money.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 13
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science on society
2) Analyzing a world map and the population maps in this chapter, you can deduce that the most
populous country south of the Philippines is
A) Australia.
B) Indonesia.
C) New Zealand.
D) China.
E) Malaysia.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) Geographers might characterize as overpopulated a country where
A) there are too many people according to a standard economic measure of poverty.
B) the population numbers less than one million, but there is concern that the country’s natural
resources are adequate for only half that number.
C) the population numbers more than 100 million and there is concern about the finite limits of
natural resources, although the resources available in the country seem adequate to that
D) the population numbers more than one million, and there is an average distribution of
population to resources.
E) All of these answer choices are correct.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
4) A homeless person living in a small town would be ________ to be counted in the U.S.
Census than a homeless person living in a large city.
A) less likely
B) equally (neither more nor less) likely
C) more likely
D) nearly as likely
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
5) Analyzing a world map and the population maps in this chapter, you can deduce that the most
populous country within 2,000 miles of Australia is
A) India.
B) Indonesia.
C) New Zealand.
D) China.
E) Malaysia.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
6) The Earth area of permanent human settlement is called the
A) hot zone.
B) civilized world.
C) geophenom.
D) ecumene.
E) subpolar region.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
7) The most populous country in the Southeast Asia region is
A) Bangladesh.
B) China.
C) India.
D) Indonesia.
E) Thailand.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
8) The countries depicted as smaller, or more limited in size, on the population cartogram have
A) higher levels of wealth and higher populations.
B) lower levels of wealth and higher populations.
C) lower populations.
D) lower populations and lesser land areas.
E) lower technical proficiency in cartography and geospatial reasoning.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 2: Identify regions where population is sparse
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) Analyzing the map(s) of ecumene in this chapter, along with a world map, we can deduce that
Turkey was intensively settled by
A) 5000 BC.
B) AD 50.
C) AD 1500.
D) AD 1.
E) AD 1900.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
10) Analyzing the map(s) of ecumene in this chapter, along with a world map, we can deduce
that the eastern coast of Australia was intensively settled by
A) 5000 BC.
B) AD 50.
C) AD 1500.
D) AD 1900.
E) AD 1.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
11) Analyzing the map(s) of ecumene in this chapter, along with a world map, we can deduce
that Peru was intensively settled before
A) 5000 BC.
B) 1000 BC.
C) AD 1500.
D) AD 1.
E) AD 1900.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) Relatively few people live at ________, but there are significant exceptions, especially in
Latin America.
A) low elevations
B) sea-level
C) high elevations
D) or near coastlines
E) the poles
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 2: Identify regions where population is sparse
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
13) Comparing the charts, maps, and other data on the world population growth in this chapter,
one can deduce that after the Ice Age, approximately 10,000 years ago Earth’s human population
A) changed little because of the availability of food from massive land animals.
B) began a long period of near stagnation, following a heretofore unprecedented period of rapid
C) had not yet appeared on the surface of the planet.
D) began to increase at a heretofore unprecedented rate, following millennia of near stagnation.
E) increased at unprecedented rates for two centuries, then declined again.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
14) Among the following world regions, the least densely populated is
A) East Asia.
B) Southeast Asia.
C) Sub-Saharan Africa.
D) Europe.
E) South Asia.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 2: Identify regions where population is sparse
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) Physiological density is the number of
A) acres of farmland per the total area of a country.
B) farmers per area of farmland.
C) people per area of flat land.
D) people per area suitable for agriculture.
E) farm animals per area suitable for agriculture.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 4: Define Physiological Density
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
16) Land suited for agriculture is called
A) population density.
B) agricultural density.
C) physiological land.
D) arid land.
E) arable land.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 12
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 4: Define Physiological Density
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
17) We can calculate that a country would raise, or increase, its physiological density by
A) increasing the amount of agricultural land.
B) limiting the number of farmers.
C) increasing the areas of its urban centers.
D) increasing the size of its population.
E) limiting the number of farm animals.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 4: Define Physiological Density
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
18) We can calculate that a country would raise, or increase, its agricultural density if it
A) decreased the amount of agricultural land.
B) decreased the number of farmers.
C) increased the areas of its urban centers.
D) increased the size of its population.
