Cost Accounting: Foundations And Evolutions, 9th Edition Solution Manual

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CHAPTER 2 COST TERMINOLOGY AND COST BEHAVIORS QUESTIONS 1. The term cost is used to refer to so many different concepts that an adjective must be attached to identify which particular type of cost is being discussed. For example, there are fixed costs, variable costs, period costs, product costs, expired costs, and opportunity costs, to name just a few. 2. A cost object is anything for which management wants to collect or accumulate costs. Before a cost can be specified as direct or indirect, the cost object must be identified. Since direct costs must be conveniently and economically traceable to the cost object, not knowing what the cost object in question is would make it impossible to identify direct costs. For example, if multiple products are made in the same production area, the salary of the areaโ€™s manager would be direct to the production area but indirect to the different products. Indirect costs must be allocated in some rational and systematic manner to the cost object. 3. The assumed range of activity that reflects the companyโ€™s normal operating range is referred to as the relevant range. Outside the relevant range, costs may be curvilinear because of purchase discounts, improved worker skill and productivity, worker crowding, loss in employee efficiency during overtime hours, etc. Although a curvilinear graph is more indicative of reality, it is not as easy to use in planning or controlling costs. Accordingly, accountants choose the range in which these fixed and variable costs are assumed to behave as they are defined (linear) and, as such, represent an approximation of reality. 4. It is not necessary for a causal relationship to exist between the cost predictor and the cost. All that is required is that there is a strong correlation between movement in the predictor and the cost. Alternatively, a cost driver is an activity that actually causes costs to be incurred. The distinction between cost drivers and predictors is important because it relates to one of the objectives of managers: to control costs. By focusing cost control efforts on cost drivers, managers can exert control over costs. Exerting control over predictors that are not cost drivers will have no cost control effect. 5. A product cost is one that is associated with inventory. In a manufacturing company, product costs would include direct material, direct labor, and overhead. In a merchandising company, product costs are the costs of purchasing inventory and the related freight-in costs. In a service company, product costs are those costs that are incurred to generate the services provided such as supplies, service labor, and service-related overhead costs. In all three types of organizations, a period cost is any cost that is not a product cost. These costs are noninventoriable and are incurred in the nonfactory or nonproduction areas of a manufacturing company or in the nonsales or nonservice areas, respectively, of a retailer or service company. In general, these costs are incurred for selling and administrative activities. Many period costs are expensed when incurred, although some may be capitalized as prepaid expenses or other nonfactory assets. 6. Conversion costs are all production costs other than direct material costs; thus, conversion costs include the costs of direct labor and manufacturing overhead. These items are called conversion costs because they are needed to convert direct material into a salable product. 7. Factory overhead has been growing most rapidly because of the costs of technology. This cost category includes depreciation of factory and plant equipment, machinery maintenance cost, repair cost, some training costs, utilities expense to operate the machinery, and many costs related to quality control. 8. The only difference between the two systems is in their treatment of overhead. Under an actual cost system, actual overhead is added to production. Because actual overhead cannot be determined until the period ends, the overhead allocation occurs and product cost can be determined only at period-end. Under a normal cost system, a predetermined overhead rate is calculated before a period begins and is then used to apply overhead to products as production occurs. The major advantage of using a normal cost system is that it allows a productโ€™s cost to be determined (estimated) at the time of production. Another major advantage is that a normal cost system provides a product cost that is stable across fluctuating levels of production and sales. 