Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education 6th Edition Test Bank

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True / False 1. Most injuries to children are preventable. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 2. Children who spend time in nonparental care where safety is an essential component and a basis for quality are more likely to have a healthier development than children whose quality of child care is low. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 3. Multi-use facilities do not pose any more safety risk to children than a child care education center does. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering; Understanding 4. The first part of the process in designing a safety policy is to understand what safety hazards are in the early childhood education environment. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering; Understanding 5. Putting a baby down to sleep on his back will lower the risk for SIDS. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.1 – Policies overview ARDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 6. Cephlocaudal motor development allows children to become more agile when using their arms, hands, and fingers to reach for things. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young DS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 7. As babies develop cognitively, they may be at more risk for safety issues. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC 1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young DS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 8. Climbing is a fine motor skill. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC 1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young DS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 9. Children who are in the preoperational stage respond well to role-modeling and education. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC 1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young DS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 10. School-age children are much more prone to indoor safety hazards than are younger children. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC 1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young DS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 11. Early childhood experiences can affect the development of the brain. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 12. Painting is a gross motor skill. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC 1c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 13. According to the ADA, you must always accommodate a child with disabilities and other special needs into early childhood education environments. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 5.3.22-5.2.23 – Special adaptive equipment S: United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 14. Policies are an educational environment’s interpretation of the laws and regulations and how that particular program intends to implement and enforce them. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 15. In order to keep children in early education environments safe, the teacher should have knowledge of developmental levels. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas S: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 16. The type of early childhood education environment setting will determine who is responsible for carrying out a safety policy. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.1 – Policies overview ARDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 17. A child with disabilities and special needs has the same needs for safety and injury prevention as does a child who has no disabilities or special needs a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 5.3.22-5.2.23 – Special adaptive equipment S: United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 18. Sudden infant death syndrome describes the sudden unexplained death of a child between one month and one year of age. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 19. Cigarette smoke is considered to be a significant risk factor for SIDS. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 20. Early education environments on elementary school campuses rarely pose challenges for safety for the younger children who attend preschool there. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 21. Some cultural practices may put children at risk for safety issues. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.5 – Apply strategies to engage diverse families and practice cultural ES: competence. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community S: characteristics United States – NAEYC.02c – Demonstrate cultural competence and effective collaboration to involve families KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Applying 22. Statistics for SIDS deaths in child care have not changed much because significant numbersof teachers are still putting babies to sleep on their stomachs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 23. SIDS deaths have been cut in half by placing babies on their backs while sleeping. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 24. Family child care homes are more likely to be able to control safety than are elementary school sites and child care centers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth ARDS: through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 25. The first step in determining if a child with disabilities and other special needs can be accommodated into an early childhood education environment is whether or not the childโ€™s condition poses a direct threat to the early childhood education environment. