Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services 5th Edition Test Bank

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Multiple Choice 1. Ethical practices in the social services are in place because: a. They prevent a civil suit being brought against the human service worker b. They prevent the social human worker from being fired c. They prevent the exploitation of the individuals seeking human services d. Most professions monitor the behavior of their members ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction 2. A social services case manager should avoid a dual relationship with his or her client because: a. The case manager may not be available to return a favor to the person who did the case manager a favor b. Exchanging favors with a person is inconsequential c. In small communities, the case manager cannot avoid seeing his or her neighbor in contexts other than the professional one d. It creates a conflict of interest for the case manager ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Dual Relationships 3. In order for a person to agree to services, he or she must have the capacity to give permission willingly. This patient right is called: a. Comprehension of information b. Informed consent c. Self-determination d. Confidentiality ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Rights of Individuals Receiving Services 4. Guarding an individualโ€™s confidentiality means that the human services provider can/should: a. Use an openly dated release of information form b. Discuss the case only with colleagues for their professional opinion with a patientโ€™s verbal consent c. Talk about the case with others, leaving out the patientโ€™s identifying information d. Discuss the case with others to prevent the person from harming himself or herself ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Confidentiality 5. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act, for an agency to share a clientโ€™s private information, it must: a. Restrict the patientโ€™s identifying information if requested by the patient in writing b. Share a personโ€™s medical information only orally and never in writing c. Never share a patientโ€™s private information outside the agency d. Never allow a patient to make changes to his or her professional records ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 6. On a social networking site such as Facebook, a social services provider may discuss a client: a. When the patientโ€™s identifying information is removed b. When the site is a private one and not part of the caring institution or agency c. Under no circumstances d. Only with people who do not know the patient ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Social Networking 7. A care provider would not break a clientโ€™s confidentiality when: a. State law in the particular case does not include a duty to warn b. The client poses a threat to others c. The court mandates that the social service provider turns over certain information about the client d. Your agency is sued for malpractice ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: When You Can Give Information 8. Courts may commit a patient to a care facility without the patientโ€™s consent when: a. The patient has a mental illness b. The courts determine that the mentally ill patient must be punished c. The institution provides the patient with the most comprehensive treatment available d. The patient is a risk to himself or herself but refuses to sign a commitment for appropriate treatment ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Involuntary Commitment 9. A social service providerโ€™s ethical responsibilities to the individual in his or her care include: a. Insisting on his or her solution to the clientโ€™s problem b. Meeting the clientโ€™s own needs and best interest c. Sharing personal concerns about his or her own life that are similar to the clientโ€™s d. Letting the client know of the social service providerโ€™s disappointment when the client did not follow the providerโ€™s advice ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Ethical Responsibilities 10. It is an ethical violation to: a. Report on an impaired colleague to a senior professional b. Withhold information about an impaired colleague c. Refuse to treat a client just because you have personal problems that may affect that person d. Discuss your ethical concerns with the service provider in question ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responsibility to Your Colleagues and the Profession Subjective Short Answer 11. What are the 3 components of Informed Consent? ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Page 46 12. The term confidentiality is best described as an ethical and (fill in the blank) concept. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Page 47 13. Name one of the situations where it legally fine to break confidentiality. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Page 51 14. Who โ€œownsโ€ the right of privileged communication? ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Page 56 15. When a client is tld about effects, adverse effects, services being offered and any alternatives, this is called what? ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Page 46 Essay 16. Briefly describe the minimum necessary rule. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 17. Name and describe 2 of the four requirements for agencies under HIPAA that protect a clientโ€™s information. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 18. Briefly describe 3 of the rights clientโ€™s have regarding their files under HIPAA. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1 19. Describe briefly the reason Tarasoff v Regents of the University of California is considered so important. ANSWER: Answers will vary POINTS: 1

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