9. The cost of goods manufactured is the total production cost of the goods that were completed and transferred to Finished Goods Inventory during the period. This amount is similar to the cost of net purchases in the cost of goods sold schedule for a retailer. Since CGM is used in computing cost of goods sold, it appears on the income statement. EXERCISES 10. a. Direct b. Direct c. Direct d. Indirect e. Direct f. Direct g. Indirect h. Direct i. Direct 11. Touch pad and buttons Glue Network connector Battery Paper towels used by line employees AC adapter CD drive Motherboard Screws Oil for production machinery 12. a. Four hours of Perkinsโ€™s time b. Six hours of assistantโ€™s time c. Three hours of Morrisโ€™s time d. Eight hours of CPE for Tompkin e. One hour at lunch f. Two hours of Perkinsโ€™s time g. One-half hour of Tompkinโ€™s time h. Janitorial wages i. Seven hours of Tompkinโ€™s time COST OBJECT Notebook Plant Direct Direct Indirect Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Indirect Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Direct COST OBJECT Kennedy Tax Services Direct Unrelated Direct Direct Indirect Indirect Indirect Direct Unrelated Unrelated Direct Unrelated Direct Direct Indirect Indirect Direct Direct Firm Direct Direct Direct Direct Unrelated Direct Direct Direct Direct 13. a. Cardboard, $0.40; cloth, $1; plastic, $0.50; depreciation, $0.60; superviorsโ€™ salaries, $1.60; and utilities, $0.30; total cost, $4.40. b. Cardboard, variable; cloth, variable; plastic, variable; depreciation, fixed; supervisorsโ€™ salaries, fixed; and utilities, mixed. c. If the company produces 10,000 caps this month, the total cost per unit will increase. The variable costs (cardboard, cloth, plastic) will remain constant per unit. The total cost for depreciation and supervisorsโ€™ salaries will remain fixed, and, thus, will result in a higher cost per unit. The utility cost will go down in total but, because it is mixed, it is impossible (without other information) to estimate its total or per-unit cost. Without knowing the cost formula for utility costs, it is impossible to determine the total cost of making 10,000 caps. 14. a. and b. Cardboard boxes ($1,000 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Mallets ($12,000 ๏‚ธ 4,000) Croquet balls ($9,000 ๏‚ธ 12,000) Wire hoops ($3,600 ๏‚ธ 24,000) Production worker wages ($8,400 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Supervisorโ€™s salary ($2,600 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Building and equipment rental ($2,800 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Utilities ($1,300 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Total Per Unit $0.50 3.00 0.75 0.15 ? ? ? ? c. Estimated cost per set in March is Cardboard boxes ($1,000 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Mallets ($12,000 ๏‚ธ 4,000; $3 ๏‚ด 2) Croquet balls ($9,000 ๏‚ธ 12,000; $0.75 ๏‚ด 6) Wire hoops ($3,600 ๏‚ธ 24,000; $0.15 ๏‚ด 12) Production worker wages ($8,400 ๏‚ธ 2,000) Supervisorโ€™s salary ($2,600 ๏‚ธ 2,500) Building and equipment rental ($2,800 ๏‚ธ 2,500) Utilities ($1,400 ๏‚ธ 2,500) Total 15. a. Total fixed cost Total variable cost (15,000 tickets ๏‚ด $10) Total cost $ 0.50 6.00 4.50 1.80 4.20 1.04 1.12 0.56 $19.72 $ 37,500 150,000 $187,500 b. Total cost Desired profit margin (15,000 tickets ๏‚ด $8) Total sales price Divided by assumed number of tickets sold Selling price per ticket c. Total revenue (5,000 tickets ๏‚ด $20.50) Total cost: Fixed Variable (5,000 ๏‚ด $10) Net profit Per Set $ 0.50 6.00 4.50 1.80 4.20 1.30 1.40 0.65 $20.35 $187,500 120,000 $307,500 รท 15,000 $ 20.50 $102,500 $37,500 50,000 (87,500) $ 15,000 c. The assumption made was that 15,000 tickets would be sold. The fraternity should have been informed that the fixed cost per ticket would vary, depending on the number of tickets sold. By spreading the fixed cost over fewer tickets, the fraternity would make less profit as ticket sales declined. e. Total revenue (20,000 tickets ๏‚ด $20.50) Total cost: Fixed Variable (20,000 ๏‚ด $10) Net profit $ 410,000 $ 37,500 200,000 (237,500) $ 172,500 16. a. (1) 200 returns: Total cost = $2,000 + ($9 ๏‚ด 200) = $3,800 