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 5.3.22-5.2.23 – Special adaptive equipment S: United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children 26. Having knowledge of the neighborhood and the liabilities within it is essential. a. True b. False ANSWER: True DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth ARDS: through age 8 United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 27. A child in in-home or nanny care is in the safest possible environment for a child. a. True b. False ANSWER: False DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding Multiple Choice 28. The first step in creating a safety policy in child care is a. giving the policy a title, such as “Biting,” that describes what the policy will cover and defines the issue. b. making a brief statement of the necessity of the policy. c. explaining the intent of the policyโ€”to comply with law or as a result of an incident that needs a future response. d. providing background on why the policy was developed. e. providing the effective dateโ€”when the policy will be effective. ANSWER: a DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 29. _________________ are second-level needs on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. a. Food, shelter, and clothing b. Safety and security c. Love and belonging d. Self-esteem and self-efficacy ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for S: young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 30. AAP recommendations for prevention of SIDS do not include which of the following? a. Take off a bib before putting a baby to sleep. b. Breast feed until 6 months. c. Rely on a monitor to deter SIDS risk. d. A baby should not share a โ€•familyโ€– bed. e. Do not put a baby to sleep on his or her side. ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 31. Secure relationships that are warm, caring, and responsive can provide a. a buffer against adverse conditions in a childโ€™s life. b. protection for children from stress. c. a great sense of safety and security that helps a child’s brain development. d. the foundation for emotional development. e. all of these. ANSWER: e DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 32. Feedback, modeling, and practice drills are examples of a. anticipation. b. adaptation. c. modification. d. monitoring. ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 33. Children who spend more time in nonparental care such as early education environments have _____________ risk for unintentional injury. a. a higher b. a slightly higher c. the same d. a slightly lower ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 34. The beginning step of the process of reasonable accommodation outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act is which of the following? a. Identifying how a child’s needs might be accommodated b. Examining whether the child might pose a threat to the environment c. Identifying barriers to be removed d. Modifying policies and procedures to accommodate the child ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 5.3.22-5.2.23 – Special adaptive equipment S: United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 35. ___________ development occurs from the head down to the feet. a. Proximodistal b. Sensorimotor c. Cephalocaudal d. Fine motor ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 36. In relation to brain development, a baby can identify him- or herself and his or her body parts at age ______ months. a. 4 to 6 b. 6 to 8 c. 8 to 12 d. 12 to 18 ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 37. An example of a child who might not have his or her needs met at Maslowโ€™s second basic level of needs might be a(n) a. child with disabilities and other special needs. b. child who is fearful due to violence in the home. c. immigrant child. d. all of these. ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 38. Experiments to find new and different ways to solve problems or reach goals are typical of Piagetโ€™s _________ stage of sensorimotor development. a. second b. fourth c. fifth d. sixth ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 39. When Piaget talked of limitations of the preoperational stage, he referred to all of the following except a. animism. b. deductive reasoning. c. egocentrism. d. fantasy. ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 40. According to the text, a safety checklist is most likely to be used in a. anticipating risk. b. modifying the environment. c. monitoring the environment. d. all of these. e. both anticipating risk and modifying the environment. ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 41. At the elementary level, the ________________ dictates what safety policies should be in place. a. school b. school district c. state d. all of these ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 42. ____________ on the part of the teacher can be the contributing factor to lack of active supervision, lack of communication, and lack of understanding as to whether danger exists. a. Inaction b. Inattention c. Stress d. Eagerness ANSWER: a DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 43. SIDS is not likely result from a. sleeping on the stomach in the prone position. b. pre- and postnatal exposure to cigarette smoke. c. overheating of the baby. d. a runny nose. ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 44. Children are more likely to get injured in the a. early morning. b. late morning. c. early afternoon. d. late afternoon. e. late morning and late afternoon. ANSWER: e DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding Numeric Response Match each of the following needs to the level of Maslowโ€™s hierarchy of needs it represents. a. self-actualization b. social c. self-esteem d. safety and security e. food, shelter, and clothing 45. First level ANSWER: e DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 46. Second level ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 47. Third level ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 48. Fourth level ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 49. Fifth level ANSWER: a DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding Match each of the following words to the phrase that best fits. a. synergy b. monitoring c. modification d. anticipation e. active supervision 50. Can minimize harm from an injury ANSWER: e DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for DS: young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 51. Works well when it is applied to circumstances ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 52. Inspection for safety risk with checklist ANSWER: d DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 53. Is an ongoing process ANSWER: b DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 54. More than individual effort ANSWER: a DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding Completion 55. ______________________ is the leading cause of death in childhood. ANSWER: Unintentional injury; Injury DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 56. _________________safety checklists are important