Test Bank For Global Business Today, 11th Edition

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Global Business Today, 11e (Hill) Chapter 2 National Differences in Political, Economic, and Legal Systems 1) The term political economy is used to stress the fact that the political, economic, and legal systems of a country are independent of each other and do not influence one another. 2) One way to assess a political system is by understanding the emphasis on individualism or collectivism. 3) Plato did not equate collectivism with equality. 4) Karl Marx believed that in a capitalist society, the few benefit at the expense of the many. 5) The social democrats believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship. 6) By the mid-1990s, communism had reached its highest point in history. 7) Under the tenets of individualism, citizens should have freedom to choose their own economic and political pursuits. 8) The Cold War can be thought of as a war between collectivism, championed by the former Soviet Union, and individualism, championed by the United States. 9) In a totalitarian country, all the constitutional guarantees on which representative democracies are builtโ€”an individual’s right to freedom of expression and organization, a free media, and regular electionsโ€”are denied to the citizens. 10) One identifier of a democratic state is a free media. 11) The governments of China, Vietnam, and Laos are communist nations, but they have adopted wide-ranging, market-based economic reforms. 12) The most common form of theocratic totalitarianism is Christianity. 13) In a pure command economy, the goods and services that a country produces, the quantity in which they are produced, and the prices at which they are sold are all dictated by the interaction of demand and supply. 14) Command economies provide a more favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurs than market economies. 15) A common law system is based on tradition and precedent. 16) In a common law system, judges base decisions on detailed legal codes. 1 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. 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No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 17) Judges under a civil law system have less flexibility than those under a common law system. 18) Islamic law is primarily a moral rather than a commercial law and is intended to govern all aspects of life. 19) Contracts in a common law system tend to be shorter and less detailed than those created in a civil law system. 20) By adopting the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), a nation signals to other adopters that it will treat the convention’s rules as part of its law. 21) When firms do not wish to accept the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, they often opt for arbitration by a recognized arbitration court to settle contract disputes. 22) A textbook author would apply for a patent to obtain the exclusive legal rights associated with their written piece. 23) When considering the violation of property rights, blackmail is a form of public action. 24) In a criminal case involving product safety law, defendants who are found guilty are subject to fines or imprisonment. 25) The benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in a country are independent of that country’s political, economic, and legal systems. 26) A country’s ________ system is a part of the political economy. A) religious B) value C) demographic D) legal E) technological 27) A political system that promotes activity “for the good of society” is based on A) democratic principles. B) individualism. C) public action. D) collectivism. E) private action. 28) The country of Maracon downplays individual goals and emphasizes the collective goals of the country. Maracon’s political system stresses A) democracy. B) collectivism. C) individualism. D) capitalism. E) privatization. 2 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 29) The needs of society as a whole are generally viewed as being more important than individual freedoms when the emphasis is on A) democracy. B) collectivism. C) individualism. D) capitalism. E) privatization. 30) On the Belif peninsula, citizens are restricted in how much land they can own if it creates opposition to the rule of the “common good.” What is the political system of the Belif peninsula based on? A) individualism B) democracy C) collectivism D) capitalism E) protectionism 31) Karl Marx promoted the idea of a(n) ________ society in which the state owned the means of production, distribution, and exchange. A) socialist B) capitalist C) individualist D) monarchist E) feudalist 32) Modern socialism traces its intellectual roots to A) Aristotle B) David Hume C) Karl Marx. D) Adam Smith. E) Milton Friedman. 33) Karl Marx believed that the way to correct the economic inequalities in a capitalist society was to A) enforce high tariffs on imports. B) promote exports but defer imports. C) sell state-owned enterprises to private investor D) have state ownership as the basic means of production. E) expropriate funds from nation-states. 