Cost per unit = $3,800 รท 200 = $19.00 (2) 500 returns: Total cost = $2,000 + ($9 ๏‚ด 500) = $6,500 Cost per unit = $6,500 รท 500 = $13.00 (3) 800 returns: Total cost = $2,000 + ($9 ๏‚ด 800) = $9,200 Cost per unit = $9,200 รท 800 = $11.50 b. The fixed cost per unit varies inversely with activity. Therefore, as the activity (tax returns prepared) increases, the fixed cost per unit decreases. c. $15,000 รท 200 = $75; $75 + $19 = $94 fee to charge per return $94 ๏‚ด 800 = $75,200 total fees; $75,200 โ€“ $9,200 = $66,000 17. a. (1) Number of clients contacted, number of new clients generated, number of miles traveled (if driving), number of nights away from home. (2) Number of supplies requisitions, number of hours worked, number of copies made (3) Purchase price of computers and depreciation method chosen (number of hours of computer usage, number of hours worked, expected years of service) (4) Number of hours worked, number of times maintenance crew visits the accounting firm, number of months in period (if maintenance is a strict fixed cost per month) b. The distinction between a cost predictor and a cost driver is whether the activity measure actually causes the cost to be incurred. A cost predictor is merely an activity that changes with changes in the cost. A cost driver causes costs to be incurred. Of the costs addressed in (a), cost drivers that could also be cost predictors would be (1) number of miles traveled, (2) number of times supplies are requisitioned, (3) number of hours worked, and (4) number of times maintenance visited the accounting firm. 18. a. Number of patients processed b. Number of patients scheduled c. Number of surgeries scheduled d. Number of surgeries scheduled e. Number of tests ordered f. Number of patients getting tests (if all tests are performed in same lab at the same time) or number of tests ordered (if patient has to be moved to multiple labs or for multiple tests) g. Number of lab tests administered h. Number of patients moved i. Number of surgeries performed j. Number of surgeries performed k. Number of medications administered l. Number of patients moved m. Number of patients discharged (it is possible that not all patients are discharged) n. Number of insurance companies to be billed 19. a. V, PT (could be mixed) b. V, PD c. F, PD d. V, PT e. F, PT f. V, PT (could be fixed if paper towel rolls are replaced at specific intervals regardless of need) g. F, PD (could be product if assistants are assigned to work on specific projects) h. V, PT (could be fixed) i. V, PT j. V, PT k. F, PT (would be fixed because it was charged for the truckload rather than for an individual piece of furniture; may be considered a period cost and not attached to the individual pieces of furniture) 20. a. F, OH b. V, DM c. V, DM d. V, OH (assuming cost is insignificant) e. V, DM f. F, OH g. V, DM h. F, OH i. F, OH j. V, DM k. V, DL l. V, DM m. V, DM n. V, DM 21. a. $600,000 โ€“ $60,000 = $540,000 depreciable cost $540,000 รท 10 years = $54,000 depreciation per year (480 รท 600) ($54,000) = $43,200 is expired cost (part of product OH) b. Cost of goods sold Finished goods inventory $43,200 $10,800 22. a. One month of insurance ($18,600 รท 6) Bonus to corporate president Utility cost on headquarters ($20,000 ๏‚ด 0.40) Total $ 3,100 10,000 8,000 $21,100 b. Five months of insurance ($18,600 ๏‚ด 5/6) Seminar fee Total $15,500 1,000 $16,500 c. Property taxes ($15,000 ๏‚ด 1/3) Utility cost on factory ($20,000 ๏‚ด 0.60) Total $ 5,000 12,000 $17,000 d. Product costs are assigned to products made; thus, the costs cannot be classified as expired or unexpired because it is not known whether the associated products made during May were sold. If sold, the costs would be expired; if unsold, the costs would be unexpired and be accumulated in the Finished Goods account. 23. a. Mfg. b. Mfg., Mer., Ser. c. Mfg., Mer., Ser. d. Mer. (although manufacturers might refer to Finished Goods Inventory in this manner) e. Mfg., Mer., Ser. f. Mfg. g. Ser. h. Mfg., Mer. i. Mfg., Ser. 24. a. high b. low c. low d. high e. high f. high g. moderate h. high i. high j. moderate or low 25. a. Rivets and aluminum = $12,510 + $1,683,000 = $1,695,510 The janitorial supplies and the sealant are indirect materials. b. Aluminum cutters and welders = $56,160 + $156,000 = $212,160 The janitorial wages and factory supervisorsโ€™ salaries are indirect labor. The salespeopleโ€™s salaries are period costs. 