Test Bank for The Enjoyment Of Music, 13th Edition

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Listening to Music Today PRELUDE 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. One of the best ways to โ€œstudyโ€ music is by a. repeated listening. b. listening to music while doing homework. c. watching TV with music playing in the background. d. All of the answers shown here. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: 4 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 2. Setting aside all distractions and letting the music be the foreground activity is called a. musical memory. c. passive listening. b. active listening. d. repeated listening. ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 3. How can you develop musical memory for instrumental works? a. concentrate on major events c. concentrate on memorable moments b. concentrate on patterns d. all of the answers shown here. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 4. One principle of Western musical practice as well as other world traditions is a. the return of major (musical) events, patterns, or memorable moments. b. never hearing the same melody twice. c. only hearing the main melody at the beginning of a piece. d. None of the answers shown here. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: MSC: Applying 5. Musical memory will help a person a. develop a sense of time. b. understand why the composer wrote the piece. 5 TOP: Listening to music c. better understand the cultural forces that shaped a work. d. better understand the hidden meaning of some musical works. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 6. What are some of the criteria that shape a performerโ€™s interpretation of a musical work? a. variations in tempo c. changes in voices or instruments b. changes to dynamics d. All answers shown here. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: 6 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 7. Repeated encounters with a musical work will help one to a. develop a familiarity with the piece. c. develop critical listening skills. b. gain an understanding of the work. d. All answers shown here. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: 4 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying TRUE/FALSE 1. In daily life, we often listen to music as a background to another activity. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 4 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Remembering 2. Listening to music at home is just about the same experience as hearing it live. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: 4 TOP: Listening to music 4 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 3. Repeated listening is NOT a good way to โ€œstudyโ€ music. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: MSC: Applying 4. Active listening is when one listens to music while working out at the gym. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Remembering 5. Developing musical memory is easier initially when listening to music in a foreign language. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 6. Some composers provide a program, or story, to follow in instrumental works. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Remembering 7. Each performance of a musical work is unique. ANS: T DIF: Easy MSC: Remembering 8. In early times, performers adapted their interpretations of works based on the resources available at the time. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 6 TOP: Listening to music 6 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Remembering 9. Musical instruments have changed very little over time. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: MSC: Applying 10. As one listens to a piece, one should allow oneself to respond both objectively and subjectively to the music. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Analyzing ESSAY 1. Explain how the expression โ€œpractice makes perfectโ€ applies to listening to music. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 4โ€“5 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Analyzing 2. Explain how one can develop oneโ€™s listening skills. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 4โ€“6 TOP: Listening to music MSC: Applying 3. What are some of the criteria that shape a performerโ€™s interpretation of a work? ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate MSC: Applying REF: 5โ€“6 TOP: Listening to music Melody: Musical Line CHAPTER 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. In determining pitch, what is meant by frequency? a. how often the pitch is heard b. how fast the pitches are played c. the span between the highest and lowest notes d. the number of vibrations per second ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 2. Musical sounds are represented by symbols called a. pitches. c. notes. b. cues. d. amplitudes. ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 3. By definition, a musical sound has a. a perceivable pitch and a measurable frequency. b. a certain volume. c. a distinct timbre. d. all answers shown here. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: MSC: Remembering 4. A succession of single tones or pitches perceived as a unit is called a(n) a. interval. c. harmony. b. melody. d. chord. ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 5. The distance between the highest and lowest tones of a melody is called the a. tempo. c. phrase. b. range. d. tonic. ANS: B MSC: Remembering DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody 6. The distance between two pitches is called a(n) a. interval. c. cadence. b. phrase. d. countermelody. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 7. Which term describes a melody that moves by small intervals? a. consonant c. dissonant b. conjunct d. disjunct ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 8. A melody can be characterized by a. its range. c. the way it moves. b. its shape. d. all answers shown here. ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: 7โ€“8 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing 9. Why is Beethovenโ€™s Ode to Joy easy to sing? a. It has a wide range. c. It has phrases of unequal lengths. b. It is conjunct. d. It has no cadences. ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing 10. A unit of meaning within the larger structure of a melody is called a a. phrase. c. cadence. b. stanza. d. climax. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 11. The resting place at the end of a phrase is called a a. pause. c. cadence. b. period. d. comma. ANS: C MSC: Remembering DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody 12. Musical punctuation, which is similar to a comma or period in a sentence, is called a a. cadence. c. chord. b. syncopation. d. scale. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 13. The striking emotional effect created by the high point in a melodic line is called the a. cadence. c. climax. b. countermelody. d. range. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 14. A melody added to, or played against, another melody is called a a. cadence. c. countermelody. b. phrase. d. tune. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 15. A note designates frequency and a. duration. c. timbre. b. volume. d. range. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 16. In terms of a musical note, duration refers to a. length of time. c. volume. b. timbre. d. None of the answers shown here. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 17. The distinct quality of a pitch is called a. tone color or timbre. c. duration. b. volume. d. melody. ANS: A MSC: Applying DIF: Moderate REF: 7 TOP: Melody 18. Which term refers to the overall shape of a melody? a. contour c. range b. interval d. cadence ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying 19. A melody that moves in large, disconnected intervals is described as a. conjunct. c. pitchy. b. disjunct. d. easy to sing. ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing 20. In terms of text, this diagram, a b a b, refers to a. the rhyme scheme. c. the melody. b. the overall form of the music. d. pitch. ANS: A DIF: Difficult REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing TRUE/FALSE 1. The length or size of a vibrating object has no effect on pitch. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 2. A musical note is the symbolic representation of a sound with pitch and duration. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 7 TOP: Melody REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 3. Tone color is a property of pitch. ANS: T DIF: Moderate MSC: Remembering 4. The overall shape of a melody is called its range. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 5. Melodies that move principally by small, connected intervals are conjunct. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody REF: 8 TOP: Melody REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 6. Melodies that skip in disjointed intervals are disjunct. ANS: T DIF: Moderate MSC: Remembering 7. A phrase is a component unit of a melody. ANS: T DIF: Easy MSC: Remembering 8. The phrases in the tune Amazing Grace are of unequal length. ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying 9. The melody of The Star-Spangled Banner is best described as conjunct. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying 10. The rhyme scheme of a poem is determined by the first word of each poetic line. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 9 TOP: Melody 7 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying 11. Volume refers to length of time, or duration, of a note. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: MSC: Remembering 12. The high point in a melody is known as its contour. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 13. Stars and Stripes Forever includes a countermelody performed by the piccolos. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 14. A singer or instrumentalist will pause to draw a breath at a cadence. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 9 TOP: Melody MSC: Remembering 15. The component units of a melody have no relationship to sentence structure. ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: 8 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying ESSAY 1. Describe the elements that contribute to the sound of a pitch. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 7โ€“8 TOP: Melody MSC: Applying 2. What are the features that give each melody a distinctive character? ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 8โ€“9 TOP: Melody 3. Compare the structure of a melody with the form of a sentence. ANS: Answers will vary. MSC: Analyzing DIF: Difficult REF: 8โ€“9 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing 4. Describe the differences between the melodies for Ode to Joy, Joy to the World, and The Star-Spangled Banner. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Difficult REF: 8โ€“9 TOP: Melody MSC: Analyzing Rhythm and Meter: Musical Time CHAPTER 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Music is propelled forward in time by a. harmony. c. texture. b. rhythm. d. timbre. ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 2. What is the element of music that organizes movement in time? a. rhythm c. harmony b. melody d. form ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 3. The basic unit of rhythm that divides time into equal segments is called the a. meter. c. beat. b. syncopation. d. accent. ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 4. Beats that are more strongly emphasized than others are said to be a. minor. c. accented. b. major. d. metrical. ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 5. Organizing patterns of rhythmic pulses are called a. offbeats. c. syncopations. b. meters. d. polyrhythms. ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: 10 MSC: Remembering 6. Meter is marked off in groupings known as a. phrases. c. cadences. TOP: Rhythm b. measures. ANS: B d. DIF: Easy REF: chords. 