3 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 34) In the early twentieth century, the socialist ideology split into two broad camps and the people who believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship were referred to as A) communists. B) capitalists. C) democrats. D) individualists. E) anarchists. 35) For centuries, Somariya was a capitalist country where the rich became richer and the poor became poorer. A group calling itself the “Change Brotherhood” sought to convert Somariya into a socialist country by democratic means. The “Change Brotherhood” is an example of A) communists. B) democrats. C) republicans. D) social democrats. E) ideological democrats. 36) Those who attempt to achieve the same ideologies as that of the communists without violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship are called A) pure capitalists. B) social democrats. C) individualists. D) anarchists. E) aristocrats. 37) Karl Marx would disagree with which of these ideas? A) concern over public good rather than private profit B) monopoly of state-owned companies in certain industries C) opposing the ideologies of capitalist societies D) substantial limits on individual political freedom E) selling state-owned enterprises to private investors 38) Today, communism, which includes state control over all economic activity, is the political norm mainly found in A) countries throughout Europe and Asia. B) small pockets of the United States and Japan. C) small fringe nations. D) eastern Europe. E) large Westernized countries. 4 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 39) The sale of state-owned enterprises to independent, nonpublic investors is referred to as A) privatization. B) nationalization. C) collectivism. D) communalism. E) public action. 40) The Greek philosopher Aristotle argued for diversity and private ownership. This laid the groundwork for A) collectivism. B) individualism. C) socialism. D) totalitarianism. E) communism. 41) The government of Alfon believes that its citizens should have complete freedom in their economic and political pursuits, and the Alfon ideology is “private profit over public good.” In this context, it can be said that Alfon follows the philosophy of A) totalitarianism. B) socialism. C) individualism. D) communism. E) Marxism. 42) When the American colonists fought for independence from Great Britain, the concept of ________ influenced the decision. A) private ownership B) individualism C) socialism D) the greater good E) collectivism 43) A nation based on individualism would agree that A) communal property is more highly productive than private property. B) public good should be preferred over private profit. C) state-owned companies should monopolize certain industries. D) the welfare of society is best served by some collective body such as government. E) free market ideologies should be followed for achieving better standards of living. 44) What is the central message of individualism? A) State-owned entities are more profitable for the common good. B) Individuals rely on government to organize society. C) Individual economic and political freedoms are the rules on which a society should be based. D) The few should benefit at the expense of the many. E) Harmony can only be achieved by turning our backs on dictatorships. 5 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 45) Democracy, in its purest form, is based on the belief that A) citizens should be directly involved in decision making. B) political freedom of the citizens should be limited. C) citizens are responsible for their own economic health and thus need no government. D) individual freedom in the economic sphere should be restricted. E) one person should have an absolute control over all the citizens of a nation. 46) Which form of government involves one person or political party that exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and prohibits opposing political parties? A) capitalism B) totalitarianism C) pure democracy D) republicanism E) representative democracy 47) What is one characteristic of a representative democracy? A) all enterprises are state-owned B) a single-house legislature C) a lack of intellectual property laws D) a court system that is linked to the political system E) citizens periodically elect individuals to act on their behalf 48) Totalitarian states usually have A) free and fair elections. B) free access to state information. C) all the basic civil liberties for citizens. D) the right to freedom of expression and organization. E) media that are heavily censored. 49) What is a form of totalitarianism that advocates that socialism can be achieved only through a totalitarian dictatorship? A) tribal totalitarianism B) democratic totalitarianism C) communist totalitarianism D) theocratic totalitarianism E) right-wing totalitarianism 50) Nations that limit the freedom of religious expression with laws based on religious principles follow the political system of A) theocratic totalitarianism. B) communist totalitarianism. C) right-wing totalitarianism. D) pure democracy. E) representative democracy. 6 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 51) A totalitarian political system in which a party, group, or individual that represents the interests of a particular tribe monopolizes political power is referred to as A) theocratic totalitarianism. B) communist totalitarianism. C) right-wing totalitarianism. D) tribal totalitarianism. E) democratic totalitarianism. 