Test Bank For Caring for Older Adults Holistically, 7th Edition

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Chapter 2: The Aging Experience Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which information about the aging process should the nurse recall that demonstrates respect for this population? 1. As people get older, they become very self-centered. 2. Getting old is a hopeless downward spiral toward death. 3. Older people maintain unique and individual characteristics. 4. Older people become very rigid and are unable to learn new things. Answer: _____ 2. The nurse is preparing a teaching tool about the normal physiological characteristics of aging. Which information should the nurse include? 1. It is reflective of individual diversity. 2. It is a predictable and uniform process. 3. It is primarily related to chronic disease processes. 4. It is accompanied by extreme mood swings and predictable depression. Answer: _____ 3. The nurse is asked to explain the different theories of aging. Which physiological theory should the nurse include? 1. Continuity 2. Subculture 3. Wear and tear 4. Developmental tasks Answer: _____ 4. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which patient characteristic should the nurse identify that reflects a psychological theory of aging? 1. Genetics 2. Nutrition 3. Personality 4. Wear and tear Answer: _____ Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 5. The nurse is preparing to collect data on an older patientโ€™s cardiovascular system. Which finding should the nurse identify as a normal age-related change? 1. Strong heart beat 2. Dilated blood vessels 3. Decreased cardiac output 4. Flaccid and thin heart valves Answer: _____ 6. The nurse is visiting an older patient in the home. Which behavior should the nurse identify that determines this patientโ€™s ability to function? 1. Driving a car 2. Getting adequate sleep 3. Working, driving, shopping, and exercising as usual 4. Performing activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental ADLs, and quality of life Answer: _____ 7. The nurse is assessing an older patientโ€™s respiratory system. Which should the nurse identify as a reason for this patient to experience increased residual lung volume? 1. Osteoporosis 2. Increased elastic recoil 3. Increased number of functioning alveoli 4. Decreased efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli Answer: _____ 8. An older patient is experiencing age-related skin changes. Which finding should the nurse associate with these changes? 1. Altered joint mobility 2. Intolerance to exercise 3. Alteration in ability to ambulate 4. Change in body temperature regulation Answer: _____ 9. An older female patient reports leaking urine when coughing and sneezing. Which should the nurse explain as the reason for this change in the urinary system? 1. Decreased bladder capacity 2. Decreased renal blood flow 3. Reduced glomerular filtration rate Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 4. Loss of mass and strength of perineal muscles Answer: _____ 10. An older female is concerned about experiencing painful intercourse and vaginal infections. Which should the nurse consider as the reason for this patientโ€™s symptoms? 1. Loss of pubic hair 2. Urinary incontinence 3. Decreased vaginal secretions 4. Decreased perineal muscle mass Answer: _____ 11. The nurse is assessing an older patient. Which gastrointestinal symptoms should the nurse expect the patient to report? 1. Indigestion, diarrhea, and anorexia 2. Constipation, bulimia, and indigestion 3. Indigestion, constipation, and anorexia 4. Flatulence, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps Answer: _____ 12. An older patient reports dry eyes. Which health problem is this patient at risk of developing? 1. Glaucoma 2. Eye infections 3. Corneal abrasions 4. Cataract formation Answer: _____ 13. The nurse is assessing an older patient. Which finding should the nurse identify as an age-related change in hearing? 1. Loss of low-frequency tones 2. Loss of high-frequency tones 3. Generalized loss of all frequencies 4. Loss of high-frequency and low-frequency tones Answer: _____ Multiple Response Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question. Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 14. An older patient is experiencing shortness of breath when completing household activities. Which age-related change in the respiratory system should be used to explain this patientโ€™s symptoms? Select all that apply. 1. Loss of lung elastic recoil 2. Larger and thinner alveoli 3. Increased surface area for gas exchange 4. Thickening of the alveolar-capillary membrane 5. Reduction in the number of functioning alveoli Answer: _____ 15. The nurse is concerned that an older patient is experiencing age-related changes to the gastrointestinal system. What finding caused the nurse to have this concern? Select all that apply. 1. Loose teeth 2. Poor appetite 3. Feeling thirsty 4. Weak gag reflex 5. Feeling of fullness Answer: _____ Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company Questions, Answers, and Rationales Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which information about the aging process should the nurse recall that demonstrates respect for this population? 1. As people get older, they become very self-centered. 2. Getting old is a hopeless downward spiral toward death. 3. Older people maintain unique and individual characteristics. 