Solution Manual For COMP, 3rd Edition

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Chapter 2 One Writerโ€™s Process Teaching the Concept Angela Francoโ€™s writing process illustrates concretely the ideas from the rhetoric section of the textbook. Hers is a model of the writerโ€™s process, and instructors may want to refer to this chapter throughout the semester, reminding students what clustering looks like, for example, or how a first attempt at an introduction can be improved by adding attention-getting details or slightly revising a thesis. The instructors should ask the students to note how Angelaโ€™s writing process is organized and thorough. She doesnโ€™t skip any steps, and she accounts for and improves upon her weaknesses as she goes. Moreover, she effectively solicits and uses feedback on her writing. This kind of planning and drafting takes time and requires that writers put some distance between their initial ideas and their final presentation of them. (In other words, Angela did not pull an all-nighter!) As the instructors go over Angelaโ€™s writing process, they should try to gauge their studentsโ€™ reaction. Do they see any connection between the way they approach a writing assignment and the way the textbook tells them to? The instructors should ask the students for feedback. What steps are they most inclined to skip? How might they improve upon Angelaโ€™s model? What can they learn about their own writing by observing the writing process of another student? The instructors should discuss the changes Angela makes in her revisions, which can be seen on pages 18โ€“23. Additional Classroom Activity Have the students describe in writing their ideal writing process: how they write a paper under the best possible conditions when they have enough resources, including time, energy, and interest. Then have them describe their typical process when writing papers. Students should then compare and contrast the two processes, commenting on how they might incorporate steps from the ideal process into their typical process.

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