52) Right-wing totalitarianism restricts political freedom so as to inhibit the rise of A) a pure democracy. B) communism. C) free market capitalism. D) representative democracy. E) tribal totalitarianism. 53) The fascist regimes that ruled Germany and Italy in the 1930s and 1940s had adopted A) right-wing totalitarianism. B) theocratic totalitarianism. C) representative democracy. D) pure democracy. E) totalitarian democracy. 54) A common feature of many right-wing dictatorships is A) total restriction on individual economic freedom. B) strong commitment to socialist or communist ideas. C) governments that are made up of military officers. D) politicians from a particular tribe dominating the political system. E) the direct involvement of the citizens in decision making. 55) What are the three broad forms of economic systems? A) laissez-faire, authoritarian, egalitarian B) market, command, and mixed C) local, state, federal D) ethical, political, radical E) individualist, collectivist, majoritarian 56) An economic system in which the interaction of supply and demand determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced is called a ________ system. A) barter B) command C) market D) regulated E) centrally planned 7 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 57) In order for a market economy to work, it is important that supply of a product must not be restricted by a producer. In other words, ________ must be banned. A) tariffs B) start-ups C) monopolies D) globalization E) nationalism 58) Which type of economy was found in communist countries where the government determined what would be produced and the price it would be sold for? A) mixed B) market C) egalitarian D) command E) majoritarian 59) In what type of economy are all businesses state-owned, the rationale being that the government can then direct them to make investments that are in the best interests of the nation as a whole rather than in the interests of private individuals? A) free market B) deregulated C) pure command D) mixed E) laissez-faire 60) In comparison to market economies, command economies lack A) government interference in allocation of resources. B) dynamism and innovation. C) concern for the interests of the nation. D) commitment to communism. E) any opposition to private ownership. 61) In a ________ economy, certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms, while other sectors have significant state ownership and government planning. A) command B) pure market C) mixed D) centrally planned E) laissez-faire 8 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 62) In 2008, the U.S. government stepped in to help some failing financial institutions as a way to prevent further collapse of the economy. Typically, the U.S. government does not interfere in these situations. What type of economy does this exemplify? A) command B) centrally planned C) pure market D) mixed E) laissez-faire 63) When comparing the three broad types of economic systems, it can be said that A) for a pure market economy to function efficiently, product supply must be restricted. B) in a command economy, state-owned enterprises have little incentive to control costs and be efficient. C) the sole role of government in a command economy is to encourage vigorous free and fair competition between private producers. D) mixed economies were once uncommon throughout much of the world, although they are becoming more popular now. E) production in command economies is determined by the interaction of supply and demand and signaled to producers through the price system. 64) The government of Junta took Fuel Safe Corp., a domestic energy firm, into state ownership to save the company from bankruptcy. However, the other private competitors in the energy industry were enraged by this decision. As a result, the government had to reduce the tax burden on all private energy firms so that both the state-owned enterprise and private firms could coexist. What type of economy does this portray? A) mixed B) market-based C) command D) laissez-faire E) communist 65) Collectivist-inclined totalitarian states tend to enact laws that severely restrict private enterprises, while laws enacted by governments in democratic states, where individualism is the dominant political philosophy, tend to be pro-private enterprise and pro-consumer. This indicates that A) the economic system of a country is independent of its legal system. B) the legal system of a country is not influenced by the prevailing political system. C) the legal system does not affect the attractiveness of a country as an investment site or market. D) all countries have the same legal environments. E) the legal framework of a country reflects the rulers’ dominant political ideology. 