Exploring the Hospitality Industry, 4th Edition Solution Manual

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Chapter Two Tourism I. Learning Outcomes After reading and studying this chapter, the students should be able to do the following: ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Explain the nature of tourism in todayโ€™s world. Describe the economic impact of tourism. Compare the different methods of tourist travel. List the important international and domestic tourism organizations. Compare the major promoters of tourism and describe how they promote tourism. Compare and contrast the major types of travel. Describe the sociocultural impact of tourism and changing concepts in the industry. II. Lecture Concepts Learning Outcome 1 Explain the nature of tourism in todayโ€™s world. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Historically, it is difficult to trace when tourism actually began as centuries ago few people traveled for business and pleasure in the same way we do today. Populations have been traveling for thousands of years for either commerce or pleasure. Today, changes in the industry continue as technology brings about new methods of travel including the railroads, automobiles, and airplanes. Tourism is a dynamic, evolving, consumer-driven force, which is also the worldโ€™s largest industry if you include all the interrelated components under one umbrella. The travel and tourism umbrella includes the following industries: travel; lodging, conventions, expositions, meetings, and events; restaurants and managed services and recreation. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is vested by the United Nations with a role of promoting tourism around the globe. The UNWTO defines tourism as โ€œTourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.โ€ 15 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Tourism is sometimes categorized by the following factors: o Geography o Ownership o Function o Industry o Motive The UNWTO supports sustainable tourism (also referred to as ecotourism) is responsible tourism. Sustainable tourism is defined as โ€œresponsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of the local people.โ€ Check Your Knowledge (Page 30) 1. How does the UNWTO stimulate growth in International Tourism? Answer: The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) encourages governments, in partnership with the private sector, local authorities, and nongovernmental organizations, to play a vital role in tourism. The UNWTO helps countries throughout the world to maximize the positive impacts of tourism, while minimizing its possible negative consequences on the environment and societies. (Pages 27โ€“28) 2. What are the five classifications of tourism? Answer: Tourism can be classified in the following ways: Inbound International Tourism: visits to a country by nonresidents of the country. Outbound International Tourism: visits by residents of a country to another country. Internal Tourism: visits by tourists of a country to their own country. Domestic Tourism: inbound international plus internal tourists. National Tourism: internal tourists plus outbound international tourists. (Page 28) 3. How would you explain the interdependency of tourism segments? Answer: Hotel guests need to travel to reach the hotel. They eat in nearby restaurants and visit attractions. Each segment is, to an extent, dependent on the others for business. (Page 29) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 4โ€“14 Classroom Activities Using resources found in the text and online, research a country that is considered a main travel destination for someone interested in sustainable tourism. Why did you choose this destination? What are some of the impacts that tourism to this destination may have on the local culture (consider economic, environmental, and/or cultural). Share your findings with the class. 16 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Learning Outcome 2 Describe the economic impact of tourism. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Tourism provides many benefits and is one of the worldโ€™s most important sources for employment. It stimulates investment in the infrastructure, which helps to improve the living conditions of both local people and tourists. As the worldโ€™s largest industry, tourism provides the following global prospects: o The opening of borders between nations o An increase in both disposable income and vacations (leisure travel) o Reasonably priced airfares o An increase in the number of people with more time and money o More people with the urge to travel Tourism and travel generate, directly and indirectly, 10 percent of the global gross domestic product (GDP), investment, and employment. The industry is forecast to continue growing over the next decade. Based on available data, it is projected that the top tourist arrival destinations will be Europe, East Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas. These are followed by Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. The continued growth of the industry presents many career prospects for students who will be graduating from hospitality management programs. Due to the interdependency of the industry, this appears to also be a fairly stable industry. Tourism has been growing at around 3.1 percent a year, faster than the wider economy. Leisure travelers generate the most spending. Tourists bring new money into local economies, which has an impact beyond their initial spending. The money is recycled through the economy to purchase more goods and is spent by employees locally. This is known as the Multiplier Effect. PowerPoint Chapter Slides 15โ€“17 Learning Outcome 3 Compare the different methods of tourist travel. Travel by Air ๏‚ท Air travel can make travel easier and more convenient and allows access to remote locations that many could not visit in the past. ๏‚ท Reasonable airfares provide more travelers an affordable travel opportunity. ๏‚ท Hotels, cruise lines, and rental car agencies depend on air travelers to fill their rooms or book their services and also rely on these travelers to help with their profits. 