Solution Manual for Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction, 6th Edition

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01_OGR_58632_Part1_(001-034).qxd 9/21/09 11:33 AM Page 19 two Phonetics Answers to questions, pp. 55โ€“58 Section numbers before each problem indicate material on which the problem is based. SECTION 1 1. Sample answers: a) fish, huff, tough, phantom: the underlined letters in each word are pronounced [f ]. b) art [ษ‘], cat [รฆ], table [ej], above [ษ™], awful [ษ”], Israel [i]. c) Peter, mesquite, priest, meet, meat: all underlined letters = [i] d) tough (where gh = [f ]); hiccough (where gh = [p]) SECTION 1.2 2. (Note: The vowels [ej], [aj], [aw], and [ow] are treated as single-unit segments. Most students will intuitively treat these vowels as single segments.) a) 2 [รฆt] e) 8 [sajkษ‘lษ™i]* b) 3 [mรฆฮธ] f) 5 [nษ‘li]* c) 4 [kjuษน] g) 7 [mejlbษ‘ks] d) 5 [hษ‘piล‹] h) 4 [ษ”sษ™m] or 3 [ษ”sm ] *Note that IPA transcription forces the 2-symbol transcription of what students should interpret as a single segment for the purposes of this question: [d ]. SECTION 5 3. a) voiced [รฐ] e) voiced [z] i) voiceless [h] or voiced [ j] b) voiceless [ฮธ] f) voiceless [s] j) voiceless [) c) voiceless [f] g) voiceless [p] k) voiced [d ] d) voiced [v] h) voiced [b] l) voiced [b] m) voiced [w] or voiceless [ ] n) voiced [ ] o) voiced [n] p) voiced [w] SECTIONS 5โ€“6 4. a) voiced [ow] b) voiceless [t] c) voiced [m] d) voiced [u] e) voiced [m] f) voiceless [k] g) voiced [n] h) voiceless [t] i) voiced [] j) voiced [z] k) voiced [] l) voiced [z] m) voiced [n] n) voiced [ow] o) voiceless [k] p) voiceless [t] 19 01_OGR_58632_Part1_(001-034).qxd 9/21/09 11:33 AM Page 20 20 PART TWO: Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions SECTION 4 5. a) same: alveolar b) same: velar c) different: bilabial/velar d) same: alveolar e) different: bilabial/alveolar f) same: alveopalatal g) different: labiodental/glottal h) different: labiovelar/palatal i) different: bilabial/labiodental j) same: alveopalatal k) different: alveolar/labiodental l) different: interdental/alveolar SECTION 5 6. a) same: fricative b) same: stop c) same: glide (continuant) d) same: fricative e) different: liquid/stop f) same: fricative g) different: affricate/fricative h) same: nasal (stop) i) different: liquid/glide j) same: affricate k) different: fricative/stop l) different: fricative/affricate SECTIONS 4โ€“6 7. a) voiceless velar stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [k] b) voiced labiodental fricative . . . . . . . . . . . . . [v] c) voiced alveopalatal affricate . . . . . . . . . . . . [] d) voiced palatal glide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [j] e) voiced velar nasal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ล‹] f) voiceless interdental fricative . . . . . . . . . . . [ฮธ] g) high back rounded lax vowel . . . . . . . . . . . [ฯ…] h) low front unrounded vowel . . . . . . . . . . . . . [รฆ] SECTION 6 8. (Note: Some answers will vary according to dialect. This is a problem that should be checked in class with pronunciations elicited from students.) a) same: [รฆ] h) same: [aj] b) different: [ษ‘] / [ษ”] or different: [aj] / [j] or same: [ษ‘] i) same: [i] c) different: [i] / [i] j) different: [] / [ฯ…] d) different: [] / [i] k) same: [i] or different: [i] / [i] e) same: [u] l) same: [ow] f) different: [ษ‘] / [ษ”] m) same: [ษ”] or: [ษ‘ ] / [o] or: [o] g) different: [ฮต] / [ej] n) same: [aw] or same: [ฮต] or different: [w] / [aw] SECTIONS 4โ€“6 9. (Note: Other answers may be possible.) a) [p, t, k, , ส”] are all stops. b) [i, e, ฮต, รฆ] are all front vowels. 