Crisis Intervention Strategies, 8th Edition Test Bank

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Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping True / False 1. The clientโ€™s past history and cultural background have little to do with the here-and-now conditions of a crisis. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 2. A major criticism of current multicultural practices is that current cultural competency practices are too exclusive and are backed by little research. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 3. A universal view of multicultural counseling relates to โ€œvisible and racial ethnic minorities.โ€ a. True b. False ANSWER: False 4. Laura Brown, a renowned expert on multiculturalism and trauma doesnโ€™t really know how people make sense of a trauma. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 5. People all share a common sense of what normal behavior is. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 6. Individuals are not always the basic building blocks in societies. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 7. Natural support systems are often more important than formal counseling systems in providing relief. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 8. Linear thinking is critical in crisis intervention. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping 9. It has been proven that Asian and Latino cultures have a much more collectivist world view than Americans. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 10. Multiculturalists in the United States are highly aware of how the competencies they promote apply outside the United States. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 11. A universal view of multicultural counseling looks at racial and ethnic minorities in the broadest possible sense. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 12. A smart crisis worker would attempt to enlist help and support from members of the indigenous community. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 13. The Taiwanese students in Heppnerโ€™s study have very different coping strategies than their American counterparts. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 14. Occupational โ€œcultureโ€ may be a barrier to those who donโ€™t understand it. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 15. Support systems are critical and they are used in much the same way no matter what the cultural background of the client is. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 16. Social locations are based on the racial and ethnic origins of an individual. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping 17. The ADDRESSING and SAFETY models both manifest the social locations approach Brown is proposing to understand the impact of multiculturalism on trauma. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 18. One of the major problems of crisis intervention in rural communities may be the local populationโ€™s fear and suspicion of outsiders. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Multiple Choice 19. A member of a high-context culture would believe that a crisis counselor should: a. gain information about the individualโ€™s personal status. b. gain information about the individualโ€™s social status. c. be explicit and straightforward in language usage. d. use stories and metaphors to get a point across. ANSWER: d 20. Of the attributes that will serve crisis workers well in a multicultural crisis world, which of the following is not helpful? a. Self-knowledge b. Alternative intervention strategies c. A unitary world view d. A variety of clients ANSWER: c 21. An effective multicultural view of a client includes a: a. universal view. b. focused view. c. crisis worker-centric view. d. wide variety of individual and group characteristics. ANSWER: d 22. Individualism is a cultural world view that believes: a. the individual is subservient to the group. b. the group always petitions the individual for support and input. c. the exosystem has a profound impact on individual functioning. d. personal goals and uniqueness are paramount. ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping 23. A collectivist multicultural view emphasizes the: a. group is subservient to the individual. b. group binds and mutually obligates the individual. c. individual is not part of the larger group nor subordinate to it. d. individual serves the group only to meet the individualโ€™s needs. ANSWER: b 24. In high-context cultures: a. oneโ€™s importance is tied to individual accomplishment. b. words are paramount. c. communication is direct. d. the group is reflective of oneโ€™s worth. ANSWER: d 25. During a crisis intervention the emic perspective is important for crisis workers to understand because it: a. represents how outside experts view the local culture. b. represents how members view their local culture. c. reflects a Hollywood version of the local culture. d. portrays a culture through the eyes of social media. ANSWER: b 26. Of the following cultural barriers, which is not identified in the text? a. geography b. occupation c. religion d. sexual orientation ANSWER: d 27. Laura Brown uses the___________ model to delineate her social locations approach. a. ADDRESSING b. RESPECTFUL c. DEBRIEFING d. MULTICULT ANSWER: a 28. SAFETY is a developing model for understanding clientsโ€™ social locations during: a. family vacations. b. an active school shooter situation. c. routine interactions with friends. d. a Netflix watching party with a group of students. ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping 29. Geographic locale is a cultural barrier in a crisis because: a. people may be suspicious of outsiders. b. outsiders will seek out local community leaders to gather their opinions. c. outsiders will go overboard in trying to understand community beliefs. d. people in the setting are too dependent on outside support. ANSWER: a 30. When a crisis worker encounters language barriers he or she should: a. move quickly into the crisis relying on nonverbal communication. b. use sign language. c. use a translator that is trained in the culture of all involved parties. d. use a family member who knows English. ANSWER: c 31. It is of utmost importance that the recruitment, screening, orientation, training, evaluation, and retention of crisis workers deal with the reality of: a. learning the basic communication skills of the residents of the areas they are serving. b. a multicultural clientele. c. transcrisis states and points. d. having coursework in high/low context communication tactics. ANSWER: b 32. An understanding of the ecological/cultural determinants of crisis intervention is founded on: a. how hot it is. b. the mutual and dynamic interaction of between client, local ecological/cultural factors and worker. c. broaching. d. SAFETY. ANSWER: b 33. Lauren Brownโ€™s social locations concept of multiculturalism as it applies to trauma and crisis depicts a(n) ____ model. collective a. emic b. etic c. individualist d. collective ANSWER: a Essay 34. Compare a farmer from a low-context culture in South Dakota who has just had his crop wiped out by a flood with a farmer from a high-context culture in Afghanistan who has just had his crop devoured by locusts. How might you approach helping each of them? In helping these two people of different cultures, what would you do that was similar and what would you do that was different? ANSWER: Answers may vary. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Name: Class: Date: Chapter Two-Culturally Effective Helping 35. Forge an argument for or against the concept of emic versus etic models of multiculturalism. ANSWER: Answers may vary. 36. How do you believe that ecological/cultural determinants play a part in your aspirations to do crisis counseling? What should you be wary of as you approach a person who is of a different age, sex, occupation, etc. (i.e., social locations)? ANSWER: Answers may vary. 37. You are a crisis worker that has been dispatched to help a woman who is being forcibly evicted from her home by the police. She raised her children in this house, which was built with insurance funds from when her husbandโ€™s brother died in a train accident. Outline how you would apply the SAFETY model to this case. ANSWER: Answers may vary. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6

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