Test Bank for Correctional Administration: Integrating Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition

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CHAPTER 2 โ€“ Theories of Leadership and Management Chapter 2 Multiple Choice 1. Great Man theories concentrate on what principle? a. Ideal leadership encourages participation from groups. b. Leadership qualities are inherent and leaders are born, not made. c. Leadership is based on motivation and inspiration of employees. d. Focus on the role supervision, organization, and group performance. Answer: b Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 21-22 Level: Basic 2. Trait Theory proposes that persons are basically born with inherent leadership traits. Which statement best describes this theory? a. It is old thinking and has no relevance to todayโ€™s leaders. b. It makes perfect sense and remains a strong theory today. c. There has been recognition that leaders may possess certain common traits. d. It presents a balanced approach to predict leadership effectiveness. Answer: c Objective: Contrast contingency with trait theories of leadership. Page number: 22-23 Level: Basic 3. Which leadership theory does not match its developer? a. Fred Fielder โ€“ Participative Theory b. Hersey and Blanchard โ€“ Situational Leadership c. George Graen โ€“ Leader-Member Exchange Model (LMX). d. Abraham Maslow โ€“ Hierarchy of Needs Answer: a Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 27-28 Level: Intermediate 4. Regarding leadership theories, which one of the following is correct? a. Trait Theory โ€“ people are born with leadership characteristics. b. Participative Theory โ€“ works best in an autocratic environment. c. Behavioral Theory โ€“ focuses on leader capabilities and traits. d. Transactional Leadership โ€“ assists employees to transform the organization. Answer: a Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 23-24 Level: Basic 5. Which of the following is not included in Maslowโ€™s Hierarchy of Needs? a. Safety b. Self-Appreciation c. Esteem d. Belonging and Love Answer: b Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 33-34 Level: Basic 6. Daniel Goleman puts great emphasis on what aspect of leadership? a. Physical traits b. Behavioral habits c. Personality characteristics d. Emotional intelligence Answer: d Objective: Outline how actual things that leaders do in their roles influence behavioral theories of leadership. Page number: 35 Level: Intermediate 7. The text author ascribes to a personal leadership approach he refers to as which of the following? a. Leadership by Accountability b. Leadership by Visioning c. Leadership by Attention d. Leadership by Extension Answer: c Objective: Outline the steps in what Seiter describes as โ€œleadership by attention.โ€ Page number: 35 Level: Basic 8. Put First Things First is one of the principles of which highly regarded leadership publication? a. Leadership is an Art โ€“ Max DePree b. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People โ€“ Stephen Covey c. Primal Leaders โ€“ Daniel Goleman d. Management of Organizational Behavior โ€“ Hersey and Blanchard Answer: b Objective: Outline how actual things that leaders do in their roles influence behavioral theories of leadership. Page number: 35 Level: Basic 9. The authorโ€™s advocated leadership style has four principles for encouraging certain performance and action. These principles are purpose, people, performance, and what is the fourth one? a. Professionalism b. Practicality c. Persuasion d. Power Answer: a Objective: List and summarize the โ€œfour Psโ€ that are actions leaders can take to reinforce performance by staff and the organization. Page number: 37 Level: Basic 10. Transformational leadership ascribes to each of the principles below with the exception of which one? a. Working collaboratively b. A focus on the big picture c. Rewarding followers for following orders d. Moving the organization toward a stated goal Answer: c Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 31-32 Level: Intermediate 11. The ideal leadership style allows input of others, and encourages participation from groups. This statement relates to what category of leadership theories? a. Great Man theories b. Contingency theories c. Behavioral theories d. Participative theories Answer: d Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 27-28 Level: Intermediate 12. Which is not accurate about Cohnโ€™s view of leadership? a. Leaders have visions acceptable to subordinates. b. Leaders attend to daily functions to fulfill a mission. c. Leaders anticipate and attempt to control the future. d. Leaders look to the future. Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 20 Level: Basic 13. More recent leadership theories have focused on what aspect of leadership? a. The demeanor and stature of leaders. b. Characteristics of leaders. c. Without followers there can be no leaders. d. Specific traits required of leaders. Answer: c Objective: Outline how actual things that leaders do in their roles influence behavioral theories of leadership. Page number: 21 Level: Intermediate 14. According to the text, how many categories of leadership approaches are there? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 Answer: d Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 21-34 Level: Basic 15. What is true about the Contingency Theory? a. Focus more on the environment than on the person. b. Hersey and Blanchard figure prominently with this theory. c. Incorporates Role Theory. d. Focuses on what leaders actually do. Answer: a Objective: Contrast contingency with trait theories of leadership. Page number: 23-24 Level: Basic 16. Transactional leadership style falls under what category of leadership theories? a. Behavioral Theory b. Management Theory c. Participative Theory d. Contingency Theory Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 29 Level: Basic 17. Which statement is not accurate about Participative Leadership? a. The quality of decision is improved by employee involvement. b. Staff is more committed to decisions in which they were involved. c. This type leadership is useful in all prison situations. d. The level of morale is proportionate to the staffโ€™s level of decision making. Answer: c Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 27-28 Level: Intermediate 18. Correctional administrators in the past predominately used what style of leadership. a. Transactional b. Participative c. Servant d. Empowered Answer: a Objective: Compare and contrast transactional with transformational leadership. Page number: 27-28 Level: Basic 19. Relationship Theory of leadership includes which specific style of leadership? a. Transactional b. Autocratic c. Situational d. Transformational Answer: d Objective: Compare and contrast transactional with transformational leadership. Page number: 30-31 Level: Basic 20. Encouraging employees to achieve their higher order needs (Maslowโ€™s Hierarchy of Needs) is an important principle of what leadership style? a. Transactional b. Charismatic c. Transformational d. Participative Answer: c Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 33 Level: Basic Chapter 2 True-False 1. One way to differentiate the terms management and leadership is that leaders do the right thing and managers do things right. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 20 Level: Basic 2. There has been a great deal of research conducted on the leadership of public entities, but much less on leadership in the private sector. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 20 Level: Basic 3. Situational leadership promotes that different styles of leadership are appropriate for certain types of decision making. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Summarize the key factors upon which situational leadership is based. Page number: 25-26 Level: Basic 4. Behavioral leadership theories are completely opposite of trait theories. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Outline how actual things that leaders do in their roles influence behavioral theories of leadership. Page number: 26-27 Level: Basic 5. Participative leadership works best with autocratic leaders. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 27-29 Level: Intermediate 6. Servant leadership empowers workers to achieve their potential. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 32-33 Level: Basic 7. In Maslowโ€™s Hierarchy of Needs, the need of โ€œSafetyโ€ is at the top of the hierarchy. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 33 Level: Basic 8. It is appropriate for correctional leaders to adopt one style of leadership for all situations. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 37 Level: Intermediate 9. Hersey and Blanchard developed a situational leadership model with four styles to be used in different situations. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Summarize the key factors upon which situational leadership is based. Page number: 25-26 Level: Basic 10. In prison environments there are different situations which demand different leadership styles. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 19-20 Level: Intermediate 11. Leadership in the discipline of corrections is similar to leadership in the military. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 19-20 Level: Intermediate 12. One way to distinguish between management and leadership is that managers have followers and leaders have subordinates. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 20 Level: Basic 13. There is a very small body of literature on the theories of actual leadership. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Outline the various ways to describe leadership and management. Page number: 20-21 Level: Basic 14. A leadership theory which focuses more on what leaders qualities were than how they acquired them is the Great Man Theory. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 22 Level: Basic 15. Winston Churchill was a leader as viewed by the Great Man Theory of leadership. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 22 Level: Basic 16. Participative leadership would be particularly used by a Warden during an inmate disturbance. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 27-29 Level: Difficult 17. Empowering employees is good practice in all correctional decision making. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: List the positive and negatives of participative leadership theories. Page number: 28 Level: Difficult 18. Transactional leadership revolves around the leader-follower relationship in which the leader motivates the follower by providing rewards in exchange for support and performance. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 29 Level: Basic 19. The Leader-Member Exchange model (LMX) argues that leaders develop close working relationships with one group and excludes another group. a. True b. False Answer: a Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 29-30 Level: Basic 20. The transformational style of leadership includes micromanaging employee activities. a. True b. False Answer: b Objective: Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 30-31 Level: Intermediate Chapter 2 Essay Questions 1. State whether you think Great Man and Trait theories are still relevant today and why. Answer: Answers should contain the following discussion points: Great Man theories proposed that there were traits that great leaders were born with, and it was only a matter of time before they were in a situation in which their leadership qualities came into play and they showed their abilities. Trait theory like the Great Man theory suggested that leaders were born with inherent traits. I do not believe these are still relevant today. There has been recognition that effective leaders as a group possess certain common traits such as vision, creativity, tenacity, courage, empathy, and enthusiasm. However, other research indicated that persons with varied personality, environmental, and hereditary backgrounds can make effective leaders. This leads to a belief that traits in themselves are an inadequate way to describe why someone makes a good leader. As well, other research demonstrated that even with traits found common in leadership groups, leadership effectiveness cannot be guaranteed as the situation often determines which traits are most useful or important. Objective: Describe the evolution from great man to trait theories of leadership. Page number: 22 Level: Difficult 2. Describe why you believe theories of transformational leadership may be very helpful to correctional administrators today. Answer: Answers should contain the following discussion points: Transformational Leadership is distinguished from transactional theories in that rather than reward followers for following orders, transformational leaders encourage employees to help to โ€œtransformโ€ the organization into one in which all (in-group and out-group) are welcome and staff are given more latitude to create better ways to accomplish goals rather than follow set routines. Today’s correctional environment changes all the time, and the weakness of transactional styles is that it is based on a fairly stable environment. Transformational styles are better suited to staff dealing with a fluid situation, and one in which new issues develop almost overnight. That is because staff learn the principles and values important to the organization and are guided to make decisions in line with those. Another valuable part of transformational leadership important to corrections is the concept of servant leadership, which suggests the leadership focus move away from leaders and toward followers. Servant leaders establish relationships with subordinates to serve their needs and collaborate with them to achieve organizational goals, and empower their workers to achieve their potential. This style also is important to the “people” business of corrections. Objective: Compare and contrast transactional with transformational leadership; Describe the approaches that make a transformational leadership successful in leading the organization. Page number: 29-30 Level: Difficult

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