Test Bank for Families and Their Social Worlds, 4th Edition

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Seccombe_TB_CH02 Skill: Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It Level (1)=Easy; (2)=Moderate; (3)=Difficult LO=Learning Objective Seccombe_TB_CH02 Multiple Choice Single Select M/C Question 1 In the opening vignette, sociologist Charles Hirschman and Nguyen Huu Minhโ€™s research suggests a) cultural preference is easily destroyed by modernization. b) modernization reduces the mutual benefits of joint living. c) modernization has no effect on family life. d) cultural preference remains strong even with modernization. ANS: d LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 2 Nguyen and Phuong live in their native Vietnam and were just married. As shown in the opening vignette, tradition would dictate that they live with a) her parents. b) his parents. c) her brother. d) no one else. ANS: b LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 3 Which of the following describes how structural functionalism views marriage? a) It symbolizes the types of culturally approved relationships b) It regulates behavior, roles, status, and inheritance. c) It illustrates the competition for mates, resources, and power. d) It serves to oppress women. ANS: b LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Understand the Concepts Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. M/C Question 4 Julio is a teacher, and therefore stands in front of the classroom. His occupation is his ________, and where he therefore stands is his _________. a) role; function b) function; status c) status; role d) function; behavior ANS: c LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 5 Amanda is a student, an employee, and a mother. When the photographer takes her picture, she is sitting in her study group studying for the midterm. Which of the following is accurate? Amandaโ€™s ________ is a student and her ________ is studying. a) status; role b) ascribed status; achieved status c) role; status d) achieved status; ascribed status ANS: a LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 6 Which of the following is an ascribed status? a) Career b) Education c) Race d) Location ANS: c LO 2.1: Compare family relationships Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 7 Maria and Pablo have been dating only a few months when they realize they are first cousins. What will prevent them from marrying? a) Gesellschaft b) Achieved status c) Role d) Incest taboo ANS: d LO 2.2 Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 8 Which norm would you find the most openness to marriages outside oneโ€™s own ethnic or social class division? a) Exogamy b) Endogamy c) Polyandry d) Bilateral ANS: a Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 9 Rebecca is legally married to Dan, but Dan also has three other wives he married in a religious ceremony. Rebecca and Dan practice a) polyandry. b) polygyny. c) patriarchy. d) patrilocal. ANS: b LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 10 Xixi, a member of the !Kung San people, is now 20 years old and looking for a wife. What strategy will be most effective for him? a) Ask his friends to introduce him to some single women b) Approach parents of a woman close to his age c) Move to the city and get a good job d) Impress others with his hunting skills ANS: d LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Evaluate It M/C Question 11 What do families in Nyinba, Tibet practice in order to thrive in their environment, which is agrarian, harsh, and poor? a) Monogamy b) Polygyny c) Polyandry d) Patrilocality ANS: c LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 12 If you were creating a society that allows for some control over reproduction for the sake of inheritance, which be the most effective strategy? a) Monogamy b) Polyandry c) Polygamy d) Patrilocality ANS: a LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Difficult, Skill=Evaluate It M/C Question 13 The problem of fistulas is related to Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. a) rapid industrialization in Southeast Asia. b) patriarchy in healthcare. c) patterns of kinship and descent. d) the practice of exogamy. ANS: b LO 2.2: Analyze how family patterns affect daily life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Analyze It M/C Question 14 German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies suggested that progressive loss of ________ is a result of industrialization and urbanization. a) income b) independence c) intimacy d) integrity ANS: c LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 15 Sociologist Peter Berger has connected which characteristics to modernization? a) A decline in the focus on the future b) An increase in small cohesive communities c) An increase in cultural traditions d) A decline in importance of religious institutions ANS: d LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 16 Sociologist William J. Goode used existing data from several regions of the world including sub-Saharan Africa, India, China, Japan, and several countries in the Middle East to examine how industrialization and modernization affected family patterns, including such issues as mate selection, kinship, marital relationships, and divorce. What did he conclude? a) Mate selection becomes less free and more constrained. b) There is a shift away from extended families. c) Kinship evolves toward a matrilocal pattern. d) Families become less egalitarian. ANS: b LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 17 What is the relationship between family and modernization? a) Family members become closer as society modernizes. b) Family relationships weaken as society modernizes. c) There is less gender role differentiation as a society modernizes. d) Family traditions strengthen as a society modernizes. ANS: b Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Moderate Skill=Analyze It M/C Question 18 According to World Systems Theory, what do core countries like the United States and Japan do to poorer countries? a) Manipulate for profit b) Increase wealth c) Undermine traditions d) Conserve the environment ANS: a LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 19 According to World System Theory, what results when wealthy countries bring employment to poor nations to benefit from low wages and other resources? a) Fewer cash crops in the poor country b) More industrialization in the poor nation c) Less poverty in the poor nation d) More isolation of poor families in the poor country ANS: d LO 2.3: Evaluate the impact of modernization on social life Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Analyze It M/C Question 20 Which of the following explains the belief of upper-class people in India about contact with a Dalits? a) They will be blessed. b) They will be contaminated. c) They will be shunned. d) They will not be believed. ANS: b LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Easy, Skill=Understand the Concepts M/C Question 21 What is the fundamental value that underlies the sex imbalance in India? a) There is competition with China over economic power. b) Women have recently been granted the right to initiate divorce. c) Patriarchy leads to disvaluing females. d) The country has made it easier for men to migrate elsewhere in search of work. ANS: c LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Analyze It M/C Question 22 Haruki and Akira are newlyweds living in their native Japan and expecting their first child. If typical, how will their life be compared to a couple in the United States? Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. a) Haruki and Akira have a lower chance of divorce. b) Haruki and Akira have a more gender equal marriage. c) He will be a more involved father than an American father. d) She will be much younger than an American newlywed. ANS: a LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Apply What You Know M/C Question 23 Which of the following best characterizes marriage and family patterns in Japan? a) Japan is an egalitarian society with respect to gender. b) Japanโ€™s birthrate is falling. c) Japanese men and women are marrying at younger ages. d) Japanese fathers are highly involved in the care of their children. ANS: b LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Evaluate It M/C Question 24 Which most accurately explains the reason for the differences in marriage and family patterns between Sweden and India? a) Sweden has a caste system. b) India is a richer nation. c) Sweden is more egalitarian. d) India is a matriarchy. ANS: c LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Analyze It M/C Question 25 Swedenโ€™s child/family allowance demonstrates its support of a) population control. b) traditional marriage. c) gender equality. d) patriarchy. ANS: c LO 2.4: Contrast family experiences in India, Japan, and Sweden Difficulty=Moderate, Skill=Analyze It Essay Questions Essay Question 26 Explain four functions of the family. Essay Question 27 Analyze how family patterns regulate sexual behavior and economic cooperation. Essay Question 28 Differentiate between endogamy and exogamy as they relate to marriage. Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Essay Question 29 Assess the benefits of patrilocality. Essay Question 30 Examine the relationship between subsistence adaptation and marriage in the !Kung San culture. Essay Question 31 Differentiate between gemeinschaft and gesellschaft in terms of family patterns and modernization. Essay Question 32 Evaluate the role industrialization and modernization on poor rural families. Essay Question 33 Analyze the independence between wealthy countries and poor countries according to World Systems Theory. Explain how this might affect families. Essay Question 34 Compare and contrast the infant mortality rate in India, Japan, Sweden, and the United States. Essay Question 35 Argue for or against a proposal for a child/family allowance policy similar to the one in Sweden. Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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