4. Older people become very rigid and are unable to learn new things. ANS: 3 Pages: 21โ€“22 1 2 3 4 Feedback Believing that older people are self-centered does not respect older people. Getting older is not a hopeless spiral toward death. This statement does not respect older people. Older people do have unique and individual characteristics. This statement respects older people. Older people are not rigid and unable to learn new things. This statement does not respect older people. 2. The nurse is preparing a teaching tool about the normal physiological characteristics of aging. Which information should the nurse include? 1. It is reflective of individual diversity. 2. It is a predictable and uniform process. 3. It is primarily related to chronic disease processes. 4. It is accompanied by extreme mood swings and predictable depression. ANS: 1 Page: 22 1 2 3 4 Feedback Although aging is a universal experience, each individual older person represents a different pattern of aging. Individuals age in different ways. Older adults may experience chronic diseases, but these are not normal aging experiences. Older adults may experience depression, but this is not a normal aging experience. Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 3. The nurse is asked to explain the different theories of aging. Which physiological theory should the nurse include? 1. Continuity 2. Subculture 3. Wear and tear 4. Developmental tasks ANS: 3 Pages: 20, 22 1 2 3 4 Feedback The continuity theory states that as people age, their basic personalities do not. The subculture theory of aging describes aging as being a subculture complete with cultural norms, standards, beliefs, and expectations. The wear-and-tear theory is a physiological theory of aging. This theory states that as people age, the body parts show the effects. Erikson developed the developmental stages theory, which states that people work through various stages of development through life. 4. The nurse is caring for an older patient. Which patient characteristic should the nurse identify that reflects a psychological theory of aging? 1. Genetics 2. Nutrition 3. Personality 4. Wear and tear ANS: 3 Page: 22 1 2 3 4 Feedback One physiological theory of aging focuses on genetics, stating that people are born with a genetic program that predetermines life span. One physiological theory of aging focuses on a personโ€™s nutrition during his or her life span. The continuity theory states that as people change, their basic personality and behavioral patterns do not change. One physiological theory of aging focuses on the fact that bodies are all fine-tuned machinery and that body parts wear out or become less effective as they are repeatedly used. 5. The nurse is preparing to collect data on an older patientโ€™s cardiovascular system. Which finding should the nurse identify as a normal age-related change? 1. Strong heart beat 2. Dilated blood vessels Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 3. Decreased cardiac output 4. Flaccid and thin heart valves ANS: 3 Page: 23 1 2 3 4 Feedback The aging heart is slower and weaker. Blood vessels in the aging cardiovascular system thicken and become less elastic. Cardiac output is decreased as a result of the slowed heart rate and weaker cardiac contractions. This is not usually a noticeable problem unless older persons are exposed to stressors that exceed their reserves. Heart valves in the aging heart are thicker and more rigid. 6. The nurse is visiting an older patient in the home. Which behavior should the nurse identify that determines this patientโ€™s ability to function? 1. Driving a car 2. Getting adequate sleep 3. Working, driving, shopping, and exercising as usual 4. Performing activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental ADLs, and quality of life ANS: 4 Page: 23 1 2 3 4 Feedback Driving a car might be an instrumental ADL, however, function is more than performing this one function. Adequate sleep is not identified as a behavior that determines the ability to function. The level of functioning may not be as it was when the person was younger. The definition of function is the ability to perform ADLs and instrumental ADLs, taking into consideration the quality of life. 7. The nurse is assessing an older patientโ€™s respiratory system. Which should the nurse identify as a reason for this patient to experience increased residual lung volume? 1. Osteoporosis 2. Increased elastic recoil 3. Increased number of functioning alveoli 4. Decreased efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli ANS: 4 Page: 24 1 2 Feedback Osteoporosis is not identified as impacting residual lung volume in an older patient. With aging, decreased elastic recoil occurs, which increases residual lung volume in an Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 3 4 older patient. With aging there is a decreased number of functioning alveoli that increases residual lung volume in an older patient. Decreased efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli affects the efficiency of oxygen availability. 8. An older patient is experiencing age-related skin changes. Which finding should the nurse associate with these changes? 1. Altered joint mobility 2. Intolerance to exercise 3. Alteration in ability to ambulate 4. Change in body temperature regulation ANS: 4 Page: 25 1 2 3 4 Feedback This is a musculoskeletal system change. Skin changes do not affect the ability to tolerate exercise. This is a musculoskeletal system change. The decrease in sweat production and loss of the insulating fat layer underlying the skin makes an older adult prone to hyperthermia and hypothermia. 