26. a. Stainless steel, plastic, and wood blocks = $800,000 + $5,600 + $24,800 = $830,400 b. $500,000 (equipment operators) c. $6,000 indirect material (equipment oil and grease) $82,000 + $272,000 = $354,000 indirect labor (mechanics and supervisors) 27. Direct material: Mulch Landscaping rock Plants and pots Direct labor: Trumbleโ€™s salary ($3,000 รท 20 = $150 per day; $150 ๏‚ด 2 days to design) Gardenersโ€™ wages ($3,840 รท 20 = $192 per day; $192 ๏‚ด 5 days to complete) Overhead: Allocated depreciation ($200 รท 20 work days) Construction permit Allocated rent (150 รท 3,000 = 5%; $2,400 ๏‚ด 0.05 = $120; $120 รท 30 = $4 per day ๏‚ด 2 days) Allocated utility bills ($1,800 ๏‚ด 0.05 = $90; $90 รท 30 =$3 per day ๏‚ด 2 days) $ 320 1,580 1,950 $3,850 $ 300 960 $ $1,260 10 95 8* 6* $ 119 *Note: The rent and utility bills were allocated only because of the designerโ€™s use of space in the company offices. Given the immaterial amount of these allocations, Carolyn Gardens may simply want to treat these costs as period costs rather than attempting to trace them to individual jobs. Thus, an answer of $105 for overhead would also be reasonable. 28. a. 6,000 total hours โ€“ 5,000 regular hours = 1,000 overtime hours b. Direct labor: 5,000 hours ๏‚ด $9 per hour = $45,000 Overhead: $54,000 โ€“ $45,000 = $9,000 c. Shift premiums: Second-shift premium: 10% ๏‚ด $9 = $0.90 Overtime premium: 75% ๏‚ด $9 = $6.75 Overhead costs: Second-shift premium: 2,500 hours ๏‚ด $0.90 = $2,250 Overtime premium: 1,000 hours ๏‚ด $6.75 = $6,750 29. a. 32,000 total hours โ€“ 27,000 regular hours = 5,000 overtime hours b. Direct labor: 32,000 hours ๏‚ด $12 per hour = $384,000 Overhead: $435,600 โ€“ $384,000 = $51,600 c. Shift premiums: Second-shift premium: 8% ๏‚ด $12 = $0.96 Third-shift premium: 12% ๏‚ด $12 = $1.44 Overtime premium: 50% ๏‚ด $12 = $6.00 Manufacturing overhead costs: Second-shift premium: 9,000 hours ๏‚ด $0.96 = $8,640 Third-shift premium: 9,000 hours ๏‚ด $1.44 = $12,960 Overtime premium: 5,000 hours ๏‚ด $6.00 = $30,000 30. a. Property tax overhead cost for February = $48,000 รท 12 = $4,000 Property tax OH cost for remainder of 2013 = $44,000 Actual Feb. OH costs = $530,000 โ€“ $124,000 โ€“ $44,000 + $81,000 = $443,000 b. February OH cost per unit = $443,000 รท 50,000 = $8.86 Total product cost in February = $24.30 + $10.95 + $8.86 = $44.11 c. If actual costs are used, product costs will differ each period. For example, January utility cost per unit was ($124,000 รท 50,000), or $2.48, compared to Februaryโ€™s cost per unit of ($81,000 รท 50,000), or $1.62. However, a normal cost system uses a predetermined overhead rate that provides a smoothing effect to overhead cost variations over an annual period. 31. 31. Direct material used Direct labor Overhead Current manufacturing costs Less increase in work in process inventory Cost of goods manufactured $ 24,000 126,000 42,000 $192,000 (23,000) $169,000 Since Work in Process Inventory increased by $23,000, current manufacturing costs must have been $23,000 more than cost of goods manufactured. 32. a. Beginning WIP inventory Raw material used Direct labor Manufacturing overhead Total cost to account for Ending WIP inventory Cost of goods manufactured $ $612,000 748,000 564,000 372,000 1,924,000 $ 2,296,000 (436,000) $ 1,860,000 Note: The beginning and ending balances of Raw Material Inventory are not used because no information is given on raw material purchases for the month but the amount of RM used is specifically provided. b. Beginning FG inventory $ 224,000 Cost of goods manufactured 1,860,000 Cost of goods available for sale $2,084,000 Ending FG inventory (196,000) Cost of goods sold $1,888,000 33. a. Irresistible Art Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured For the Month Ended July 31, 2013 Beginning WIP inventory $ 146,400 Beginning RM inventory $ 93,200 Raw material purchased 656,000 Raw material available $ 749,200 Ending RM inventory (69,600) Raw material used $ 679,600 Indirect material used (plugged) (175,600) Direct material used (given) 504,000 Direct labor ($788,000 ร— 0.75) 591,000 Overhead: Various (given) $ 600,000 Indirect material (from above) 175,600 Indirect labor ($788,000 ร— 0.25) 197,000 972,600 Total cost to account for $2,214,000 Ending WIP inventory (120,000) Cost of goods manufactured $2,094,000 b. Irresistible Art Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold For the Month Ended July 31, 2013 Beginning FG inventory Cost of goods manufactured Goods available for sale Ending FG inventory Cost of goods sold $ 72,000 2,094,000 $2,166,000 (104,800) $2,061,200 34. a. Targรฉ Co. Cost of Goods Sold Schedule For the Month Ended March 31, 2013 Beginning FG inventory (given) Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Ending FG inventory (given) Cost of goods sold (given) Targรฉ Co. Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule For the Month Ended March 31, 2013 Beginning WIP inventory (given) Direct material: Beginning DM inventory (given) $ 30,000 Direct material purchased 1,182,000 Direct material available $1,212,000 Ending DM inventory (given) (42,000) Direct material used Direct labor Overhead Total cost to account for Ending WIP inventory ($90,000 ๏‚ด 0.25) Cost of goods manufactured [from (a)] $ 125,000 2,537,500 $2,662,500 (18,400) $2,644,100 b. *Total cost to account for = Beg. WIP + DM used + DL + OH $2,560,000 = $90,000 + $1,170,000 + DL + OH DL + OH = $2,560,000 โ€“ $90,000 โ€“ $1,170,000 DL + OH = $1,300,000 OH = 225% of DL = 2.25 DL DL + 2.25 DL = $1,300,000 3.25 DL = $1,300,000 DL = $400,000 OH = $400,000 ร— 2.25 = $900,000 c. Prime cost = DM + DL = $1,170,000 + $400,000 = $1,570,000 d. Conversion cost = DL + OH = $400,000 + $900,000 = $1,300,000 $ 90,000 1,170,000 400,000 900,000 $2,560,000* (22,500) $2,537,500 35. a. Work in Process Inventory Supplies Inventory To record supplies usage for audit engagements 5,000 5,000 Travel Expense Cash To record travel expenses for partner 8,000 Fixed Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciationโ€”Laptops To record laptop depreciation 6,500 Depreciation Expense Fixed Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciationโ€”Building To record depreciation on NYC building 52,500 97,500 Work in Process Inventory Salaries Payable To accrue partner salaries 200,000 Work in Process Inventory Salaries Payable To accrue audit salaries 257,900 Work in Process Inventory Cash To record audit-related travel costs 19,400 Insurance Expense Fixed Overhead Control Prepaid Insurance and Taxes To record expiration of prepaid insurance and property taxes on downtown building 6,055 11,245 Variable Overhead Control Wages Payable To accrue secretarial wages 3,400 Salaries Payable Wages Payable Cash To pay accrued salaries and wages 8,000 6,500 150,000 200,000 257,900 19,400 17,300 3,400 457,900 3,400 461,300 b. Cost of Services Rendered: Supplies used Labor: Partner salaries Audit salaries Overhead: Laptop depreciation Depreciation on building Travel Insurance and taxes Indirect labor Total cost of services rendered 36. Direct labor ($8,100 + $3,140) Overhead: Supplies ($2,400 โ€“ $1,200) Utilities ($2,000 ๏‚ด 0.90) Office salaries ($1,900 ๏‚ด 0.20) Depreciation Building rental ($3,100 ๏‚ด 0.80) Cost of services rendered $ $200,000 257,900 $ 6,500 97,500 19,400 11,245 3,400 5,000 457,900 138,045 $600,945 $11,240 $1,200 1,800 380 3,700 2,480 9,560 $20,800 PROBLEMS 37. Type of Cost Paint Spirits Brushes Overalls Ad Assistant Oper. Costs* Map Tolls Phone Variable X X X Fixed Direct X X X X X X X Indirect Period X Product X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X *Some variable costs would be direct if miles to and from particular jobs are recorded. 38. a. At 80,000 boxes per month: Material and labor costs ($79,000 รท 500) Overhead ($408,000 รท 80,000) Total cost per box $158.00 5.10 $163.10 b. At 120,000 boxes per month: Material and labor costs ($79,000 รท 500) Overhead ($408,000 รท 120,000) Total cost per box $158.00 3.40 $161.40 c. Material and labor (excluding labor design) Overhead Total $118.00 3.40 $121.40 Cost at 80,000 boxes Cost at 120,000 boxes (excluding labor design) Maximum labor design costs d. At 80,000 boxes: Sales ($195 ร— 80,000 boxes) Cost of sales ($163.10 ๏‚ด 80,000 boxes) Gross margin $163.10 (121.40) $ 41.70 $ 15,600,000 (13,048,000) $ 2,552,000 Desired gross margin $ 2,552,000 19,368,000 Cost of sales ($161.40 ๏‚ด 120,000 boxes) Sales needed $ 21,920,000 $21,920,000 รท 120,000 boxes = $182.67 sales price per box e. No, the variable costs per box are constant and the fixed costs remain the same in total at any level of production. 