17 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Many U.S. airlines have formed partnerships in order to increase access to areas not serviced by their airline. The hub-and-spoke system allows passengers to travel from one smaller city to another via one or more hubs. The hubs allow passengers easier access to connecting flights. The two main benefits of the hub-and-spoke system are: o More cities can be serviced by the airlines. o Airlines can maximize passenger loads from smaller cities and reduce fuel costs. Classroom Activity Visit several of the different travel sites found online and get prices for a round-trip airline ticket between two cities within the United States using the following parameters: ๏‚ท More than 60 days out ๏‚ท 30โ€“59 days out ๏‚ท 15โ€“29 days out ๏‚ท 7โ€“14 days out ๏‚ท Next day Compare the prices and create a visual presentation to share with the class. Conduct the same research but substitute a European or Asian destination for one of the cities. Discuss the differences you found in prices and reflect on why domestic travel may or may not be different than foreign travel. Travel by Rail ๏‚ท Rail travel played a major role in influencing the building of towns and cities during the height of the locomotive age. ๏‚ท Rail travel was a major force in the development of hotels near rail depots and helped opening up the American West. ๏‚ท Another factor that led to the development of railroads within the United States was the need to move goods and people from one part of the country to another. ๏‚ท Rail travel made long distance travel available to the masses, and it was affordable and much quicker than sailing or traveling by horse and carriage. ๏‚ท Travel by rail began to decline in the United States in the 1920s as car (and to some extent) and bus travel gained in popularity. ๏‚ท By the 1960s most long-distance travel had been replaced by airplanes. ๏‚ท In Europe and Asia, rail travel continues to play a major role as high-speed networks are well developed. o The Eurostar connects Great Britain to mainland Europe. o France uses TGV trains that serve over 150 cities in France and travel at speeds of 200 mph. o Japan has the bullet train system, which services Tokyo and Osaka in 3 hours and 10 minutes, covering 550 miles. 18 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Another popular option for many in Europe is the Eurail pass, which allows visitors to purchase a pass for first class rail service among several European countries for one lump sum. o The Eurail pass is only sold outside of Europe. o Similar passes can also be found in Australia, India, Canada, and China. Maglev trains, currently being built in Shanghai, may represent the future of rail travel, reaching speeds of over 300 mph, and are propelled by magnetic forces. Classroom Activity Research the Maglev train and discuss the economic feasibility of building these types of systems. What are the potential benefits of this type of train travel? What are the potential limitations or drawbacks? Explain your rationale. Travel by Car ๏‚ท The internal combustion engine was invented in Germany but quickly became an American obsession. ๏‚ท For traveling short and medium distances, the car is still one of the most convenient forms of transportation. It is not uncommon for an American driver to drive 20,000 miles or more per year. ๏‚ท Car travel is the largest of all segments of ground travel. ๏‚ท Advantages to car travel include: o Easy accessibility to areas that otherwise could not be reached, i.e., mountain resorts, ski lodges, remote beaches, etc. o Travel by car is generally economical, even with rising gas prices. ๏‚ท In the Americas there are two primary automobile associations, which set industry standards, lobby political parties to enforce stricter safety laws, and provide many roadside services for members. The two associations in North America are: o American Automobile Association (AAA) in the United States o Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) in Canada ๏‚ท The rental car industry also plays a major role in ground travel with over 5,000 rental car companies operating in the United States. ๏‚ท The four largest rental car companies are: o Hertz o Avis o National o Budget ๏‚ท These companies do 50 percent of their business with corporate accounts, while leisure travelers account for about 30 percent of their business. ๏‚ท Other business is generated by insurance sales and provides a good source of profit for the rental car companies. 