9. An older female patient reports leaking urine when coughing and sneezing. Which should the nurse explain as the reason for this change in the urinary system? 1. Decreased bladder capacity 2. Decreased renal blood flow 3. Reduced glomerular filtration rate 4. Loss of mass and strength of pelvic muscles ANS: 4 Page: 26 1 2 3 4 Feedback Decreased bladder capacity is a normal age-related change of the urinary system, but it does not cause stress incontinence. Decreased renal blood flow is a normal age-related change of the urinary system, but it does not cause stress incontinence. Reduced glomerular filtration rate is a normal age-related change of the urinary system, but it does not cause stress incontinence. Stress incontinence, or loss of urine when intra-abdominal pressure is increased, can be increased with weak pelvic floor muscles. Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 10. An older female is concerned about experiencing painful intercourse and vaginal infections. Which should the nurse consider as the reason for this patientโ€™s symptoms? 1. Loss of pubic hair 2. Urinary incontinence 3. Decreased vaginal secretions 4. Decreased pelvic muscle mass ANS: 3 Page: 26 1 2 3 4 Feedback Loss of pubic hair does not cause painful intercourse and vaginal infections. Urinary incontinence can increase the incidence of vaginal infections but would not cause painful intercourse. Decreased vaginal secretions decrease the natural lubrication of the vagina, which can cause painful intercourse and increase the potential for vaginal infections. Decreased pelvic muscle mass does not cause painful intercourse and vaginal infections. 11. The nurse is assessing an older patient. Which gastrointestinal symptoms should the nurse expect the patient to report? 1. Indigestion, diarrhea, and anorexia 2. Constipation, bulimia, and indigestion 3. Indigestion, constipation, and anorexia 4. Flatulence, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps ANS: 3 Page: 25 1 2 3 4 Feedback Diarrhea is not a common gastrointestinal problem for an older adult. Bulimia is not a common gastrointestinal problem for an older adult. Gastrointestinal symptoms common in an older person include indigestion, constipation, and anorexia. Decreased peristalsis, caused by the decrease in smooth muscle tone, delays gastric emptying, leading to indigestion and decreased appetite. Decreased peristalsis also allows more water absorption in the large intestine, creating constipation. Flatulence, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps are not common gastrointestinal problems for older adults. 12. An older patient reports dry eyes. Which health problem is this patient at risk of developing? 1. Glaucoma 2. Eye infections 3. Corneal abrasions 4. Cataract formation Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company ANS: 2 Page: 28 1 2 3 4 Feedback Glaucoma is not related to eye dryness. Dryness of the eyes can lead to irritation and eye infections. Eye dryness is usually not severe enough to cause corneal abrasions. The development of cataracts is not related to eye dryness. 13. The nurse is assessing an older patient. Which finding should the nurse identify as an age-related change in hearing? 1. Loss of low-frequency tones 2. Loss of high-frequency tones 3. Generalized loss of all frequencies 4. Loss of high-frequency and low-frequency tones ANS: 2 Page: 28 1 2 3 4 Feedback The loss of low-frequency tones is not an age-related change in hearing. A loss of high-frequency tones is the characteristic hearing loss associated with normal aging. Generalized loss of hearing in all frequencies is not an age-related change in hearing. Loss of high-frequency and low-frequency tones is not an age-related change in hearing. Multiple Response Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question. 14. An older patient is experiencing shortness of breath when completing household activities. Which age-related change in the respiratory system should be used to explain this patientโ€™s symptoms? Select all that apply. 1. Loss of lung elastic recoil 2. Larger and thinner alveoli 3. Increased surface area for gas exchange 4. Thickening of the alveolar-capillary membrane 5. Reduction in the number of functioning alveoli ANS: 1, 2, 4, 5 Page: 24 1. 2. 3. Feedback Lung elastic recoil is progressively lost with advancing age. Alveoli enlarge and become thin with aging. The surface area for gas exchange is reduced. Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company 4. 5. The alveolar-capillary membrane thickens. The number of functioning alveoli decreases overall. 15. The nurse is concerned that an older patient is experiencing age-related changes to the gastrointestinal system. What finding caused the nurse to have this concern? Select all that apply. 1. Loose teeth 2. Poor appetite 3. Feeling thirsty 4. Weak gag reflex 5. Feeling of fullness ANS: 1, 2, 4, 5 Page: 25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Feedback An age-related change in the oral cavity is loose teeth. Delayed gastric emptying time can reduce the appetite. Feelings of thirst are not age-related changes of the gastrointestinal system. A weak gag reflex is an age-related change in the older personโ€™s esophagus. Feeling full is caused by delayed gastric emptying. Copyright ยฉ 2020 F. A. Davis Company

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