E) decreased the number of farm animals.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 5: Define Agricultural Density
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
19) We can calculate that a country would lower its arithmetic density by
A) increasing the amount of agricultural land.
B) limiting the number of farmers.
C) increasing the areas of its urban centers.
D) limiting the size of its population.
E) increasing the size of its population.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 3: Define Arithmetic Density
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
20) India and the United Kingdom have approximately the same arithmetic density although
their landscapes and sizes are quite different. From this we can conclude that the two countries
have roughly the same
A) level of output per farmer.
B) number of people per area of land.
C) pressure placed by people on the land to produce food.
D) number of farmers per area of land.
E) number of people per area of arable land.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 3: Define Arithmetic Density
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
21) Given the data in this chapter about urban and rural population concentrations, we might
expect to find a lower proportion of farmers living in which of these areas?
A) East Asia
B) South Asia
C) Southeast Asia
D) Southeastern Europe
E) Sub-Saharan Africa
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 5: Define Agricultural Density
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
22) A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a
A) high physiological density.
B) low physiological density.
C) high agricultural density.
D) low agricultural density.
E) low arithmetic density.
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 5: Define Agricultural Density
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
23) If the physiological density in a given country is very high and its arithmetic density is very
low, then a country has
A) inefficient farmers or farmers that are out of work.
B) a large number of farmers, although the number of farmers is not as great as the number of
people living in the cities.
C) a small percentage of land suitable for agriculture, even if there seems to be plenty of space
available to live in.
D) too many people for the available resources, particularly in regards to agricultural land.
E) too few farmers for the large area of land suitable for agriculture.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 4: Define Physiological Density
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
24) The average number of births women bear in their lifetimes is
A) total birth rate.
B) crude birth rate.
C) total fertility rate.
D) total increase rate.
E) crude fertility rate.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
25) The fertility rate based on the number of live births per 1,000 residents is the
A) crude birth rate.
B) crude fertility rate.
C) infant birth rate.
D) natural increase rate.
E) life expectancy at birth.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
26) When the world’s population reached 6 billion in 1995, it was forecast that at a steady rate of
growth the population would reach 12 billion in approximately 45 years. That period of 45 years
is known as
A) doubling time.
B) doubling life expectancy.
C) double increase rate.
D) double overpopulation.
E) double demographic transition.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
27) The world’s annual ________ is currently approximately 1.2 percent, at which rate the
world’s population is projected to double in about 54 years.
A) natural increase rate (NIR)
B) life expectancy rate (LER)
C) crude birth rate (CBR)
D) life increase rate (LIR)
E) natural expectancy rate (NER)
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
28) A decline in a country’s crude birth rate would result in an increase in that country’s
A) total fertility rate.
B) life expectancy rate.
C) crude death rate.
D) doubling time.
E) natural increase rate.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
29) Life expectancy is lowest on average in
A) Africa.
B) East Asia.
C) North America.
D) Europe.
E) Southeast Asia.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
30) The total number of live births per year per 1,000 people in a society is the
A) crude birth rate.
B) life data rate.
C) natural increase rate.
D) total fertility rate.
E) new birth rate.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
31) The Phatak family in India decides to have five children, although India’s official approach
to demographic growth includes a public relations campaign encouraging smaller families. This
A) that children represent an economic liability to rural families, despite India’s policy.
B) this family fears that high infant mortality rates are associated with smaller family sizes.
C) that the women in this family have little or no power in relation to family planning.
D) an example of conflict between individual and government fertility goals.
E) the demographic realization that India’s population pyramid is skewed because of preference
for male children.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
32) Analyzing the maps of fertility and mortality in this chapter, we see more countries with high
birth rates and high rates of infant mortality in
A) East Asia, excluding Japan.
B) South Asia, excluding Bangladesh.
C) Africa south of the Sahara.
D) Southeast Asia.
E) North America.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
33) Analyzing various maps in this chapter along with a world map, we see that Laos has the
highest rates of fertility and infant mortality among its neighbors in
A) East Asia.
B) South Asia.
C) Southeast Asia.
D) Africa.
E) Southwestern Asia.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
34) Analyzing the maps of crude birth rates and total fertility rates in this chapter, we can
surmise that Afghanistan has a higher TFR and CBR than its neighbors in
A) South Asia only.
B) Southwest Asia only.