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 7. The first accented beat of a measure is called a(n) a. syncopated beat. c. upbeat. b. simple beat. d. downbeat. ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 8. The metric pattern in which a strong beat alternates with a weak one is called ________ meter. a. triple c. quadruple b. duple d. compound ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 9. Which meter would MOST likely be associated with a march? a. duple c. quadruple b. triple d. compound ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 10. In triple meter, the strongest pulse occurs on a. the first beat. c. the third beat. b. the second beat. d. all beats equally. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 11. The repeated rhythmic pattern in which an accented beat is followed by two unaccented beats is called ________ meter. a. duple c. quadruple b. triple d. compound ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 12. Meters in which each beat is subdivided into three rather than two are known as ________ meters. a. simple c. compound b. complex d. unequal ANS: C DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 13. In sextuple meter, the principal accents usually fall on a. beats 1 and 3. c. beats 2 and 4. b. beats 1 and 4. d. beats 3 and 6. ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 14. The patriotic song America (โ€œMy country, โ€™tis of theeโ€) is an example of ________ meter. a. duple c. quadruple b. triple d. compound ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 15. Which of the following songs is in sextuple meter? a. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star c. America, the Beautiful b. Greensleeves d. America (โ€œMy country, โ€™tis of theeโ€) ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 16. A weak beat in a measure is called a(n) a. offbeat. c. accent. b. syncopation. d. upbeat. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 17. When a song begins on the last beat of a measure, it is said to begin with a(n) a. offbeat. c. polyrhythm. b. syncopation. d. upbeat. ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: 11 MSC: Remembering 18. The deliberate shifting of the accent to a weak beat or an offbeat is called TOP: Rhythm a. rhythm. c. syncopation. b. meter. d. compound meter. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 19. The simultaneous use of two or more rhythmic patterns is called a. polyrhythm. c. additive meter. b. syncopation. d. compound meter. ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 20. Music that moves without a strong sense of beat or meter is called a. compound. c. nonmetric. b. additive. d. irregular. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 21. Which meter is traditionally associated with dances such as the waltz and the minuet? a. duple c. quadruple b. triple d. compound ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 22. Which meter has a primary accent on the first beat and a secondary accent on the third beat? a. triple c. compound b. quadruple d. sextuple ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 23. How is the beat divided in simple meter? a. two c. four b. three d. six REF: 11 ANS: A MSC: Applying DIF: Difficult TOP: Rhythm TRUE/FALSE 1. The element that organizes movement in time is called harmony. ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 2. Measures mark off groupings of beats, each with a fixed number that coincides with the meter. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 3. Meter is the measurement of musical time. ANS: T DIF: Moderate MSC: Remembering 4. Meter is an organizing principle shared by music and poetry. ANS: T DIF: Difficult REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 5. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is an example of triple meter. ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 6. Syncopation is a rhythmic characteristic of American jazz. ANS: T DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 7. Syncopation is typical of African American dance music and spirituals. ANS: T DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 8. Polyrhythms are characteristic of music of many African cultures. ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 9. All world music features a strong regular pulse or beat. ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 10. Music that moves without a strong sense of beat or meter is referred to as nonmetric. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 11. Sextuple meter is an example of a compound duple meter. ANS: T DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 12. The beat is divided into three for simple meter. ANS: F DIF: Difficult MSC: Applying 13. The first accented beat of each metrical pattern is called the upbeat. ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 14. Regular vertical lines through the staff are called measure or bar lines. ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm REF: 10 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Remembering 15. The poet Robert Frost invented meter. ANS: F MSC: Remembering ESSAY DIF: Moderate 1. Describe the way rhythm, beat, and meter work together in music. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 10โ€“11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Analyzing 2. Describe the rhythmic complexities that characterize the music of several world cultures. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 11โ€“12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Analyzing 3. Describe the difference between simple and compound meter. Provide an example of each. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 11 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying 4. Why is rhythm considered the most fundamental element of music? ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Moderate REF: 10โ€“12 TOP: Rhythm MSC: Applying

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