39. a. At 150,000 meals per month: Material and labor costs ($9,320 รท 2,000) Overhead ($1,200,000 รท 150,000) Total cost per meal $ 4.66 8.00 $12.66 b. At 300,000 meals per month: Material and labor costs ($9,320 รท 2,000) Overhead ($1,200,000 รท 300,000) Total cost per meal $ 4.66 4.00 $ 8.66 c. Material and labor (excluding meat) ($5,720 รท 2,000) Overhead at 300,000 meals Total cost without meat Cost at 150,000 meals Cost at 300,000 meals (excluding meat) Maximum meat cost per meal Current meat cost ($3,600 รท 2,000) Potential increase in meat cost $ 2.86 4.00 $ 6.86 $12.66 (6.86) $ 5.80 (1.80) $ 4.00 d. $21.92 รท 2 = $10.96 maximum cost per meal Maximum meal cost Current costs for material and labor Cost per unit for overhead $10.96 (4.66) $ 6.30 Overhead รท Cost per unit = Total meals $1,200,000 รท $6.30 = 190,476 or 192,000 if meals must be produced in 2,000 unit batches e. The firm would be less profitable if the manager decided to produce 192,000 dinners but could sell only the same 150,000 the company is currently selling. The manager might accept retaining the business to boost his reputation as a โ€•dealmakerโ€– so as to obtain another position before the financial results were reported. Current profitability: Sales (150,000 ๏‚ด $25.32) Variable cost of meals (150,000 ๏‚ด $4.66) Fixed overhead Profitability 40. a. printing invitations: step fixed preparing the theater: step fixed postage: variable building stage sets: fixed printing programs: fixed security: fixed script: fixed $ 3,798,000 (699,000) (1,200,000) $ 1,899,000 b. Members attending = 300 ๏‚ด 0.60 = 180 members Attendance estimate = 180 + [(90 ๏‚ด 1) + (90 ๏‚ด 2)] = 450 people Fixed and step fixed costs = $360 + $900 + $1,800 + $350 + {3 ร— [$110 + (5 ๏‚ด $30)]} + $2,000 = $6,190 Variable cost = $0.60 ๏‚ด 450 = $270 Total cost = $6,190 + $270 = $6,460 c. $6,460 รท 450 = $14.36 (rounded) d. Member attendance = 300 ๏‚ด 0.90 = 270 Attendance estimate = 270 + (270 ๏‚ด 2) = 810 people Fixed and step fixed costs = $450 + $1,200 + $1,800 + $350 + {3 ร— [$110 + (5 ๏‚ด $30)]} + $2,000 = $6,580 Variable cost = $0.60 ๏‚ด 810 = $486 Total cost = $6,580 + $486 = $7,066 Cost per person = $7,066 รท 810 = $8.72 (rounded) The reduction in per-person cost is caused by the fact that, even though some of the step fixed costs increase, the total fixed costs are spread over more attendees. 41. 1. C 2. H 3. D 4. L 5. E 6. G 7. A 8. F 9. J (AICPA adapted) 42. a. Determining the cost of a product merely involves tracing direct costs to production and finding some systematic method of allocating indirect production costs to products. Controlling these costs involves completely different issues. Control of production costs requires a focus on both the product costs and the related cost drivers. Such costs can be controlled only by controlling the activity levels of the main production cost drivers. b. The advancement of technology does make costs more difficult to control. As technology has become more pervasive in manufacturing, the indirect manufacturing costs have grown relative to production volume. Hence, controlling production volume has little to do with the control of more and more production costs. Further, with the growth in the indirect costs (such as automated technology depreciation), it is more difficult to trace production costs to specific products. This difficulty adds to the complexity of cost control because the relationship between production volume and specific products and their product costs is less obvious. c. Production volume is no longer as significant a cost driver as it was two decades ago. The growth in both fixed costs and indirect costs suggests that production volume cannot be used as an effective control for a substantial set of productionrelated costs. However, production volume may still be a valid predictor because it may be reasonably well correlated with the actual cost drivers of these indirect costs and it is still the most significant cost driver for direct production costs. 