19 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Classroom Activity Research the programs and special offers that one of the major rental car companies offer to: ๏‚ท Corporate accounts ๏‚ท Leisure travelers ๏‚ท Insurance companies (if this data is available) Explore any frequent traveler programs they may offer and compare these special rates to those offered to corporate accounts. Include any promotions or tie-ins to hotel companies or airlines. After completing your research, discuss the benefits of partnering with other travelrelated businesses to build rental car sales. Travel by Bus ๏‚ท Bus travel still plays a role in the travel and tourism industry, especially the tour and charter bus segment. o Some bus companies also offer destination management, incentive programs, and meeting planning services. ๏‚ท The primary reasons travelers choose bus travel are convenience and economy. ๏‚ท Bus travel does not just cover charter and tours but also includes: o Local route service o Commuter services o Airport service o Urban and rapid transit ๏‚ท Gray Line is one of the oldest tour bus operations, having been founded in 1910. It is a franchise operation based in Colorado. ๏‚ท The company is known for its sightseeing services; however, they also offer package tours, customized stores, even meeting and convention services. ๏‚ท Motor Coach Associations play an important role in promoting travel by bus. Check Your Knowledge (Page 35) 1. How do airline alliances positively impact the airline industry as a whole? Answer: The airline industry forms strategic alliances to provide their passengers with easier ticketing and transportation access to destinations in other countries not offered by U.S. airlines. Airlines have access to other airlinesโ€™ passengers, thus enabling them to be more efficient. (Page 32) 2. What is the hub-and-spoke system? Answer: It is a method that enables passengers to travel from one smaller city to another smaller city via a hub or even two hubs. Similarly, passengers may originate their travel from a small city and use a hub to reach connecting flights to destinations 20 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. throughout the world. The two main benefits of the hub-and-spoke system are: (1) Airlines can service more cities at a lower cost and (2) airlines can maximize passenger loads from small cities, thereby saving fuel. (Page 32) 3. Describe the advantages of train, bus, and car travel. Answer: The bus is a good choice for cost-conscious travelers. Auto is most convenient for short distances. Trains will get you there quickly in heavily packed areas. Airplanes will be the choice for long distances. (Page 33) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 19โ€“31 Learning Outcome 4 List the important international and domestic tourism organizations. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Tourism is an international ambassador that fosters goodwill and intercultural cooperation and understanding among people throughout the world. Governments become involved in tourism decisions because tourism can also include travel across international borders and governments regulate the entrance and exit of all who enter their countries. There are several international tourism organizations that play a major role in the development of travel and tourism including: o The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ๏‚ง The most widely recognized tourism organization on the planet ๏‚ง It is the sole organization to represent all national and official tourism interests of all its members. o The International Air Transportation Association (IATA) ๏‚ง The global organization that regulates almost all of the international airlines ๏‚ง The IATA is involved in maintaining the stability of rates and fares of the airlines. o The International Civil Aviation Organization ๏‚ง Coordinates all aspects of civil aviation and is closely involved in the formation of international standards and practices o The Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA) ๏‚ง Represents 34 countries in Asia and the Pacific o Other organizations that are involved in international tourism but have other interests and responsibilities as well: ๏‚ง The World Bank (WB) ๏‚ง The United Nations Development Program ๏‚ง The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 21 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. ๏‚ท In addition to the international tourism organizations, there are many groups and departments within the country that are involved with promoting tourism within the United States: o The National Tourism Organization ๏‚ง Advocates tourism development within worldwide countries o The Travel Industry of America (TIA) ๏‚ง The main body for promoting and developing tourism within the United States ๏‚ง The mission of the TIA is to benefit the entire U.S. travel industry by unifying its goals, coordinating private sector efforts, and promoting and encouraging travel. o State Offices of Tourism ๏‚ง These are offices tasked with developing and promoting tourism within each individual state. o City Level Offices of Tourism and Convention Centers ๏‚ง Many cities have created Convention and Visitorsโ€™ Bureaus (CVBs) with the primary responsibility of attracting and retaining visitors to the city. ๏‚ง Most CVBs are funded by the transient occupancy tax (TOT), which is charged to hotel guests. Check Your Knowledge (Page 38) 1. How do airline alliances positively impact the airline industry as a whole? Answer: The airline industry forms strategic alliances to provide their passengers with easier ticketing and transportation access to destinations in other countries not offered by U.S. airlines. Airlines have access to other airlinesโ€™ passengers, thus enabling them to be more efficient. (Page 32) 2. Why does it make sense to regulate international airlines? Answer: Several international organizations have several goals in mind; to work together to standardize air travel worldwide to