9 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 66) The ________ system of a country encompasses the rules that regulate behavior. A) economic B) theocratic C) legal D) demographic E) political 67) Which legal system is based on tradition, precedent, and custom? A) common law B) civil law C) autocracy law D) monarchy law E) universal law 68) Jonah is a lawyer representing a company in a lawsuit. During the trial, Jonah referred to a court case from ten years ago and asked the witness if she felt her company had acted in a similar manner as the company in the previous case. When Jonah referred to the previous court case, he was relying on ________ to make his case. A) tradition B) precedent C) custom D) interpretation E) culture 69) The common law system enjoys a degree of flexibility not found in other systems because A) it is usually found in democratic republics. B) it originated from Great Britain and can be found in almost all of its former colonies. C) it is interpreted by the law courts with regard to tradition, precedent, and custom. D) it is based on a detailed set of laws organized into codes. E) it has originated recentlyโ€”just a decade ago. 70) A ________ law system is based on a detailed set of laws organized into codes. A) civil B) theocratic C) common D) traditional E) religious 71) Under a civil law system, it is the responsibility of a judge only to ________ the law. A) create B) apply C) assess D) interpret E) change 10 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 72) What is the most widely practiced theocratic legal system in the modern world? A) Christian law B) Islamic law C) Jewish law D) Hindu law E) Buddhist law 73) Theocratic law systems are based on A) legal precedent. B) a detailed set of codes and laws. C) religious teachings. D) beliefs of a tribe . E) beliefs of the ruling class. 74) Jewish law is an example of what type of law system? A) autocratic B) civil C) common D) theocratic E) universal 75) In order to purchase the parts from the supplier, Torc Tools Corp. had to agree with all of the terms set forth in the document the supplier provided which detailed the rights and obligations of the supplier and Torc Tools Corp. This document is a type of A) memoranda. B) manifesto. C) contract. D) white paper. E) precedent. 76) When comparing contracts in common law and civil law systems, it can be said that A) contracts drafted under a common law system tend to be longer than those drafted under a civil law system. B) contracts drafted under a civil law system tend to be more specific than those drafted under a civil law system. C) it is more expensive to draw up contracts in a civil law system than in a common law system. D) resolving contract disputes tends to be less adversarial in common law systems than in civil law systems. E) civil law systems allow for judges to interpret a contract dispute, but this feature is absent in common law systems. 11 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 77) The United Nations created CISG in response to ________ that occur in international trade. A) contract disputes B) environmental concerns C) political uprisings D) tariff differences E) foreign exchange rates 78) When firms do not wish to accept the rules of the CISG, what do they often opt for to settle contract disputes? A) UN involvement B) arbitration C) collective bargaining D) common law system of the United States E) Islamic law 79) When considering the legal use of the word, ________ is the term given to a resource over which an individual or business holds a legal title. A) liability B) contract C) shareholder D) property E) possession 80) Theft, piracy, and blackmail by private individuals or groups are examples of A) private consumption. B) private practice. C) privacy tort. D) private action. E) privacy norms. 81) After the collapse of communism in Russia, successful business owners often had to pay “protection money” to the mafia or face violent retribution. In the context of property rights, the behavior of the mafia is an example of A) active violation. B) public action. C) private action. D) boundary spanning. E) industrial espionage. 12 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 82) Which scenario is an example of private action? A) The government of Mexico levying excessive taxes. B) The U.S. government requiring expensive licenses or state permits from private property holders. C) A communist government taking assets into state ownership without compensating the owners. D) Government bureaucrats demanding bribes from businesses in return for the rights to operate manufacturing facilities in a country. E) Business owners in the cell phone industry stealing their competitors’ trade secrets and intellectual properties. 83) Which situation exemplifies public action? A) The mafia in Cedia Republic demands “protection money” from successful domestic business owners. B) Cedian proprietors in the hospitality industry often complain about protection rackets by criminal groups. C) Government bureaucrats demand bribes from international businesses in return for the rights to operate in Cedia Republic. D) The Cedian government has been criticized for its inability to curb theft of trade secrets of international businesses by private domestic owners. E) To promote the Cedian culture, the government allows movies based on Cedian history to be made tax-free. 84) Energy for Everyone wanted to establish operations in the country of Imol but decided against it when officials from Imol demanded a bribe in order for the company to open the office. This bribe is an example of A) a market economy. B) a laissez-faire policy. C) a public action. D) a mixed economy. E) a private action. 