01_OGR_58632_Part1_(001-034).qxd 9/21/09 11:33 AM Page 21 CHAPTER 2: Phonetics 21 c) [, , สƒ, ] are all alveopalatals (stridents). d) [p, b, m, f, v] are all labials. e) [, ษ™, ฯ…, a] are all back vowels. f) [h, ส”] are both voiceless glottals. g) [u, o] are both back rounded vowels. h) [s, z, , , สƒ, ] are all stridents. i) [l, ษน, m, n, ล‹, j, w] are all sonorants. j) [t, d, l, ษน, n, s, z] are all alveolars. SECTIONS 5.5, 7 10. (Note: Some variation is to be expected, especially in certain vowels in unstressed syllables, such as (c) and (s), which may fluctuate between [] and [ษ™] as their initial vowel.) a) tog [tษ‘ ] i) peel [pil] q) spell [spฮตl] b) kid [kid] j) stun [stn] r) cord [kษ”ษนd] [koษนd] c) attain [ษ™tejn] k) Oscar [ษ‘skษน] s) accord [ษ™kษ”ษนd] [ษ™koษนd] d) despise [dษ™spajz] l) cooler [kulษน] t) astound [ษ™stawnd] e) elbow [ฮตlbow] m) sigh [saj] u) pure [pjuษน] f) haul [hษ”l]/[hษ‘l] n) hulk [hlk] v) wheeze [wiz]/[ iz] g) juice [us] o) explode [ฮตksplowd] w) remove [ษนimuv] [iksplowd] h) thimble [ฮธimbl] p) tube [tub] x) clinical [klinikl] [tjub] SECTION 8.1 11. (Note: Just one of several possible intonations is given here.) H LH a) โ€˜Hi, Alice.โ€™ H L H L HL b) โ€˜Three people got off the bus at the last stop.โ€™ H L H L c) โ€˜My uncle likes to mountain climb.โ€™ SECTION 8.3 12. a) sรบnny b) banรกna c) blรกckbรฒard d) Cรกnada e) (to) rejรฉct f) arrรญve g) defyฬ h) sรบmmary i) Canรกdian j) (a) rรฉject k) sรฉcret l) excรฉed m) sรบmmery n) Canรกdianรฌze o) dรญfficult 01_OGR_58632_Part1_(001-034).qxd 9/21/09 11:33 AM Page 22 22 PART TWO: Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions SECTION 10 and, the section on IPA vowels and consonants, and Tables 2.28 and 2.29 13. Answers will vary. SECTION 9 14. a) metathesis b) deletion c) dissimilation d) (full) assimilation e) (voicing) assimilation f) metathesis g) deletion SECTION 9 15. Differences between careful and rapid speech are underlined. Careful speech Rapid speech a) assimilation [in maj] [im maj] b) deletion and vowel reduction [si รฐฮตm] [siษ™m] c) deletion and vowel reduction [si him] [siษ™m] d) (intervocalic) voicing [wiฮธin] [wiรฐin] e) (unstressed schwa) deletion [bษ™lunz] [blunz] f) deletion (of unstressed vowel) and syllabification of liquid [kฮตษนfฯ…l] [kฮตษนfl] g) deletion of either [t] or [d]; flapping [sit dawn] [siษพawn] (Note: There is no way to tell which of the consonants deletes. One could even argue that they coalesce into a single consonant [though coalescence is not dealt with in this chapter]. In any event, only a single [t] or [d] flaps in English, so it is important to include deletion in the list of processes and follow it with flapping.) h) (consonant) deletion [ษ™dvajs] [ษ™vajs] i) metathesis (and deaspiration) [skษ‘tสƒ tejp] [kษ‘tสƒstejp] j) deletion of [ow] and syllabification of [ษน] [pษนowtฮตkสƒn ] [pษน tฮตkสƒn ] (Note: The author interprets this as metathesis of the r and following vowel followed by the reduction of the unstressed [ow] to [ษ™].) k) These changes are best interpreted as a series of steps: โ€ข assimilation (for nasality) [hรฆnd mi] ~nd mi] [hรฆ โ€ข (consonant) deletion ~nd mi] [hรฆ ~ n mi] [hรฆ

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