C) Southwest Asia and South Asia.
D) South Asia and Southeast Asia.
E) Southeast Asia only.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
35) Analyzing the map(s) in this chapter dealing with infant mortality rates, as well as a world
map, we can deduce that
A) Papua New Guinea has a lower IMR than Indonesia.
B) India has a lower IMR than Russia.
C) Brazil has a lower IMR than Bolivia.
D) Madagascar has a lower IMR than South Africa.
E) Chad has a lower IMR than Egypt.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
36) Approximately 500 babies were born in Country D in 2011, but 35 of them died before
reaching their first birthday. These data can be used to report Country D’s
A) crude death rate.
B) infant mortality rate.
C) early life expectancy.
D) murder rate.
E) terminal increase rate.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
37) It may sound strange to hear that the ________ is generally lower for less developed
countries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age of
each population.
A) crude birth rate
B) crude death rate
C) infant mortality rate
D) natural increase rate
E) total growth rate
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
38) We can hypothesize with some confidence that Costa Rica has a lower crude death rate than
the United States because Costa Rica
A) has a higher sex ratio.
B) has more hospitals per person.
C) has a milder climate.
D) is in Stage 4 of the demographic transition.
E) has a lower percentage of elderly people.
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
39) Country A has a crude birth rate of 60 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country B has a
CBR of 27 and a CDR of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate?
A) Country A
B) Country B
C) The NIR is the same in both countries.
D) The rate depends on total population, so it can’t be computed from this information.
E) The CDR has no direct correlation to the CBR, so it cannot help determine the NIR.
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
40) Among the world’s countries, the spread between the highest and lowest crude death rates is
________ than the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth rates.
A) greater
B) less
C) the same as
D) more related to income
E) less dependent on social services
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
41) Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an aging population by
A) increasing the birth rate.
B) encouraging women and older people to work.
C) encouraging intermarriage between Japanese and non-Japanese workers.
D) increasing its longstanding policy of moving polluting industries to China.
E) encouraging immigration.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.4 Population Structure
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
42) Country A has approximately 100,000 children between the ages of 0 and 14, although it has
a high infant mortality rate. It also has 202,000 elderly people who have retired from work,
although most continue to live in multi-generational households with their children and
grandchildren. Country A also has 310,000 people who can participate in the workforce. We can
use these data to calculate that the
A) dependency ratio is about 50 percent.
B) life expectancy ratio is about 50 percent.
C) population ratio is high.
D) dependency ratio is about 67 percent.
E) dependency ratio is about 33 percent.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.4 Population Structure
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
43) The shape of a country’s population pyramid
A) is determined primarily by its crude birth rate.
B) has no correlation to its crude death rate.
C) cannot be used to estimate the country’s dependency rate.
D) cannot be used to estimate the country’s sex ratio.
E) is determined primarily by the combination of its crude birth rate and its crude growth rate.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.4 Population Structure
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
44) A European country’s population pyramid would drastically change shape if it began to
A) the population pyramid of Japan.
B) the age-sex diagram of the United States.
C) the population pyramid of Nigeria.
D) the age-sex diagram of Australia.
E) the population pyramid of Canada.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.4 Population Structure
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
45) The population pyramid of a city in southern Florida, Arizona, or even northern Japan may
appear ________ because the city’s population is dominated by elderly people.
A) “upside down”
B) to have a wide base
C) to have perfectly vertical sides
D) to be an “age-sex ratio”
E) “rightside-up”
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.4 Population Structure
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
46) One demographic feature with the most significant future implications is that
A) the natural increase rate is larger every year.
B) there are fewer people in the world now than at the peak in the middle of the twentieth
C) the most rapid growth is occurring in the less developed countries.
D) people are uniformly distributed across Earth.
E) the less developed countries have the highest combined crude death rate.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
47) The highest natural increase rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
48) The lowest crude birth rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) none of these stages
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
49) The highest crude death rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
50) Rapidly declining crude death rates are found in which stage of the demographic transition?
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
51) A crude birth rate of approximately 10 per 1,000 is typical of a country in which stage of the
demographic transition?
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stages 2 and 3.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
52) Leading approaches to reducing birth rates emphasize the long-term benefits of
A) teaching people to become more active consumers.
B) school programs that ignore contraceptive techniques and teach “abstinence only.”
