Test Bank For Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 5th Edition

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Instructor Resource Creswell, Research Design 5e SAGE Publishing, 2018 Chapter 2: Review of the Literature Test Bank Note: An asterisk* indicates questions which also appear in the online student quizzes. Multiple Choice 1. When conducting a literature review, how many sources should you have during an initial search? a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 70 Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Steps in Conducting a Literature Review Difficulty Level: Easy 2. Which type of literature should be prioritized when you are beginning your study and want to establish a broad synthesis of the literature? a. journal articles b. encyclopedias c. conference papers d. books Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: A Priority for Selecting Literature Material Difficulty Level: Easy *3. Which type of literature varies the most in quality and should be lower in priority? a. conference papers b. research monographs c. encyclopedias d. dissertations Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: A Priority for Selecting Literature Material Difficulty Level: Easy 4. Which suggestion is useful tip when designing a visual literature map? a. Include citations to provide evidence of major concepts. b. Avoid using circles or flowcharts for clarity. c. Include at least 75 studies. Instructor Resource Creswell, Research Design 5e SAGE Publishing, 2018 d. Focus only on quantitative research articles. Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: A Literature Map of the Research Difficulty Level: Medium True/False 1. Literature reviews are typically shorter for a research proposal, approximately 20โ€“30 pages in length. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: The Use of Literature Difficulty Level: Easy 2. Conference papers and proceedings are not appropriate sources of literature for a literature review. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: A Priority for Selecting Literature Material Difficulty Level: Easy *3. The Chicago Manual of Style is the most popular style manual used in field of education and psychology. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Style Manuals Difficulty Level: Easy *4. When abstracting a study, you should identify the methodological and technical strengths and weaknesses. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Abstracting Studies Difficulty Level: Easy 5. Quantitative studies should incorporate a review of the literature at the beginning of the study to provide direction for the research study; whereas qualitative studies should incorporate a review of the literature at the end to compare and contrast with the themes and categories of the study. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: The Use of the Literature Difficulty Level: Medium Instructor Resource Creswell, Research Design 5e SAGE Publishing, 2018 *6. Definition of terms appear in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods proposals to ensure the researcherโ€™s precision of meaning. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: The Definition of Terms Difficulty Level: Easy Essay 1. Why should researchers draft a working title early in the development of their projects? Ans: Drafting a title can be beneficial because it serves as a road sign for what we plan to study. It can help keep you focused on as the project moves forward and many change. It can also convey to readers the central notion of the study. The title should be brief and not contain a lot of words. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Research Topic Difficulty Level: Medium 2. Creswell (2017) argues that the question is not can a research topic be researched, but should a research topic be researched. Assess and explain why and how a topic for research is chosen: How does the researcher understand if the topic can and should be researched? Ans: Creswell shares that a research topic can be done if there are participants who are willing to be a part of the study, if the researcher has the skills to collect the data, and if there is a way to analyze data from the study. The research topic should be done if this topic then adds to or extends the current body of knowledge of the discipline, take a new perspective on studying the topic, if it helps to lift up the voices of underrepresented populations, or replicates studies to provide new findings with new participants or contexts, Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: The Research Topic Difficulty Level: Hard 3. In your own words, articulate the purpose of the review of literature and the forms that it can take? Ans: The purpose of the review of literature is to help frame the study by providing a history of what has already been written on the topic under investigation. It helps to compare and contrast what we already know about the topic, as well as to situate the importance of the study by illuminating what we still want to know. The forms that the literature review can take include: (a) integrate what others have done and said, (b) criticize previous scholarly works, (c) build bridges between related topics, and (d) identify the central issues of the field. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: The Literature Review Instructor Resource Creswell, Research Design 5e SAGE Publishing, 2018 Difficulty Level: Hard 4. Several computerized databases include ERIC, Google Scholar, PubMed, ProQuest, Sociological Abstracts, Social Sciences Citation Index, and PsycINFO. Choose one of these databases to examine and demonstrate its applicability to a research topic Ans: Answers will vary based upon which database students choose. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Searching Computerized Databases Difficulty Level: Medium 5. Describe the 7 steps in conducting a literature review. Ans: There are 7 steps in conducting a literature review, as follows: 1. Begin by identifying key words to assist in locating literature materials at an academic college or university. 2. Use the keywords to begin searching for academic literature using computerized databases. It is best to initially focus on journal articles and books. 3. Try to locate a minimum of 50 research articles or books related to the research topic. 4. Read, review, and skim the initial group of articles and books to get a better sense of the information. 5. Begin developing a literature map to begin to see connections among the literature that you have found related to the topic. 6. Begin writing annotations for the articles to produce a summary for each resource. 7. Integrate the literature by organizing the literature summaries thematically or grouping by important concepts. This is when you begin to create your literature review and conclude with a summary of the major themes and concepts of the topic and how your study fits into or adds to the literature. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Steps in Conducting a Literature Review Difficulty Level:Hard

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