tools to manage an environment for risk to safety. ANSWER: Developmental-level; Age-appropriate DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 57. Careful observation and —_____ supervision are the foremost activities of monitoring the environment for safety risk. ANSWER: active DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas S: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 58. Knowledge of ____________________ will help the teacher to create the specific safety policies needed for the early childhood education environment. ANSWER: environmental hazards DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 59. The____________________ direction of development occurs from the head down to the foot. ANSWER: cephlocaudal DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young ARDS: children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 60. Greater manipulative abilities are due to ____________________development. ANSWER: fine motor DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 61. The Americans with Disabilities Act discusses _____________________ accommodations. ANSWER: public DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 5.3.22-5.2.23 – Special adaptive equipment S: United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 62. _______are the leading cause of injuries to children of all ages. ANSWER: Falls DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 63. ___________________ is a safety risk factor that may be found in the home environment of some children. ANSWER: Violence DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 64. Even in the safest environment, ____________________ do happen. ANSWER: injuries; accidents DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 65. If a teacher does not actively supervise, it can lead to the legal issue of ____________. ANSWER: negligence DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 66. Babies should be put to sleep on their _____. ANSWER: backs DIFFICULTY: Easy LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 67. Knowing that a child ______and reacts in response to the environment makes planning for safety especially crucial. ANSWER: acts; behaves DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas S: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 68. A(n) __________ helps to reduce SIDS risk. ANSWER: pacifier DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 69. To best meet the safety needs of the children, teachers must consider the factors of _____ abilities, community, and family. ANSWER: age; developmental level DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas S: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 70. The three most important teaching tools for promoting behavior change to ensure safety are modeling, role playing through practice drills, and ____________________. ANSWER: feedback DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for VES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STANDAR United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas DS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 71. Feedback about safety can include positive reinforcement for safety behavior practices and ____________________ away from unsafe practices and situations. ANSWER: diversion DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTIV SNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education ES: environment. NATIONAL STANDARD United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas S: KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 72. Cultural _______________ can occur if cultural competence is not practiced. ANSWER: disconnection; barriers DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECTI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.5 – Apply strategies to engage diverse families and practice cultural VES: competence. NATIONAL STANDA United States – DAP .05 – Establishing reciprocal relationships with families RDS: United States – NAEYC .02 a- – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics United States – NAEYC.02b – Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships. United States – NAEYC.02c – Demonstrate cultural competence and effective collaboration to involve families KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Applying 73. More than one in four elementary schools report that ___________ is a daily issue. ANSWER: bullying DIFFICULTY: Hard LEARNING OBJECT SNHE.ROBE.16.2.1 – Define and discuss safety policies and their use as tools for safety, risk IVES: prevention, protection, and promotion. NATIONAL STANDA United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas RDS: United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 74. A community center that is used for after-school care in the afternoons and as a senior activity center in the mornings or evenings is referred to as a(n) _______ ______. ANSWER: shared space DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment TIVES: for all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL STAND United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding Subjective Short Answer 75. Compare how the different types of early childhood education environments impact safety. ANSWER: A family home child care environment will have different hazards and risks than a center-based care situation. If it is a multi-use, shared facility, then hazards and risks will be even greater and different than those in the other types of care. DIFFICULT Medium Y: LEARNING SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment for all OBJECTIVE types of early childhood education. S: NATIONAL United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas STANDARD United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children S: KEYWORDS Bloom’s: Understanding : 76. Relate how the age of children in early childhood education environments can impact safety. ANSWER: Age equates to developmental levels. Hazards and risks for children of age two will be different than those for infants or children of age four or five. The developmental level of the child will determine what the greatest risk is for that child. DIFFICULT Medium Y: LEARNING SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment for all OBJECTIVE types of early childhood education. S: NATIONAL United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas STANDARD United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children