C) improving men’s educational attainment in conjunction with small loans to businesses owned
by men in small communities.
D) improving local economic conditions in conjunction with improving women’s educational
E) information about sexually transmitted diseases.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
53) The government of Bangladesh has helped reduce birth rates mainly by providing
A) an economy as developed as any in Europe.
B) access to and information about universities that women can attend.
C) information about choosing sexual abstinence.
D) access to and information about various methods of contraception.
E) religious reasons for improving the quality of life on Earth.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
54) The low rate of contraceptive use in Africa reflects the region’s
A) improving education of women.
B) low status of women.
C) rapid diffusion of contraceptives.
D) low status of men.
E) high rates of religious adherence.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.16: Explain reasons for variations in health care
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
55) An analysis of the charts and/or demographic history in this chapter indicates that during the
Industrial Revolution two hundred years ago, the global population
A) decreased although it had increased during the earlier agricultural revolution.
B) declined although the annual growth rate increased exponentially.
C) continued to increase despite fluctuations in individual countries.
D) decreased dramatically because fewer people were producing food in rural communities.
E) neither increased nor decreased.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
56) Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15. In what stage of the
demographic transition is this country?
A) Stage 1
B) Stage 2
C) Stage 3
D) Stage 4
E) Stage 5
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
57) Stages 1 and 4 of the Demographic Transition are similar in that
A) both have low growth rates.
B) both have high dependency ratios.
C) both have low dependency ratios.
D) both have low life expectancies.
E) both have low death rates.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
58) More of the “why” questions of demographics can be addressed with data focusing on
A) inventions.
B) health.
C) topography.
D) “pollution exporting” policies.
E) air quality.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.16: Explain reasons for variations in health care
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
59) Judging by the demographic patterns of recent years, we can surmise that the principal
reason for declining natural increase rates in less developed countries today is
A) increasing crude birth rates.
B) declining crude birth rates.
C) increasing crude death rates.
D) declining crude death rates.
E) balanced natural increase rates.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
60) Evaluating the charts on world population growth in this chapter, we can deduce that
A) the world population decreased during the late 1950s although it increased through the rest of
the 1900s, owing to fluctuations in the net increase rate.
B) the annual growth rate has increased exponentially, especially between 30,000 and 20,000
years ago.
C) the natural increase rate has been correlated to the growth in global population, and both have
increased greatly in the last century.
D) the natural increase rate will always rise.
E) the natural increase rate has been negatively correlated to the doubling time, which is
expressed in terms of years, yet the doubling time has not changed greatly in recent decades.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
61) All other factors being equal, assess which of the following families would most likely
contribute to slowing its country’s birth rates.
A) The sons are encouraged to complete as many years of formal education as possible before
marrying and/or beginning to raise children themselves.
B) The sons and daughters are encouraged to become active consumers.
C) The daughters are encouraged to complete as many years of formal education as possible
before marrying and/or beginning to bear children themselves.
D) The daughters are provided with “abstinence only” sex-education classes in school.
E) The sons and daughters of a family are given classes on birth-control techniques, but they are
also expected to get married during their teen years.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
62) Thomas Malthus concluded that
A) population increased arithmetically while food production increased linguistically.
B) the world’s rate of population increase was higher than the development of food supplies.
C) so-called “moral restraint” was producing lower crude birth rates.
D) population growth was outpacing available resources in every country, according to algebraic
E) crude birth rates must balance crude death rates.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 16
Section: 2.6 Malthus on Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
63) In comparing Malthus’s theory to actual world food production and population growth during
the past half-century, the principal difference is that
A) actual food production has been much higher than Malthus predicted.
B) Malthus’s theory predicted much higher food production than has actually occurred.
C) actual population growth has been much higher than Malthus predicted.
D) Malthus’s theory predicted much higher population growth than has actually occurred.
E) population increased geometrically while food production increased exponentially.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.6 Malthus on Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 6. Evaluate the credibility of scientific information from various sources
64) The two most populous countries in the world are
A) China and India.
B) India and Bangladesh.
C) Russia and the United States.
D) Indonesia and China.
E) the United States and China.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.7 Population Futures
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
65) A possible stage five epidemiological transition is the stage of
A) pestilence and famine.
B) receding pandemics, including possible zombie pandemics.
