Test Bank For General, Organic, and Biochemistry An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition

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Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 1. The statement below describes an intensive property. โ€œThe cost of this container of milk is $2.99/gal.โ€ a. True b. False ANSWER: True 2. An element is a shiny gray solid that can be pressed into a thin sheet. This element is probably a metalloid. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 3. Neutral isotopes of the same element have the same number of electrons. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 4. The alkali metal found in period 2 is lithium. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 5. An isotope of gallium consisting of 31 protons and 37 neutrons can be represented using the symbol shown below. gallium-37 a. True b. False ANSWER: False 6. The atomic weight of phosphorus (P) is 30.91 amu or about 31 amu. This indicates that each P atom consists of 15 protons and 16 neutrons. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 7. Electron shells define a region in space around the nucleus occupied by certain electrons. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. The electron arrangement for Na would be: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds shell 1: 2 electrons shell 2: 8 electrons shell 3: 1 electron a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. Elements in the same period of the periodic table generally show similar chemical behavior. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 10. Group 4A and Group 14 are two different designations for the same column of the periodic table. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. One of the orbitals in a shell of an atom could be pictured as shown below. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. An element has the following electron arrangement. shell 1: 2 electrons shell 2: 8 electrons shell 3: 18 electrons shell 4: 18 electrons shell 5: 7 electrons The Lewis structure for this element would be: a. True b. False ANSWER: False 13. An elements with an electron arrangement of: shell 1: 2 electrons shell 2: 8 electrons shell 3: 18 electrons shell 4: 18 electrons shell 5: 7 electrons would have 1 valence electron. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 14. The pie chart shown below represents the elemental composition of the human body including water. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 15. The elements sodium, potassium, and oxygen are considered to be โ€œelements of lifeโ€ and are in the category of electrolytes. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 16. A mole of an element contains the same number of atoms as a mole of any other element. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 17. In 22.99 g of Na there is 6.022 ร— 1023 atoms of Na. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 18. If the atom ratio of Na to N in a compound is 3:1, the mole ratio of Na to N is 3:1. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 19. When a particular solid sample is examined under a microscope, it is observed that there are regions that are black and regions which are yellow. What type of matter is this sample? a. a compound b. an element c. a homogeneous mixture d. a heterogeneous mixture ANSWER: d 20. Sodium is a highly reactive metal and chlorine is a toxic gas, but when they come together the resulting material, sodium chloride (a white solid), is essential for life. Which of the following is true when sodium and chlorine are brought into contact with one another? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds a. They form a heterogeneous mixture. b. They form a homogenous mixture c. They form a new element. d. They form a compound. ANSWER: d 21. Which of the following is a chemical substance than can be broken down into another substance? a. element b. homogeneous mixture c. heterogeneous mixture d. compound ANSWER: d 22. Which of the following sequences gives the correct order as we move from left to right across a row of the period table? a. metal, metalloid, nonmetal b. metal, nonmetal, metalloid c. nonmetal, metal, metalloid d. nonmetal, metalloid, metal ANSWER: a 23. What are the horizontal rows of the periodic table called? a. cycles b. periods c. groups d. columns ANSWER: b 24. Which of the following groups of elements contains only metals? a. Ag, As, Ba, Ca b. Ag, Au, Pb, Rb c. As, Ge, Si, Te d. B, Al, Ga, In ANSWER: b 25. Which subatomic particle(s) are found in the nucleus? a. only electrons b. only neutrons c. only protons d. both protons and neutrons ANSWER: d 26. Which of the following correctly describes a proton on a subatomic scale? a. It is massive and has a +1 charge. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds b. It is massive and has a โ€“1 charge. c. It has very small mass and a +1 charge. d. It has a very small mass and a โ€“1 charge. ANSWER: a 27. What is the mass number of an atom that is made up of 38 protons, 52 neutrons and 38 electrons? a. 38 b. 52 c. 90 d. 128 ANSWER: c 28. Which of the following is true of the atomic weight of an element? a. It is the weight of heaviest isotope. b. It is the weight lightest isotope. c. It is the weight of the most abundant isotope. d. It is an average obtained from the weights and abundances of the isotopes. ANSWER: d 29. If 1 mol of an element has a mass of 63.54 g, the symbol for this element is a. Eu. b. Zn. c. Cu. d. Xe. ANSWER: c 30. Which of the following is the conversion factor that could be used to convert a mass in grams of sodium to the corresponding number of moles? a. b. c. d. ANSWER: b 31. Which column of the periodic table is commonly called the halogens? a. 1A b. 4A c. 7A Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds d. 8A ANSWER: c 32. A sealed cylinder is filled with a large collection of atoms that have 14 neutrons and 13 protons. Which of the following would behave in a manner similar to this collection of atoms? a. a group of atoms with 13 neutrons and 14 protons b. a group of atoms with 14 neutrons and 15 protons c. a group of atoms with 15 neutrons and 14 protons d. a group of atoms with 15 neutrons and 13 protons ANSWER: d 33. Which of the following is the Lewis structure for a nitrogen atom? a. b. c. d. ANSWER: b 34. What are the elements in the โ€œAโ€ columns of the period table called? a. representative elements b. nonmetal elements c. metalloid elements d. transition elements ANSWER: a 35. Use the periodic table to determine about how many helium atoms (He) on the average would be needed to get close to the same mass as an oxygen atom (O). a. 6 b. 4 c. 12 d. 1/4 ANSWER: b 36. Naturally occurring lithium (Li) consists of only two isotopes, Li-6 (6.02 amu) and Li-7 (7.02 amu), where the exact isotopic masses are given in parentheses. Use the periodic table and determine which isotope is present in the larger percentage in the natural element. a. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds b. c. The percentage of each isotope is about the same. d. The relative percent abundance cannot be determined from the information available. ANSWER: b 37. How many valence electrons are there in an oxygen atom? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 ANSWER: c 38. The number of valence electrons of a representative element is related to which of the following? a. atomic number b. atomic weight c. group number d. period number ANSWER: c 39. How many moles of sulfur are there in a 0.685-g sample of sulfur? a. 0.0214 mol b. 46.8 mol c. 22.0 mol d. 32.1 mol ANSWER: a 40. Convert the following number of moles into the corresponding mass. 5.22 mol Br a. 15.3 g b. 0.0653 g c. 417 g d. 79.9 g ANSWER: c 41. Sodium chlorate, an ingredient in many common herbicides, has sodium, chlorine and oxygen atoms in the ratio 1:1:3, respectively. What is the formula unit for sodium chlorate? a. NaCO3 b. SoClO3 c. NaClO3 d. none of these ANSWER: c 42. What is the meaning of the subscripts in the formula for ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds a. Each formula unit contains 2 carbon atoms for each oxygen atom. b. There are two carbon atoms per formula unit of ethyl alcohol. c. Each formula unit contains 3 times as many hydrogen atoms as carbon atoms. d. All of these are correct statements. ANSWER: d 43. The image shown below represents an atomic view of a compound CsI. What is the mass of one formula unit? a. 259.8 g b. 259.8 amu c. 1.00 g d. 6.022 ร— 1023 amu ANSWER: b 44. Consider the atomic view of a substance shown below. This substance would be classified as a(n) a. element b. compound c. heterogeneous mixture d. homogeneous mixture ANSWER: a 45. Compound consists of five atoms of carbon, ten atoms of hydrogen, and five atoms of oxygen. The formula for this compound is a. CH2O. b. C10H5O10. c. C5H10O5. d. C5H10O10. ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 46. What is the mass of one molecule of glucose, C6H12O6? a. 29.02 amu b. 180.2 amu c. 29.02 g d. 180.2 g ANSWER: b 47. What is the formula weight of ibuprofen, C13H18O2? a. 29.0 g/mol b. 206.3 g/mol c. 289.4 g/mol d. 377.7 g/mol ANSWER: b 48. What is the mass of 3.71 mol diethyl ether, C4H10O? a. 20.0 g b. 0.0501 g c. 74.1 g d. 275 g ANSWER: d 49. A person drinks 1900 g of water, H2O, per day. How many moles of water did they consume? a. mol b. 0.009 mol c. 105 mol d. 18.02 mol ANSWER: c 50. If you need a sample of 2.841 mol of Na2S, how many grams do you need? a. 0.003640 g b. 2.841 g c. 78.05 g d. 221.7 g ANSWER: d 51. How many moles of oxygen would be required to make 4 mol of the following compound? P4O10 a. 40 mol O b. 4 mol O c. 16 mol O d. 2.5 mol O ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 52. What is the mass of one mole of glucose, C6H12O6? a. 29.02 amu b. 180.2 amu c. 29.02 g d. 180.2 g ANSWER: d 53. Which of the following is the correct unit for the formula weight of a large number of atoms? a. amu b. g c. mol d. molecules ANSWER: b 54. Use the following terms as appropriate to complete the given statement. All terms may not be used. mass volume density intensive extensive The ______________________ of a substance is an example of a ____________________ property. ANSWER: mass, extensive volume, extensive density, intensive 55. Use the following terms to complete the two statements given. A term may be used more than once. heterogeneous mixture homogeneous mixture compound In a restaurant fresh ground pepper is added to olive oil as a dipping sauce for bread. This dip represents a_____________________. Coffee with caramel flavoring is served for dessert. The coffee is an example of a _______________________. ANSWER: heterogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture 56. Use one the following terms to complete the given statement. salt sugar vegetable oil When ____________________ is added to water a heterogeneous mixture forms. ANSWER: vegetable oil 57. Complete the following statement using one of the following terms. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 10 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds compound element mixture In the manufacture of steel, the percent of manganese is adjusted to determine the brittleness of the product. Steel is an example of a ______________________. ANSWER: mixture 58. Enter the chemical symbol in the blank for the element that has the electron arrangement given below. shell 1: 2 electrons shell 2: 8 electrons shell 3: 5 electrons Symbol for the element:_____________________ ANSWER: P 59. Enter the chemical symbol in the blank for the element described given below. Representative element in period 4 whose chemical behavior resembles that of O. Symbol for the element:_____________________ ANSWER: Se 60. Enter the chemical symbol of the element in the blank. An element has the following electron arrangement. shell 1: 2 electrons shell 2: 8 electrons shell 3: 18 electrons shell 4: 18 electrons shell 5: 4 electrons The reactivity of this element would most closely resemble that of which element? Chemical symbol:_____________________ ANSWER: Pb 61. Enter the chemical symbol of the element in the blank. An element in period 3 has the Lewis structure: X should be replaced with what chemical symbol? Chemical symbol:_____________________. ANSWER: S 62. Enter the chemical symbol of the element in the blank. Calcium forms the compound CaF2 . What other alkaline earth element with a smaller atomic mass would form a compound with a similar formula? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 11 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds Chemical symbol:_____________________. ANSWER: Mg Be 63. Based on the text periodic table and using the correct number of significant figures, enter the appropriate number in the blank. The mass of 5.00 mol of oxygen atoms is _____________g. ANSWER: 80.000 64. Based on the text periodic table and using the correct number of significant figures, enter the appropriate number in the blank. The mass of 7.00 mol of sodium chloride, NaCl, is _____________g. ANSWER: 409 65. Based on the text periodic table and using the correct number of significant figures, enter the appropriate number in the blank. There are _______mol is 54.05 g of boron. ANSWER: 5.000 66. Based on the text periodic table and using the correct number of significant figures, enter the appropriate number in the blank. There are _______mol is 72.36 g of citric acid, C6H8O7. ANSWER: 0.3766 67. Enter an integer number (1, 2, 3, …) in the blank. How many electrons are in shell 2 of a P atom? ____________________electrons ANSWER: 5 five Fill in each blank with the appropriate term from the list given below. protons neutrons electrons valence electrons 68. N, P and As have the same number of_____________________. ANSWER: valence electrons 69. and have the same number of _____________________. ANSWER: protons Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 12 Name: Class: Date: Chapter 02 – Atoms, Elements, and Compounds electrons 70. 14N and 15O have the same number of _____________________. ANSWER: neutrons 71. Enter an integer number (1, 2, 3, …) in the blank. Sucrose (table sugar) has the formula C12H22O11. How many oxygen atoms would be in 3 formula units of sucrose? ____________________oxygen atoms. ANSWER: 33 thirty three thirty-three 72. Enter an integer number (1, 2, 3, …) in the blank. Sucrose (table sugar) has the formula C12H22O11. A sample of sucrose contains 2400 carbon atoms. How many formula units does this represent? ____________________formula units. ANSWER: 200 two hundred 73. Classify the following statement as representing an intensive or extensive property by placing intensive or extensive in the blank. โ€œVinegar tastes sour.โ€: _________________ ANSWER: intensive 74. Write the chemical symbol for the elements that is in period 2 and group 8A of the periodic table. ANSWER: Ne 75. Write the name of the following element. Sn ANSWER: tin 76. Indicate the number of dots that should be placed around the Lewis symbol for the following element. Use an integer: 1, 2, 3, etc. as appropriate. Br ANSWER: 7 77. Convert the following mass moles. 22.98 g glycine, an amino acid, C2H5NO2. ANSWER: 0.3061 mol Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 13

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