85) Which term best represents the relationship between the level of corruption and economic growth rate in a country? A) directly proportional B) inversely proportional C) independent D) positive correlation E) zero correlation 13 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 86) In the United States, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was passed during the 1970s following revelations that A) U.S. companies had bribed government officials in foreign countries in an attempt to win lucrative contracts. B) U.S. companies were involved in bribing U.S. government officials in cases related to major corporate and accounting scandals. C) U.S. government bureaucrats demanded bribes from U.S. companies in return for a permit to operate in a foreign country. D) several companies were selling their products at lower prices in foreign countries than in the United States. E) successful business owners in the United States often had to pay “protection money” to the Mafia or face violent retribution. 87) Cheryl Peterson, a U.S.-based business executive, paid the equivalent of $20 to an official of the country of Murundi to expedite the overnight delivery of critical documents. When questioned, Cheryl Peterson claimed this was a way to facilitate the performance of an obligation that was already agreed upon. The $20 is an example of A) an under-the-table payment. B) a bribe. C) a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. D) an inappropriate payment. E) a grease payment. 88) Grease payments or speed money are allowable under U.S. law as a way to expedite the A) implementation of a new government office. B) incoming federal income tax. C) performance of a routine government action. D) creation of new state-owned business. E) breach of the rule of law. 89) In which of these situations is Copper Coil Inc. using a grease payment? A) Copper Coil Inc. paid a fine of $2500 for violating the labor laws in a foreign country. B) Copper Coil Inc. made a small payment of $20 to speed up some paperwork related to tax returns in a less developed country. C) The proprietor of Copper Coil Inc. made payments to the Mafia as a protection against violent retribution. D) Copper Coil Inc. gave gift vouchers to all its product wholesalers in order to promote the product. E) Copper Coil Inc. made an unrecorded payment to one of its accountants in return for window dressing the company’s accounts. 14 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 90) Brett Robertson is a playwright and in order to protect his intellectual property should secure a ________ on all of his plays. A) patent B) trademark C) grease payment D) permit E) copyright 91) Products of the mind, such as computer software, a screenplay, a music score, or the chemical formula for a new drug, constitute A) assets which receive no protection under law. B) non-performing assets. C) tangible assets. D) intellectual property. E) real property. 92) Varsa Incorporated, a multinational giant, runs a number of diversified businesses. The intellectual property of the firm would include A) income arising from renting land and buildings. B) profits arising from the sale of agricultural crops. C) interest earned by lending capital to other firms. D) all computer software for budgeting designed by employees. E) investments made in raw materials and machinery. 93) Karli invented a fitness board and has some interest from major athletic equipment retailers. Before she agrees to work with the retailers, she wants to protect her invention so it is her sole property to manufacture and sell. What does Karli need to help her do this? A) copyright B) trademark C) patent D) warranty E) service mark 94) Cord Paper Corporation has developed a new type of decorative paper. Which type of legal protections can grant the company exclusive rights for a defined period to the manufacture, use, or sale of the new paper? A) warrant B) patent C) copyright D) trademark E) writ 15 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 95) A composer can protect an original musical score from being copied and sold by someone else by acquiring a(n) A) patent B) warrant C) trademark D) copyright E) affidavit 96) Which of these items can be protected by a copyright? A) new manufacturing process invented in a company B) newly invented telecommunication device C) tangible property like land and building D) movies produced and directed by a person E) new type of car invented by an automobile company 97) The Wilson logo can only be used on sports equipment produced by the Wilson Sporting Goods company. What protects the Wilson logo from being used by another manufacturer? A) trademark B) affidavit C) patent D) warrant E) contract 98) Intellectual property laws protect A) the originator of a new invention. B) government officials when travelling to foreign countries. C) the parts supplier in an international transaction. D) individuals who want to open a franchise of a retail store. E) a company from losing business to a monopoly. 