C) degenerative and human-created diseases.
D) delayed degenerative diseases.
E) reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.8 Epidemiologic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.15: List the reasons for a possible stage 5 of the epidemiologic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
66) Dr. John Snow found that cholera cases in London were
A) spatially associated with certain public wells.
B) being punished for their sins.
C) being transmitted almost exclusively by French and Irish immigrants.
D) transmitted through the air in contagious diffusion.
E) spread through the main seatrading routes by infected rats.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.8 Epidemiologic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.16: Explain reasons for variations in health care
Global Sci L.O.: 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science on society
67) The stages of the epidemiologic transition are based on
A) causes of death at varying stages of the demographic transition.
B) the means through which disease is transmitted spatially.
C) non-contagious diseases such as heart disease, obesity, or diabetes.
D) new food sources which produced population explosions.
E) pandemics like the bubonic plague, influenza, or AIDS.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.8 Epidemiologic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.15: List the reasons for a possible stage 5 of the epidemiologic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 6. Evaluate the credibility of scientific information from various sources
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
68) The ________ that reached Europe from Central Asia in the 1300s was spread by fleas
infecting rats, which were carried from port to port on most ships.
A) Black Blight, or bubonic flu,
B) Flea Plague, or bubonic pestilence,
C) Bubonic Flea Plague
D) Black Plague, or bubonic plague,
E) Rat Plague
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.8 Epidemiologic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.16: Explain reasons for variations in health care
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
69) The term ________ refers to the control of diseases.
A) transition
B) medicology
C) pandemiology
D) epidemiology
E) infectionical
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.8 Epidemiologic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.14: Summarize the four stages of the epidemiologic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
70) The most lethal epidemic in recent years has been
A) avian flu.
C) malaria.
D) cholera.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.9 Infectious Diseases
Learning Outcome: 2.16: Explain reasons for variations in health care
Global Sci L.O.: 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science on society
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
71) Most population growth is presently concentrated in more developed countries.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
72) More than half of the people in the world live in Asia.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
73) More people are alive now than at any time in the past.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
74) City X contains 2,000,000 people living on 1,000 square kilometers of land. The population
density of City X is 200 persons per square kilometer.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 3: Define Arithmetic Density
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
75) City Y, which is a thriving port and a center of government, contains 4,000,000 people living
on 2,000 square kilometers of land. The population density of City Y is 2,000 persons per square
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 3: Define Arithmetic Density
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
76) Country A, which lies partly in a fertile valley and partly in a vast desert, contains
10,000,000 people living on 10,000 square kilometers of land. The population density of Country
A is 1,000 persons per square kilometer.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 3: Define Arithmetic Density
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
77) The physiological density of Egypt is approximately 2,600 persons per square kilometer,
while the arithmetic density is approximately 80. This means that most of the country’s land is
unsuitable for intensive agriculture.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.2 Population Density
Learning Outcome: 2. 4: Define Physiological Density
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
78) The highest crude birth rates are found in the less developed countries of Africa, Asia, and
Latin America.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
79) The highest crude death rates are found in the less developed countries of Africa, Asia, and
Latin America.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
80) A country of 30,000,000 people has a crude birth rate of 10. This means that in one year 30
babies were born.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.3 Components of Population Growth
Learning Outcome: 2. 8: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CDR
Global Sci L.O.: 4. Demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in Introductory
81) Since the end of World War II, world population has been growing more slowly than in the
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
82) A country in Stage 2 of the demographic transition is likely to have higher crude birth and
crude death rates than a country in Stage 4.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
83) A country in Stage 4 of the demographic transition is likely to have a population pyramid
with a narrower base than a country in Stage 2.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 9: Understand how to read a population pyramid
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
84) Societies move from Stage 2 to Stage 3 of the demographic transition because of technical
change, but from Stage 3 to Stage 4 because of social change.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
85) Increasing the education of women is generally associated with declining birth rates.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
86) Concerns about overpopulation were proven wrong by Malthus’s theory, as well as by recent
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 16
Section: 2.6 Malthus on Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
87) According to Malthus, population increases rapidly, while food supply increases more
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 16
Section: 2.6 Malthus on Overpopulation
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry
88) China has the highest rate of population growth in the world.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.7 Population Futures
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
89) As the GDP per capita increases, the crude birth rate generally ________.