make it easier and cost efficient for travelers. (Page 37) 3. How do convention and visitorsโ€™ bureaus function? Answer: CVBs act on behalf of the local city to attract tourism. Their main purpose is to use their funding (TOT taxes) to find and retain touristsโ€”to spend money. (Page 37) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 32โ€“36 Classroom Activities Research the role of the convention and visitorsโ€™ bureau in your town. If your town does not have a CVB, research what organization in your town is responsible for 22 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. promoting tourism. Compare the role of the local CVB to the state office of tourism. What responsibilities are similar? What responsibilities are different? What do you think happens to offices of tourism during difficult economic times? Explain. Learning Outcome 5 Compare the major promoters of tourism and describe how they promote tourism. ๏‚ท Promoters of tourism can take many forms ranging from national organizations to independent travel agencies. Some of the main promoters of tourism are: o Tour Operators ๏‚ง A tour operator is a professional manager/escort who takes a group of people on an organized tour following a planned itinerary. ๏‚ง Tours may be conducted locally, such as a walking tour of area architecture or may include a safari or tour of major European cities (for example). ๏‚ง The National Tour Association is the leading business for professionals serving the tourist industry. o Travel Agencies ๏‚ง A travel agent acts as the travel counselor and sells on behalf of airlines, cruise lines, rail and bus transportation, hotels, etc. The agent works as a broker bringing together the buyer (client) and seller (supplier). ๏‚ง Travel agents serve their clients in a number of ways, providing helpful information about locations, vacation packages, and more. ๏‚ง The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) has over 20,000 members in more than 165 countries. ๏‚ง The number of bookings made through travel agents has substantially decreased over the last decade as the rise in online bookings for all types of travel has increased. o Travel Corporations ๏‚ง American Express (AMEX) is a corporation that also has a worldwide travel services division. ๏‚ง The majority of AMEX Travel Services revenue is generated by business travel on corporate accounts. ๏‚ง Business contracts are set up individually based on annual travel expenses. o Corporate Travel Manager ๏‚ง The corporate travel manager works within a large corporation to arrange travel for those who need it. ๏‚ง Often, a bid process is used to find the best rates for the services needed by the company. o Travel and Tour Wholesalers 23 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. This form of travel promotion gained prominence in the 1960s when airlines had empty seats and wanted to sell them. They worked with wholesalers who would buy blocks of seats and create tours around these destinations. These packages were then sold to travelers. ๏‚ง There are three key types of tour wholesalers: independent, airlines working with tour wholesaler, and retail travel agents developing packages on their own. o Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) ๏‚ง This is a professional designation awarded to those who have passed an industry examination (administered by the ICTA) and who have 5 years of full-time experience in a travel agency or in the marketing and promotion of travel. o National Offices of Tourism (NOT) ๏‚ง These organizations seek to improve the economy of the country they represent by increasing the number of visitors to the country. o Destination Management Companies (DMCs) ๏‚ง This is a service organization that provides a wide range of programs and services to meet a client needs. ๏‚ง DMCs work closely with hotels; sometimes the DMCs also book rooms or work with the hotel on organizing theme parties or other special events. ๏‚ง A DMC does everything from greeting guests at the airport to providing transportation to the hotel, organizing events and more, depending on the budget. ๏‚ง Check Your Knowledge (Page 41) 1. Describe the services offered by a tour operator. Answer: A tour/trip is taken by a group of people traveling together, with a professional tour manager/escort, following a planned itinerary. Vacation packages include a combination of two or more travel services: hotel, car rental, and air transportation, offered at a package price. (Pages 38โ€“39) 2. How has the job of a travel agent changed in the last 20 years? Answer: The travel agent acts as a broker, bringing together the traveler and the tour industry such as air, cruise lines, hotels, and auto rental companies. Due to the increasing number of online bookings for all types of travel and hotel accommodations, bookings have decreased substantially in the last 20 years. The travel agent adjusts by charging the traveler a fee for its services. (Page 39) 24 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 3. Describe recent trends in corporate travel. Answer: Travel by corporations is constantly increasing, and with the ease of online bookings, travel is becoming more of a โ€œkeyboardโ€ activity rather than booking through travel agents or corporate travel managers. (Page 40) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 37โ€“40 Classroom Activities Invite a local travel agent or manager from a destination management company to speak to the class regarding the changing demands of the industry. Learning Outcome 6 Compare and contrast the major types of travel. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Pleasure Travel comprises about 79% of domestic travel; leisure, recreation, holidays, and visiting family and friends. Travel is likely to increase in the coming years as we see: o Longer life spans o Flexible working hours o Early retirements o Greater ease of travel o Tendency to take shorter, more frequent trips o Increase in the standard of living Business travel has declined in recent years. Businesses are cutting back on their business trips, yet business travelers are the most frequent guests of mid- to high-priced hotels and resorts. More business travelers are making their own travel arrangements, and this is having an effect on costs. Increased security around the world is also negatively affecting travel plans. Check Your Knowledge (Page 43) 1. What four basic considerations have emerged as factors influencing travel? Answer: Leisure, recreation, holidays, and visiting family and friends (Page 41) 2. What are the main reasons people travel? Answer: For pleasure; about 79% For business (Pages 41โ€“44) 25 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 3. What are the reasons for the increase in travel? Answer: Longer life spans Flexible working hours Early retirements Greater ease of travel Tendency to take shorter, more frequent trips Increase in the standard of living (Pages 41โ€“42) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 41โ€“43 Learning Outcome 7 Describe the sociocultural impact of tourism and changing concepts in the industry. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท ๏‚ท From a social and cultural perspective, tourism can leave both positive and negative impacts on communities. Undoubtedly, tourism has made significant contributions to international understanding. World tourism organizations recognize that tourism is a means of enhancing international understanding, peace, prosperity, and universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedom for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Seeing how others live is an interest of many tourists, and the exchange of sociocultural values and activities is rewarding. The competitiveness of international destinations is based on such attributes as service quality, as well as the value for the price, safety, security, entertainment, weather, infrastructure, and natural environment. Political stability is also important in determining the desirability of a destination for international tourism. Sustainable tourism is also changing the landscape: o Sustainable tourism includes infrastructure (roads, water, sewage, communications, and stores). o Superstructure is the facilities built to accommodate tourists, such as airports, cruise line terminals, convention centers, hotels, and restaurants. o Ecotourism is โ€œresponsible tourism.โ€ o โ€œEnvironmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides beneficially active socioeconomic involvement of local populations.โ€ Cultural tourism is defined as tourist visits โ€œmotivated wholly or in part by interest in the historical, artistic, scientific, or lifestyle/ heritage offerings of a community, region, group, or institution.โ€ 26 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. ๏‚ท ๏‚ท Tourism enhances the arts and crafts of a destination by providing new markets for artisans, often reviving a fading art or craft and fostering the development of traditional forms. Tourism that respects natural and built environments, in short, the heritage of the people and place, is called heritage tourism. Check Your Knowledge (Page 48) 1. Explain the concept of sustainable tourism. Answer: Improving the quality of an areas environment and resourcesโ€”physical and sociocultural. Sustainable tourism includes infrastructure (roads, water, sewage, communications, and stores). Its purpose is to improve and sustain the tourism industry in a specific area. (Page 44) 2. Define ecotourism. Answer: Ecotourism is โ€œresponsible tourism.โ€ โ€œEnvironmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides beneficially active socioeconomic involvement of local populations.โ€ (Page 44) 3. Apart from creating an ambience in the hotels, what purpose does the display of local arts and crafts achieve? Answer: Provides a new market for local artisans, often reviving the fading art and craft market, increasing local employment, and supporting infrastructure (and taxes). (Page 47) PowerPoint Chapter 2 Slides 44โ€“46 Additional Topics Trends ๏‚ท There are several trends that can be noted within the travel and tourism industry. Some of these are: o The number of tourist arrivals will increase by about 4% per year. o Chinese market will continue to rise. o Millennials are looking for adventure. o Ecotourism will increase in importance. o Green tourism will also increase. o Governments will recognize the importance of tourism. o Marketing partnerships and corporate alliances will continue to increase. o Employment prospects will continue to improve. o More environmentally friendly vehicles will be introduced along with more hybrid vehicles. 