99) While he was shopping for new clothes, Manuel noticed there was a sale on shirts by Ralph Lauren. The Ralph Lauren name is an officially registered ________ in menswear clothing. A) intellectual property B) patent C) contract D) copyright E) trademark 100) All of the books in a library have a ________, which shows the exclusive legal rights of the author of the book. A) copyright B) trademark C) libel D) patent E) folkway 16 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 101) The strong enforcement of intellectual property laws helps to A) reduce the piracy (theft) of intellectual property. B) reduce the attractiveness of a country as a market or investment site. C) reduce the investments made by companies on basic research. D) limit creativity and innovation among people. E) prohibit a company from having a monopoly over its breakthrough inventions. 102) Product safety and product liability laws are enforced to protect A) intellectual property rights. B) companies from their domestic competitors. C) companies from their foreign competitors. D) consumers. E) product inventors. 103) Product ________ law holds a firm and its officers responsible when a product causes injury, death, or damage. A) equity B) consumption C) liability D) parity E) testing 104) A boom in product liability suits and awards in the United States resulted in a dramatic increase in the cost of liability insurance. Many business executives argue that this A) makes American businesses less competitive in the global marketplace. B) offers American businesses greater protection from foreign competitors. C) exposes consumers to greater product risks. D) eventually makes it cheaper for foreign companies to do business in the United States. E) discourages American companies from outsourcing jobs to less developed countries. 105) Nathan works for a major automobile manufacturing company. His company is being sued by hundreds of customers who have been injured when the steering wheel airbags exploded upon a low-impact collision. The customers are demanding monetary damages. This lawsuit is based on A) facilitating payments. B) intellectual property rights. C) criminal law. D) product liability. E) patent violations. 17 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 106) Which of these individuals can claim product liability from the offender? A) Jason wants to sue a multinational company for mass manufacturing one of his inventions without purchasing the rights. B) Rebecca’s patented jewelry designs have been imitated and sold at a low price under her brand name. C) The back tire on Brian’s motorcycle shredded when still under warranty and caused him to crash. D) Fred has accused his employer of forcing him and his teammates to work in an unsafe environment. E) Samantha claims that her neighbor has stolen valuable ancestral antiques from her house. 107) Kendra has red patches on her face after using a protein-based lotion manufactured by Today’s Skin Research Lab. She learned that the lotion’s steroid levels were beyond the standard levels permitted by the government and the damage caused by the lotion was irreversible. Which standards will address Kendra’s grievances? A) laws related to property rights B) product liability laws C) intellectual property laws D) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act E) Sarbanes-Oxley Act 108) A nation that has ________ would be unappealing as a place for doing business. A) a market-based economic system B) a strong legal system C) a democratic political institution D) strong property rights E) a totalitarian political system 109) If a country wants to improve its attractiveness as a place for doing business and as an investment site, it should A) oppose the rule of law. B) ensure that the economic activity is heavily regulated by the state. C) move toward a market-based system. D) extensively restrict property rights. E) avoid enforcing intellectual property laws. 110) What are the basic differences between a democratic and a totalitarian government? Explain how the dimensions of individualism and collectivism play a role in these types of government. 111) Describe in brief the different forms of totalitarianism. 112) Discuss a market economy and describe the role of a consumer in this type. 113) Discuss why command economies tend to stagnate. 114) Discuss the origins of a common law system and explain the role judges in this system. 18 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 115) Describe the significance of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). 116) Compare how property rights can be subject to private action and public action. 117) Describe the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 118) Explain the role of grease payments and how they are viewed by the U.S. government. 119) How do patents, copyrights, and trademarks differ from each other? 120) Discuss how the computer software industry has been affected by the poor enforcement of intellectual property rights. 121) Discuss the difference between civil and criminal liability laws and explain how these laws differ in developed and less-developed nations. 122) How do the political, economic, and legal environments of a country affect international trade? And what factors make a country favorable for doing business? 19 Copyright 2020 ยฉ McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

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