Answer: decreases
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
90) As the GDP per capita increases, the natural increase rate generally ________.
Answer: decreases
Diff: 1
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
91) Explain why today’s less developed societies moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the
demographic transition.
Answer: diffusion of medical technology from more developed countries
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 3. Read and Interpret Graphs and Data
92) Explain the controversy about spatial analysis and the census, in your own words.
Answer: Varies
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2 Population and Health
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 8. Communicate effectively in writing
93) Hypothesize that within 100 years, global climate change will alter the ecumene in your state
or region. Of the areas that you sometimes visit or are more familiar with, which would most
likely be affected by global climate change? Would other areas of the world be more affected?
Which? How and why? Support your ideas by imagining some specific changes or examples.
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.1 Population Concentrations
Learning Outcome: 2. 1: Identify regions where population is clustered
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
94) Summarize the main stages of the demographic transition and the reasons why a society
moves from one stage to another.
Answer: Varies
Diff: 2
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 8. Communicate effectively in writing
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
95) Imagine and contrast two different scenarios: That one of today’s less developed countries
will move from Stage 3 to Stage 4 of the demographic transition, while at the same time another
less developed country (perhaps even a neighbor to the first country) shifts from Stage 3 back to
Stage 2 again. What might account for these very different transitions? Imagine some specific
examples or situations to explain your ideas. Can you imagine this situation occuring in any
actual countries? Why or why not?
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
96) Contrast regional and national conditions: How is it possible that in some of today’s more
developed countries that have moved from Stage 3 to Stage 4 of the demographic transition,
certain areas or regions within those countries remain effectively within Stage 3? What kinds of
changes would need to occur in order to see nearly the entire population of the country transition
to Stage 4?
Answer: Varies, and may include discussions of women entering the labor force; lifestyle;
diffusion of birth control techniques; education; etc.
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.10: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
97) If your community or home town were an independent country and you were its leader, what
programs might you institute to change (increase or decrease) its rate of natural increase, and
why? What specific changes would you imagine occuring among people that you know, as a
result of your programs? Use data, terminology, and examples from the textbook to support your
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 6: Describe how population growth is measured through the natural
increase rate
Global Sci L.O.: 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of science on society
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
98) If you were given 100 million dollars for the project, what would you do to help reduce the
CBR of a less developed country? Which country would you choose, and how would you assign
the money? Feel free to use your imagination but give reasons for your proposed actions.
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2. 7: Describe how births and deaths are measured through the CBR
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
99) If you were the leader of a populous country with very limited resources, and the citizens
were concerned about the growth of the population, would you institute birth control policies
more similar to those of India or China? Why? Contrast some details of each country’s policies
while preparing your answer.
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.5 The Demographic Transition
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
100) Imagine that your neighborhood or community were suddenly and permanently cut off from
receiving food and water supplies from other areas. Discuss how the concept of overpopulation
may, or may not, have been applicable to your community before and after this isolation. What
are your predictions for the near future and the long term? Give at least four specific examples or
scenarios to illustrate the difference, and attempt to predict the future size of the population.
Answer: Varies.
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.7 Population Futures
Learning Outcome: 2.12: Summarize Malthus’s argument about the relationship between
population and resources
Global Sci L.O.: 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and employ critical thinking skills
101) Identify and compare three or four alternate solutions to the world population growth
problem, including your own solution (if you care to suggest one that seems feasible).
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation
Geog. Standard: 9
Section: 2.7 Population Futures
Learning Outcome: 2.11: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
102) Imagine that a deadly pandemic will afflict the Americas (North America and Latin
America) in the distant future, and that it will spread by ingestion (eating) or by contact with the
surfaces of infected red meat. Given the large herds of cattle in several countries, as well as
current consumption habits, what immediate changes would you predict for food consumption
and international trade? If red meat were no longer trusted, what products would replace it? What
would the environmental and demographic impacts be in the short term, and the long term?
Answer: Varies
Diff: 3
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
Geog. Standard: 9, 16
Section: 2.9 Infectious Diseases
Learning Outcome: 2.15: List the reasons for a possible stage 5 of the epidemiologic transition
Global Sci L.O.: 7. Demonstrate the ability to make connections across Geography
Copyright ยฉ 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
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