Test Bank For Human Diseases, 5th Edition

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Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease True / False 1. Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities are always incompatible with life. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Numerous conditions are congenital due to chromosomal and genetic abnormalities, but they are not RATIONALE: necessarily lethal. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 2. Tissue can be inflamed but not infected. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 3. Obesity has no effect on an individualโ€™s life span. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Obesity can shorten an individualโ€™s life span. RATIONALE: POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 4. Hypervitaminosis develops in individuals who consume large amounts of vitamins for extended periods of time. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 5. Immunodeficiency is the immune response of the body being unable to defend itself due to a decrease or absence of leukocytes, primarily lymphocytes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 6. The aging process is progressive and reversible. a. True b. False ANSWER: False RATIONALE: The aging process is progressive but is not reversible. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 7. The aging process leads to death due to a decrease in the ability of the body to fight disease. a. True b. False ANSWER: True RATIONALE: POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 8. Diseases that are not lethal during the younger years could be the cause of death in older individuals. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 9. Once the heart quits functioning, the person is considered brain-dead. a. True b. False ANSWER: False RATIONALE: The criteria for determining brain death include a lack of response to stimuli, loss of all reflexes, absence of respiration or breathing effort, and a lack of brain activity as shown by an electroencephalogram (EEG). POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 10. Symptoms of inflammation include redness, pain, swelling, and warm to the touch. a. True b. False ANSWER: True RATIONALE: POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Multiple Choice 11. Hereditary diseases are classified in which of the following ways? a. single gene abnormality b. abnormality of several genes c. abnormality of a chromosome, either the entire absence of a chromosome or the presence of an additional chromosome d. all of the above ANSWER: d RATIONALE: a. Single gene abnormality is a possible classification, but there are other classifications. b. Abnormality of several genes is a possible classification, but there are other classifications. c. Abnormality of a chromosome is a possible classification, but there are other classifications. d. Hereditary diseases can be classified under single gene abnormality, abnormality of several genes, or abnormality of a chromosome. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 12. Congenital means: a. โ€œbegins in childhood.โ€ c. โ€œborn with.โ€ ANSWER: RATIONALE: b. โ€œbegins at puberty.โ€ d. โ€œbegins in middle age.โ€ c a. Congenital does not mean โ€œbegins in childhood.โ€ b. Congenital does not mean โ€œbegins at puberty.โ€ c. Congenital means โ€œborn with.โ€ d. Congenital does not mean โ€œbegins in middle age.โ€ POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 13. An example of a congenital disease or disorder is: a. cerebral palsy. b. hypertension. c. Down syndrome. d. both a and c. ANSWER: d a. Cerebral palsy is a congenital condition, but more are listed. b. Hypertension is not congenital. c. RATIONALE: Down syndrome is a congenital condition, but more are listed. d. Both cerebral palsy and Down syndrome are congenital conditions. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 14. Classifications of trauma include: a. motor vehicle accidents. b. falls. c. burns. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d a. Motor vehicle accidents is a classification of trauma, but others are also listed. b. Falls is a RATIONALE: classification of trauma, but others are also listed. c. Burns is a classification of trauma, but others are also listed. d. Motor vehicle accidents, falls, and burns are all traumas. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 15. An example of triage, in general, is giving priority care to a patient who: a. has ear pain. b. has a small laceration on the forehead. c. complains of crushing, radiating chest pain. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease d. has low back pain. ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. A patient with ear pain needs attention but would not be the priority. b. A patient with a small laceration on the forehead needs attention but would not be the priority. c. Crushing, radiating chest pain would be a priority. It may indicate the person is having a heart attack (myocardial infarction) and needs care immediately. d. A patient with low back pain needs attention but would not be the priority. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 16. Signs of inflammation include: a. redness. b. being warm to the touch. c. pain. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d a. A sign of inflammation includes redness, but more are listed. b. A sign of inflammation includes RATIONALE: being warm to the touch, but more are listed. c. A sign of inflammation includes pain, but more are listed. d. Redness, being warm to the touch, and pain are all signs of inflammation. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 17. Nutrition administered through the enteral route includes which of the following methods? a. TPN b. subcutaneous c. gastrostomy d. intravenous ANSWER: c RATIONALE: a. TPN is given intravenously. Enteral refers to the small intestine. b. Subcutaneous means โ€œinto the fatty tissue.โ€ Enteral refers to the small intestine. c. The enteral route would include a gastrostomy tube. A gastrostomy tube is passed through an opening through the abdomen into the stomach. d. Intravenous is โ€œinto the vein.โ€ Enteral refers to the small intestine. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 18. Cachexia describes: a. a well-nourished individual. c. an ill, thin individual. ANSWER: c b. an overweight individual. d. an ill, overweight individual. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease RATIONALE: a. Cachexia does not describe a well-nourished individual. b. Cachexia does not describe an overweight individual. c. Cachexia is a term used to describe any individual who has an ill, thin, wasted appearance. d. Cachexia does not describe an overweight individual. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 19. General guidelines for a healthy lifestyle include all of the following EXCEPT: a. maintaining body weight. b. consuming excessive alcohol. c. getting enough sleep and rest. d. maintaining a moderate exercise schedule. ANSWER: b RATIONALE: a. Maintaining body weight at a healthy level is one of the guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. b. Consuming excessive alcohol is not a guideline for a healthy lifestyle. c. Getting enough sleep and rest is one of the guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. d. Maintaining a moderate exercise schedule is a guideline for a healthy lifestyle. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 20. The aging process is affected by such factors as: a. lifestyle. b. heredity. c. stress. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d a. Lifestyle affects the aging process, but other factors are listed. b. Heredity affects the aging RATIONALE: process, but other factors are listed. c. Stress affects the aging process, but other factors are listed. d. Lifestyle, heredity, and stress all impact the aging process. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 21. Criteria to determine brain death include: a. a normal EEG. b. a normal EKG. c. rapid respiration. d. a lack of response to stimuli. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: a. A normal EEG would indicate normal brain activity. b. A normal EKG would not indicate brain death. c. Rapid respiration does not indicate brain death. d. A lack of response to stimuli is one Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease criterion to determine brain death. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 22. Examples of neoplasm include: a. adenoma. b. lipoma. c. melanoma. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d a. An adenoma is a neoplasm, but other examples are listed. b. A lipoma is a neoplasm, but other RATIONALE: examples are listed. c. A melanoma is a neoplasm, but other examples are listed. d. Adenomas, lipomas, and melanomas are all examples of neoplasms. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 23. All of the following neoplasms are malignant EXCEPT: a. lipoma. b. sarcoma. c. carcinoma. d. glioma. ANSWER: a RATIONALE: a. A lipoma is a tumor made of fat (adipose) tissue and is not malignant. b. A sarcoma is malignant. c. A carcinoma is malignant. d. A glioma is malignant. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 24. Obesity: a. shortens oneโ€™s life. b. lengthens oneโ€™s life. c. has no adverse effect on oneโ€™s life. d. b and c. ANSWER: a a. Obesity shortens oneโ€™s life. b. Obesity does not lengthen oneโ€™s life. c. Obesity does have an RATIONALE: adverse effect on oneโ€™s life. d. Obesity does not lengthen oneโ€™s life and does have an adverse effect. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease 25. Examples of allergens include: a. house dust. b. grass. c. pets. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: a. House dust is an allergen, but it is not the only one listed. b. Grass is an allergen, but it is not the only one listed. c. Pets are an allergen, but they are not the only ones listed. d. House dust, grass, and pets are all allergens. POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM Matching Match each item to a word or phrase listed below. a. congenital b. oncology c. malignant d. encapsulated e. metastatic f. total parenteral nutrition g. enteral h. degeneration i. ischemic j. infarct QUESTION TYPE: Matching HAS VARIABLES: False DATE CREATED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 8/21/2017 10:59 AM 26. cellular death ANSWER: h POINTS: 1 27. moving from site of origin ANSWER: e POINTS: 1 28. enclosed in a capsule ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 29. hypoxia caused by decreased blood flow Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 Mechanisms of Disease ANSWER: i POINTS: 1 30. present at birth ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 31. usually deadly ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 32. area of dead cells commonly due to obstruction of arteries ANSWER: j POINTS: 1 33. nutrition through the small intestine route ANSWER: g POINTS: 1 34. study of cancer ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 35. providing total nutrition needed by giving nutritive liquid through the venous route ANSWER: f POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9

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