Listening to Western Music 8th Edition Test Bank

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Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY Multiple Choice 1. Rhythm has two meanings in music: one general, the other specific. The general meaning refers to the organization of time in music. Identify the more specific definition. a. an emphasis or stress placed on a musical tone or chord b. the division of music into compelling patterns of long and short sounds c. the character or color of sound as determined by its harmonics and its attack and decay d. sounds that provide the support and enrichment for a melody e. an articulation mark indicating that notes are to be smoothly connected ANSWER: b 2. What is the term for the even pulse that divides the passing of musical time into equal segments? a. measure b. tempo c. phrase d. beat e. ritard ANSWER: d 3. Which term means the speed at which beats progress? a. tempo b. syncopation c. accent d. dissonance e. homophony ANSWER: a 4. What is the English word that means to slow the tempo of the music? a. syncopation b. pickup c. downbeat d. ritard e. score ANSWER: d 5. Which term best describes what is happening in the music example. a. ritard b. tempo c. syncopation d. mode e. modulation ANSWER: a OTHER: Handel. Water Music, Minuet, DL 30, 0:19-0:27 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 6. The downbeat is: a. the strongest beat in any given measure b. the first beat in a measure c. more accented than other beats d. indicated by a downward movement of the conductorโ€™s hand e. all of the above ANSWER: e 7. What is the term describing an emphasis or stress placed on a musical tone or chord? a. allegro b. tempo c. beat d. accent e. accelerando ANSWER: d 8. What results when beats are gathered into regular groups? a. meter b. rhythm c. ritard d. upbeats e. tempo ANSWER: a 9. Which term is synonymous with โ€œmeasureโ€? a. meter signature b. bar c. syncopation d. downbeat e. phrase ANSWER: b 10. What is the term for a group of beats? a. rhythm b. tempo c. consonance d. meter signature e. measure ANSWER: e Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 11. In a meter signature (or time signature), what does the top number tell the performer? a. how fast the beats should go b. how many lines there are in the texture c. what note value receives the beat d. how many beats occur in each measure e. how many measures there are in the composition ANSWER: d 12. Identify the meter of the listening example. a. duple b. triple ANSWER: b OTHER: Mozart, โ€œSe vuol ballare,โ€ DL 32, 0:00-0:28 13. Identify the meter of the listening example (it begins with an upbeat). a. duple b. triple ANSWER: a OTHER: Monteverdi, Orfeo, Toccata, DL 20, 0:00-0:31 14. Identify the meter of the listening example. a. duple b. triple ANSWER: a OTHER: Haydn, Trumpet Concerto, DL 36, 0:00-0:39 15. Identify the meter of the listening example. a. duple b. triple ANSWER: b OTHER: Verdi, La Traviata, Un dรฌ felice, DL 57, 0:00-0:34 16. Identify the term that indicates the absence of sound. a. accent b. ostinato c. rest d. dissonance e. style ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 17. Term for the note or two occurring at the very beginning of a piece that provides a little extra momentum into the first downbeat. a. pickup b. hook c. syncopation d. phrase e. cadence ANSWER: a 18. Identify whether this listening example, which is in triple meter, begins with a pickup or on the downbeat, a. it begins with a pickup b. it begins on the downbeat ANSWER: a OTHER: Verdi, La Traviata, Un dรฌ felice, DL 57, 0:00-0:08 19. Which term describes placing an accent on a weak beat or between the beats? a. ritard b. tempo c. syncopation d. triad e. pickup ANSWER: c 20. Which term describes the predominant musical technique heard in the listening example? a. motive b. syncopation c. ritard d. allegretto e. imitative polyphony ANSWER: b OTHER: Haydn, Symphony No. 94, second movement; DL 7, 4:22-5:11 21. Which definition is appropriate to melody? a. a series of notes arranged into a distinctive and recognizable musical unit b. an arrangement of pitches that ascend and descend in a fixed, unvarying pattern c. the movement of music through time d. a short, distinctive figure e. the element that adds depth and dimension to music ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 22. Identify the synonym commonly used for melody. a. vocals b. hook c. lyrics d. beat e. tune ANSWER: e 23. What is โ€œpitchโ€? a. a short, distinctive figure b. the speed of the beat c. the relative position, high or low, or a musical sound d. the tonal center of the scale e. the concluding part of a musical phrase ANSWER: c 24. What is the term for the interval that comprises the first and eighth tones of the major and minor scales? Their sounds are quite similar because the frequency of vibration of the higher pitch is exactly twice that of the lower. a. clef b. antecedent c. ritard d. octave e. natural ANSWER: d 25. The octave is a feature of all musical cultures, although many cultures subdivide the pitches within the octave in a unique manner. a. true b. false ANSWER: a 26. Which symbol raises a note to the next higher neighboring tone? a. leap b. natural c. sharp d. mode e. key ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 27. Symbols that correspond to the black keys of the keyboard are known as: a. consonance and dissonance b. sharps and flats c. antecedents and consequents d. timbre and tone color e. motives and cadences ANSWER: b 28. The distance between two pitches in music is called __________. a. motive b. interval c. mode d. tonality e. key ANSWER: b 29. The __________ is a horizontal grid from which musicians read the symbols of musical notation. a. clef b. scale c. cadence d. staff e. melody ANSWER: d 30. What symbol indicates the range used for lower-sounding instruments and male voices? a. staff b. tonic c. bass clef d. key signature e. octave ANSWER: c 31. The __________, which includes both clefs, is intended for two-handed keyboard music with a large range. a. great (grand) staff b. chromatic scale c. modulation d. invertible counterpoint e. symphony ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 32. The arrangement of pitches within the octave that ascends and descends according to a fixed pattern is known as: a. clef b. scale c. tempo d. key e. modulation ANSWER: b 33. Which two scales have been used for almost all Western melodies since the seventeenth century? a. pentatonic and chromatic b. major and whole tone c. minor and blues d. chromatic and major e. major and minor ANSWER: e 34. Which scale adds five more notes to the typical Western scale, adding color and richness to a melody? a. chromatic b. minor c. modulation d. major e. whole-tone ANSWER: a 35. Although it is the first note of the scale, melodies rarely conclude on the tonic. a. true b. false ANSWER: b 36. What is the name for the central pitch around which melodies gravitate and on which they generally end? a. phrase b. consequent tone c. clef d. key e. tonic ANSWER: e Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 37. What provides the โ€œgravitational fieldโ€ that embodies both the scale of the melody and the strong pull of its tonic pitch? a. tonality b. mode c. meter d. counterpoint e. modulation ANSWER: a 38. What is the term describing the change in tonal center from one key to another? a. modulation b. cadence c. tonality d. syncopation e. counterpoint ANSWER: a 39. The element that adds depth and dimension to music as well as providing support and accompaniment to the melody is __________. a. texture b. rhythm c. harmony d. color e. chromaticism ANSWER: c 40. What is a unit of three or more pitches that sound at the same time? a. arpeggio b. blues c. interval d. chord e. meter ANSWER: d 41. A __________ is the basic chord in music; it consists of three pitches arranged in a specific manner. a. triad b. dominant c. beat d. motive e. arpeggio ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 42. What is the term for a purposeful movement of chords? a. dissonance b. chord progression c. harmony d. meter e. counterpoint ANSWER: b 43. Which triad provides the โ€œgravitational pullโ€ of a chord progression; it is the central chord around which the melody and harmony function? a. consonant b. dominant c. tonic d. clef e. ritard ANSWER: c 44. The ________ is the end of a chord progression. a. canon b. accent c. modulation d. timbre e. cadence ANSWER: e 45. On which note of the scale is the dominant triad always built? a. second b. third c. fourth d. fifth e. octave ANSWER: d 46. Which chord tends to move to the tonic at the end of musical phrases, helping create the strong effect of a cadence? a. dominant b. chromatic c. subdominant d. polychord e. arpeggio ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 47. Chords that are __________ produce a sense of calmness and stability. a. homophonic b. syncopated c. consonant d. motivic e. all of the above ANSWER: c 48. Dissonant chords add __________ to the music? a. rhythm b. peace and tranquility c. pleasure and security d. tension and anxiety e. nothing ANSWER: d 49. The harmony of the listening example is best described as dissonant. a. true b. false ANSWER: a OTHER: Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, DL 70, 3:36- 3:45 (Rite chord) 50. The harmony of the listening example is best described as dissonant. a. true b. false ANSWER: b OTHER: Haydn, Emperor Quartet, DL 38; 0:00-0:16 (opening phrase) 51. Any element of music (rhythm, melody, or harmony) that continually repeats is called ____________. a. an ostinato b. a cadence c. modulation d. an arpeggio e. Doo-Wop ANSWER: a 52. Pachelbelโ€™s Canon in D is an early example of doo-wop. a. true b. false ANSWER: b Subjective Short Answer Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 10 Name: Class: Date: CHAPTER 02: RHYTHM, MELODY, HARMONY 53. Provide a brief definition of syncopation. ANSWER: placing the accent on either a weak beat or between beats 54. What makes the octave sound like the duplication of an earlier pitch, but at a higher or lower level? ANSWER: the vibrations, or cycles per second are twice as fast for a note an octave higher or half the speed for a note an octave lower 55. What is the purpose of the clef sign? ANSWER: to indicate the range of a pitch notated on the staff 56. What effect does the notational symbols of โ€œsharpโ€ and โ€œflatโ€ have on a pitch? ANSWER: sharps raise the pitch by a half step; flats lower the pitch by a half-step 57. What is the effect modulation has on our perception of music? ANSWER: gives a dynamic sense of movement, โ€œlike a change of sceneryโ€ (Schoenberg) 58. What mood or feeling is often associated with the major scale? ANSWER: generally bright, cheery, and more optimistic 59. What are the three meanings that can apply to the word โ€œharmonyโ€? ANSWER: pleasant sounding; accompanied; specific chords used to accompany the melody 60. Why is listening to the bass line helpful in listening to harmony? ANSWER: chords are often built on the notes in the bass, and changing pitches in that line often signal a change in chords Essay 61. Choose two compositions (popular or classical). One work should emphasize rhythm, while in the other it should not be a predominant characteristic. Compare the effect rhythm has on your perception of the two examples. ANSWER: Answer may vary 62. All musical cultures, Western and non-Western, make use the octave. Do they all use it in the same manner or are there differences? Explain. ANS Pitches within the octave are divided differently: many Chinese use a pentatonic melody; some Arabic traditions WER have fourteen subdivisions; historically Western music has preferred the division into seven pitches, with the eighth : the octave Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 11

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