Test Bank for Teaching Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms, 9th Edition

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Chapter Two Collaboration and the Team Approach Multiple Choice Questions 1. Every prereferral team should include at the minimum a. a school nurse. b. a district-level administrator. c. general and special teachers. d. a school psychologist. 2. Which of the following professionals is most likely to refer a student for special education assessment? a. counselor b. general education teacher c. principal d. special education teacher 3. The written individual educational plan for each student should be formally reviewed at least a. monthly. b. each quarter. c. weekly. d. annually. 4. Inclusion teams are responsible for assuring that each student receives services in the a. resource program. b. least restrictive environment. c. individualized instructional program. d. general education class for at least some portion of the day. 5. The most restrictive of educational environments in which the student still receives instruction on the general education campus is a. the general education class. b. the full-time special class. c. the special class and general education class. d. the special school. 6. The most restrictive of all educational placement options is the a. residential program. b. special school. c. special class. d. resource room. 7. The IEP team does each of the following except? a. reviews assessment results. b. identifies and selects appropriate annual goals and objectives. c. designates the appropriate placement in the LRE. d. implements services 8. Response to Intervention does each of the following except? a. is a process intended to help educators maximize student achievement through early identification of learning or behavioral difficulties. b. provides information about how a child responds to evidence-based interventions and other supports enabling teachers to adjust their instruction to best meet the needs of their students. c. combines several key components, one of which is different levels or tiers of support for students with different levels of need. d. identifies a student for special education. 9. According to IDEA 2004, each of the following are important terms appearing in special education law except: a. a statement in the IEP of needed transition services beginning at age 16 (transition services). b. the identification of unserved students in need of special education (child find). c. the ability to choose who receives an education (reject principle) d. the use of technically sound assessment instruments and materials (nondiscriminatory assessment). 10. Teams serving students with special needs are typically composed of each of the following except: a. general education and special education teachers. b. lawyers c. parents. d. school administrators. 11. IEPs typically include information about each except? a. the studentโ€™s outward characteristics. b. necessary special services and placement. c. the studentโ€™s most recent report card progress. d. the studentโ€™s daily schedule. 12. Itinerant teachers a. work only half-days. b. are also called resource specialists. c. travel from school to school. d. provide in-class supports for students with disabilities 13. Providing additional instruction, reducing the number of items to complete, and grouping students with similar needs for instruction are all examples of a. instructional accommodations. b. management accommodations. c. environmental accommodations. d. personnel accommodations. 14. Who is not responsible for implementing the IEP? a. the general education teacher b. the parent c. the special education teacher d. the related services personnel 15. The goal of the various teams servicing students with special needs is to: a. remove students with special needs from the general education class. b. ensure that students are provided an appropriate education based on individual abilities and needs. c. meet to develop an IEP. d. add more paperwork to the teacherโ€™s repertoire 16. Programs for infants and preschoolers with disabilities include which of the following? a. later identification and resolution of problems children have b. coordinated efforts to prohibit transition of the young children from early childhood to school programs. c. Individualized Education Plans d. Individualized Family Services Plans 17. Classroom modifications can consist of each of the following except which one? a. curricular adaptations b. instructional adaptations c. environmental adaptations d. personal adaptations Essay Questions 1. Describe the types of teaming found at each school level (early childhood, elementary school, middle school and high school). 2. Who is mandated to be part of the IEP team and who is voluntary? Describe each role in its entirety. 3. Compare the difference between classroom accommodations and modifications. Chapter 2 โ€“ ANSWER KEY COLLABORATION AND THE TEAM APPROACH MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. b 11. a 12. d 13. a 14. b 15. c 16. d 17. d ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. Answers will vary but should mention IFSP, IEP, transition, and pre-referral Parents, teacher (special and general education), assessment specialist, specialists, administrator; Answers will vary

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