S: United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS Bloom’s: Understanding : 77. Describe how the greater community surrounding early childhood education environments might impact safety. ANSWE If the area surrounding the early childhood education environment is a safe, relatively risk-free environment R: there would be little impact on the early childhood education environment. However, if the early childhood education environment is in an area where drive-by shootings, drug use, violence,and other hazards are present, it would take a greater effort to make sure the early childhood education environment would be safe. DIFFIC Hard ULTY: LEARNI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for use in injury NG OBJ prevention. ECTIVE S: NATION United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas AL STA United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics NDARD S: KEYWO Bloom’s: Understanding RDS: 78. Describe how the child’s family environment may impact safety in early childhood education environments. ANSWE A child from a home where safety is not a priority may be used to being in an unsafe situation and may not R: realize that there are hazards that pose risk. This type of child may have to be taught about what safety is and how one tries to ensure that it is available to the child. The teacher may have to help the child to be safe wherever he or she is. DIFFIC Hard ULTY: LEARNI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for use in injury NG OBJ prevention. ECTIVE S: NATION United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 AL STAN United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics DARDS: KEYWO Bloom’s: Understanding RDS: 79. Discuss how checklists can be used for reducing risk in anticipation, modification, and monitoring of the environment for safety. ANSWE Anticipation uses checklists for indoor inspection and an overall outdoor inspection for safety. These checklists R: apply to the type of early childhood education setting, the ages of the children present, the surrounding community, and the family environments of the children represent. The use of checklists for modifying the environment can help teachers to carefully screen for hazards, removing the hazards, and placing safety devices. Checklists can be used to monitor the environment to evaluate changes and check for hazards. DIFFIC Hard ULTY: LEARNI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for use in injury NG OBJ prevention. ECTIVE S: NATION United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas AL STA NDARD S: KEYWO Bloom’s: Understanding RDS: 80. Complete the pyramid reflecting Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. ANSWER: Level oneโ€”food, shelter, clothing ; Level twoโ€”safety and security; Level threeโ€”social; Level fourโ€”self-esteem; Level fiveโ€“self-actualization. DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJECSNHE.ROBE.16.2.4 – Explain the development of a safety plan for an early childhood education TIVES: environment. NATIONAL STAND United States – AAP/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 81. Explain why children take risks. ANSWER: Risk-taking behavior may be dependent on a number of factors, such as gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and developmental level. DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING OBJEC SNHE.ROBE.16.2.3 – Discuss the factors involved in childhood injury and describe strategies for TIVES: use in injury prevention. NATIONAL STAND United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth ARDS: through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 82. Discuss how cultural disconnection may occur. ANSWER: Cultural disconnection can occur if cultural competency is not practiced. Cultural barriers may exist that, if not broken down, will not allow a connection between teacher, child, and family. An example of a barrier would be language; if there is no ability to communicate effectively, disconnection occurs. DIFFICU Hard LTY: LEARNIN SNHE.ROBE.16.2.5 – Apply strategies to engage diverse families and practice cultural competence. G OBJEC TIVES: NATIONA United States – DAP .05 – Establishing reciprocal relationships with families L STAND United States – NAEYC .02 a- – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics ARDS: United States – NAEYC.02b – Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships. United States – NAEYC.02c – Demonstrate cultural competence and effective collaboration to involve families KEYWOR Bloom’s: Applying DS: 83. List four things a teacher can do to eliminate the risk of SIDS. ANSWER: Put a baby to sleep on his or her back; eliminate soft pillows, blankets, and toys in the crib; use a pacifier; and keep the baby from being overheated. (Banning cigarette smoke is an alternative item.) DIFFICULTY: Medium LEARNING O SNHE.ROBE.16.2.2 – Discuss the importance of safe environments and describe a safe environment for BJECTIVES: all types of early childhood education. NATIONAL ST United States – APA/APHA 9.2.6 – Safety policies for indoor and outdoor play areas ANDARDS: United States – NAEYC .01c – Developmental knowledge to create healthy environments for young children United States – NAEYC 0.1a – Knows and understands childrenโ€™s characteristics and needs birth through age 8 KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding 84. How can teachers help families provide a safer home environment? ANSWE They can model safe behaviors and provide feedback to both children and their families. Teachers can provide R: take-home safety information and provide a home safety checklist, if possible, in the familiesโ€™ native languages. They can practice cultural competence to know what cultural behaviors that pose risk for children may be present in the home. DIFFIC Medium ULTY: LEARNI SNHE.ROBE.16.2.5 – Apply strategies to engage diverse families and practice cultural competence. NG OBJ ECTIVE S: NATION United States – DAP .05 – Establishing reciprocal relationships with families AL STA United States – NAEYC 0.2a – Know about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics NDARD United States – NAEYC.02b – Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal S: relationships. United States – NAEYC.02c – Demonstrate cultural competence and effective collaboration to involve families KEYWO Bloom’s: Applying RDS:

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