27 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. o GPS systems are becoming more standard in the industry. o Rental companies are making it easier to bypass check-ins and using self-service kiosks for speedier and 24/7 rentals. o Tourism partnerships are developing, such as Greyhoundโ€™s Meet and Greet with cruise ships. o Website group specials are increasing cost-effective travel methods. o Green Initiatives are becoming more important to reduce global emissions. o Global athletics are drivers of tourism. o Culinary tourism is becoming more prominent. III. Key Terms American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) Business travelers Carbon footprint Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) Convention and Visitorsโ€™ Bureaus (CVBs) Corporate Travel Manager Cost per available seat mile (CASM) Cultural tourism Ecosystems Ecotourism Ecotourists Environmental tourism Ethical travel Geotourism Green initiatives Green tourism Heritage tourism Hub-and-spoke system Infrastructure Institute of certified Travel Agents (ICTA) Interdependency International Air Transportation Association (IATA) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Leisure travelers Multiplier effect National Tourism Organization (NTO) Nature tourism Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Pacifica Area Travel Association (PATA) Pleasure travel Responsible tourism Superstructure Sustainable tourism 28 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. Total revenue per available seat mile Tour Tourism Tour operators Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Travel agent Travel Industry of America (TIA) United Nations Development Program United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Vacation packages IV. Answer to the Case Study Overpopulation of National Parks (Page 49) Discussion Questions List your recommendations for how park superintendents can save the parks. Possible discussion topics: 1. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) may be charged with strongly increasing marketing in education to visitors from around the world to include sustainable practices in their travel plans. 2. Increase admission to offset additional patrols and administration. 3. Offer reduced admission fees for vehicles with alternative fuel sources. 4. Limit the number of visitors or limit the number of permits. 5. Increase fines for violations. 6. Do not permit private vehicles entering the parks; provide alternative fuel shuttles and trams to park recreation destinations. 7. Increase monitoring devices in campsites and picnic areas. 8. Increase the number of emergency stations such as fire extinguishers. V. Answers to the Review Questions 1. Give a broad definition of tourism and explain why people are motivated to travel. Answer: Tourism is a dynamic, evolving, consumer-driven force, which is the worldโ€™s largest industry if all its interrelated components are placed under one umbrella: travel; lodging; conventions, expositions, meetings, events; restaurants, managed services; and recreation. (Page 27) The World Tourism Organizationโ€™s definition of tourism is โ€œTourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places 29 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. 3. Describe how popular methods of tourist travel have changed over the last 50 years. Answer: a. In 1970, the Boeing 747 began flying 450 passengers at a time across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as ecotourism and sustainable tourism became important topics. (Page 27) b. In the 1980s, cruising became popular. (Page 27) c. Deregulation has brought airfares down to affordable levels. (Page 29) 4. What is the purpose of international tourist organizations? Answer: Governments regulate the entrance and exit of foreign nationals. They become involved in the decisions surrounding national parks, heritage, preservation, and environmental protection, as well as the cultural and social aspects of tourism. Tourism is to some extent an international ambassador, fostering goodwill and closer intercultural understanding among the peoples of the world. (Page 35) Tourism organizations share some common goals, including tourism development. (Page 37) 5. Choose a career in the tourism business and give a brief overview of what your responsibilities would be. Answer: A brief list taken from this chapter may be: 1. Tour Operator 2. Travel Agent 3. Corporate Travel Manager 4. Travel and Tour Wholesaler 5. Certified Travel Counselor Additional tourism positions are too numerous to list. Management level opportunities are also numerous in the airline, cruise ship, and rental car industries as well as the rail and bus travel companies. 6. In what ways is the typical business traveler different from someone traveling for pleasure? Answer: The pleasure traveler tends to list the following reasons for travel: (Page 41) a. To experience new and different surroundings b. To experience other cultures c. To rest and relax d. To visit friends and family e. To view or participate in sporting and recreational activities 31 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc. The business traveler travels for meetings; all kinds of sales, including corporate, regional, product, and others; conventions; trade shows and expositions; and combinations of these. (Page 43) 7. Discuss the positive and negative impacts that tourism can have on a country. Answer: Negative: Sustainability may be impacted if a country allows too much tourism to access a destination. The area and culture may be harmed. Countries may not use the tourism tax revenues to enhance infrastructure. Air quality Positive: Increased employment in both local and worldwide economies Enhanced infrastructure supports businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and entertainment. Opening of borders Increase in disposable incomes and vacations (Page 28) 32 Copyright ยฉ 2019 Pearson Education, Inc.

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