43. a. To remain competitive in the global marketplace, businesses must control costs. Provision of health care is creating a crisis for American businesses. In many cases, health-care costs are twice as high for U.S. industries as for their foreign competitors. There is nothing unethical about businesses being concerned about these costs and seeking ways to control them. However, before cutting coverage, businesses have an ethical obligation to identify alternatives. For example, emerging alternatives include managed health care, sharing insurance premiums with employees, and forming alliances with other businesses to directly contract for healthcare services. Businesses should be careful to gather employee input on solutions before making any decisions that will adversely affect health-care coverage. b. There are no correct or incorrect answers to this question. It is expected that each student will have a relatively unique ranking of the alternatives. This subpart is intended to demonstrate to the students how difficult it is to cut health-care insurance coverage because each worker has different needs and different priorities. c. By bringing some health-care services in-house, a firm can replace a portion of the variable costs (per employee) with fixed costs. A company may be able to achieve similar benefits by directly contracting with health-care service providers on a (partly) fixed-fee basis. Likewise, companies can implement health awareness campaigns and provide fitness facilities that will generate long-term health benefits and lower health-care costs. Such approaches will result in an increase in fixed costs and lower variable costs. 44. a. (1) Work in Process Inventory Raw Material Inventory To issue direct material to production 800,000 800,000 (2) Work in Process Inventory Cash (40,000 ร— $18) To pay direct labor payroll 720,000 (3) Manufacturing Overhead Control Wages Payable (15,500 ร— $15) To accrue indirect labor costs 232,500 (4) Manufacturing Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciation To depreciate factory assets 102,100 720,000 232,500 102,100 (5) Manufacturing Overhead Control Salaries Payable To accrue supervisorsโ€™ salaries 32,800 (6) Manufacturing Overhead Control Supplies Inventory To issue indirect material to production 25,400 32,800 25,400 (7) Finished Goods Inventory Work in Process Inventory To transfer completed work to FG 1,749,300 b. Beginning balance of WIP Direct material Direct labor Manufacturing overhead for January (plug) Cost to account for Goods completed Ending balance of WIP $ 1,749,300 18,900 800,000 720,000 270,000 $ 1,808,900 (1,749,300) $ 59,600 45. a. Direct labor is labor that can be specifically identified with, or physically traced to, a cost object or finished product in an economically feasible manner (such as machine operator labor in a production environment). Indirect labor is all factory labor that is not classified as direct labor. b. Certain nonproductive time may be a normal and unavoidable part of total labor time. In such cases, a pro rata share of nonproductive time should be classified as direct labor time. In many cases, nonproductive time is classified as indirect labor because it cannot be identified with a cost object. For example, the amount of downtime usually cannot be identified with a specific cause or particular cost object; it may result from a parts shortage or a broken machine. When there is a shortage of work and employees would therefore be idle, this time can be used for training. c. Direct labor: The items classified as direct labor can usually be specifically identified with a quantity of labor. Furthermore, other direct costs, such as payroll taxes, are incurred by the organization because of its use of labor. Manufacturing overhead: The items classified as manufacturing overhead usually cannot be specifically identified with direct labor quantities. Direct labor or manufacturing overhead: Some cost items can be classified as either direct labor or manufacturing overhead, depending on the size of the cost object. For example, for very large projects, employee time can be easily associated with the projects (such as the time of specific managers, engineers, draftspersons, janitors, and material handlers). Therefore, all costs associated with these employees can be classified as direct labor costs. For smaller cost objects, such as a variety of products or subassemblies, costs are more difficult to identify with the cost objects and therefore are classified as manufacturing overhead. d. The quantity of labor hours that should be included as direct labor or manufacturing overhead reflects a measure of activity. The activity that was performed was either directly related to the product or indirectly related (or not easily traceable) to the product. The dollar amount assigned measures the cost of the activity. Wages and salaries are not necessarily directly tied to production activity. For