Test Bank For Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, 11th Edition

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Student name:__________ MULTIPLE CHOICE – Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The term homeostasis is defined as A) B) C) D) 2) a constant metabolic demand placed upon the body. the maintenance of a constant internal environment. a low metabolic rate. a change within the internal environment. Physiologists use the term steady state to denote A) B) C) D) a steady and unchanging level of a physiological variable. a constant ambient environment. a changing internal environment. an increase in body heat storage. 3) A series of interconnected components that serve to maintain a physical or chemical parameter of the body near a constant value is called A) B) C) D) 4) homeostasis. steady state. a biological control system. a static system. The general components of a biological control system are the A) B) C) D) Version 1 receptor, control center, and organ. receptor, control center, and effector. effector, remote control, and stimulus. receptor and integrating center. 1 5) Most control systems of the body operate via A) B) C) D) 6) positive feedback. low-gain receptors. negative feedback. feed forward mechanisms. The gain of a biological control system can be thought of as the A) precision with which the control system maintains homeostasis. B) amount of correction needed to maintain a constant internal environment. C) positive feedback needed to maintain homeostasis. D) stimulus that triggers the biological control system to bring the internal environment back to normal. 7) Exercise training can improve homeostatic control via A) B) C) D) 8) Cellular adaptation to environmental stress (i.e., hot environment) is called A) B) C) D) 9) of an increase in positive feedback. an increase in negative feedback. a decrease in negative feedback. cellular adaptation. acclimation. adaptation. homeostatic conversion. accommodation. A chemical messenger is released from one cell and stimulates nearby cells is an example Version 1 2 A) B) C) D) 10) Endocrine signaling involves the release of _________ into the bloodstream. A) B) C) D) 11) transcription. translation. transduction. transfection. Translation is the production of a protein from mRNA at the A) B) C) D) 13) heat shock proteins neurotransmitters hormones transcription factors The formation of mRNA in the cell is called A) B) C) D) 12) autocrine signaling. endocrine signaling. juxtacrine signaling. paracrine signaling. nucleus. ribosome. mitochondria. Golgi apparatus. The cellular factor that “turns on” genes to promote the production of mRNA is called a Version 1 3 A) B) C) D) 14) myonuclei. mRNA transducer. transcriptional activator. DNA transcriber. Autocrine signaling occurs when a cell produces A) and releases a chemical messenger into the extracellular fluid; this messenger then acts upon the cell that produced the messenger. B) a signal that acts upon cells at a distant location. C) chemical signals are released into the blood and carried throughout the body. D) a signal that acts within the cell that produced the signal. 15) The term cell signaling refers to A) B) C) D) 16) depolarization of the cell. hyperpolarization of the cell. a system of communication between cells. None of these answers is correct. Hormesis refers to a biological process A) that leads to cell death. B) in which low-to-moderate doses of a potentially harmful stress results in a beneficial adaptive effect. C) whereby cells decrease in size due to reduced rates of protein synthesis. D) None of these answers is correct. 17) The relationship between hormesis/exercise intensity/duration is best described by Version 1 4 A) B) C) D) a straight line. a curvilinear relationship. a sigmodal wave. None of these answers is correct. 18) Stress proteins (i.e., heat shock proteins) are manufactured by cells in response to exercise and other stresses. Importantly, increasing the cellular levels of heat shock proteins A) B) C) D) can lead to an increased production of free radicals. can lead to further disruptions in homeostasis. can lead to an increased degree of cellular injury. can repair damaged cellular proteins and restore homeostasis. 19) During 60 minutes of constant-load submaximal exercise, the body temperature reaches a plateau after 35-45 minutes. This is an example of A) B) C) D) homeostasis. effector. a steady state. changing internal environment. 20) In order to maintain blood glucose homeostasis, which of the following events would likely occur in response to a significant rise in blood glucose? A) B) C) D) 21) decreased insulin secretion from the pancreas increased uptake of glucose by cells release of blood glucose from the liver all of these answers are correct Which of the following physiological events is an example of positive feedback? Version 1 5 A) B) C) D) 22) In negative feedback, the response of the system is A) B) C) D) 23) regulation of blood glucose regulation of body temperature labor contractions during childbirth the cellular stress protein response to increase the gain of the receptor. to modify the receptor’s response to the stimulus. opposite to that of the stimulus. to increase the stimulus. Some cells communicate by cell-to-cell contact. This type of signaling A) is called intracrine signaling and requires that the cytoplasm of one cell makes contact with the cytoplasm of another cell. B) is called juxtacrine signaling and requires that the cytoplasm of one cell makes contact with the cytoplasm of another cell via a small junction connecting the cell membranes. C) is called autocrine signaling and requires that hormones be released by one cell. D) None of these answers is correct. 24) The most important control systems in the body are those systems that regulate a physiological variable that is required to sustain life. Which of the following control systems would likely have a large gain? A) B) C) D) Version 1 cardiovascular control system pulmonary control system temperature control system All of these answers are correct 6 25) Negative feedback is an important class of biological control systems in the body that serves to restore normal values of a variable to maintain homeostasis. Which of the following examples illustrate a negative feedback control system of the body? A) B) C) D) 26) regulation of CO 2 concentrations in the blood control of body temperature regulation of blood glucose All of these answers are correct Which of the following statements about exercise-induced gene expression is correct? A) Exercise training results in activation of cell signaling pathways in the active skeletal muscles B) Exercise training activates specific transcriptional activators C) Dissimilar modes of exercise (e.g., resistance vs. endurance) promote the expression of different genes D) All of these are correct Version 1 7 Answer Key Test name: Unnamed Test002 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) C 6) A 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) C 11) A 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) C 16) B 17) D 18) D 19) C 20) B 21) C 22) C 23) B 24) D 25) D 26) D Version 1 8 Version 1 9

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