example, assume a direct labor employee makes $10 per hour and time-and-a-half for overtime. This employeeโ€™s activity is no different during the overtime hoursโ€”only the wage rate differs. Thus, measurement of activity and measurement of cost must be separated. (CMA adapted) 46. a. Overhead costs are the easiest to assign to other classifications since those costs are not directly related to the production of the goods. b. Each student will have a different answer, but the following should be considered: the reason for the bankโ€™s loan-granting criteria; the effect on the companyโ€™s suppliers, employees, and customers should this loan not be granted; the ability to manipulate financial income; and the inappropriate โ€•tone at the topโ€– that the president is suggesting. c. The memo should contain information as to the nature of costs and the fact that the โ€•costโ€– of a product can, in many instances, have many different meanings. It should indicate the need for the loan, the ability to provide collateral (if any), and information as to payback. The memo should indicate that the โ€•bottom lineโ€– is in excess of the bankโ€™s criteria and how this fact could influence the ability to repay. Cash flow from product sales should also be discussed because, without cash flow, income cannot pay back loan amounts. 47. a. If GP rate is 35 percent of sales, then CGS is 65 percent of sales. CGS = 0.65 ๏‚ด $1,431,000 = $930,150 b. Direct material used Direct labor Overhead: Indirect labor Factory insurance Factory utilities Factory depreciation Factory rent Total costs to account for Ending WIP inventory Cost of goods manufactured $ 447,000 322,500 $ 93,000 3,000 21,450 32,550 126,000 276,000 $1,045,500 (15,750) $1,029,750 c. Ending FG inventory = Beginning FG inventory + CGM โ€“ CGS = $0 + $1,029,750 โ€“ $930,150 = $99,600 d. Gross profit = 0.35 ๏‚ด $1,431,000 = $500,850 S&A expenses = Gross profit โ€“ Net income = $500,850 โ€“ $125,000 = $375,850 e. Raw Material Inventory Accounts Payable To purchase direct material on account 555,000 Work in Process Inventory Raw Material Inventory To issue direct material to production 447,000 Work in Process Inventory Wages Payable To accrue direct labor payroll 322,500 Manufacturing Overhead Control Wages Payable To accrue indirect payroll 93,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control Prepaid Insurance To record expiration of prepaid insurance on factory 3,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control Cash To pay factory utilities 21,450 Manufacturing Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciation To record depreciation on factory equipment 32,550 Manufacturing Overhead Control Cash To pay factory rent 126,000 Work in Process Inventory Manufacturing Overhead Control To assign actual overhead to WIP [see (b)] 276,000 Finished Goods Inventory Work in Process Inventory To transfer completed goods to FG [see (b)] 1,029,750 555,000 447,000 322,500 93,000 3,000 21,450 32,550 126,000 276,000 1,029,750 S&A Expenses Accounts Payable (or Cash) To record S&A expense [see (c)] 375,850 Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Inventory To record cost of goods sold [see (a)] 930,150 Accounts Receivable Sales To record sales on account 375,850 930,150 1,431,000 1,431,000 48. a. Number of units sold = 648,000 รท $24 = 27,000 Number of units completed = Units in FG inventory + Units sold = 3,000 + 27,000 = 30,000 b. Direct material used Direct labor Overhead: Factory rent Factory utilities Factory depreciation Supervisor salary Total costs to account for Ending WIP inventory Cost of goods manufactured $186,000 134,000 $ 3,600 16,200 15,800 6,400 42,000 $362,000 (35,000) $327,000 c. $327,000 รท 30,000 = $10.90 per unit d. Raw Material Inventory Accounts Payable To purchase direct material on account 248,000 Work in Process Inventory Raw Material Inventory To issue direct material to production 186,000 Work in Process Inventory Wages Payable To accrue direct labor payroll 134,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control Cash To pay factory rent 3,600 248,000 186,000 134,000 3,600 Manufacturing Overhead Control Utilities Payable To accrue factory utilities 16,200 Manufacturing Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciation To record depreciation on factory equipment 15,800 Manufacturing Overhead Control Cash To pay supervisorโ€™s salary 6,400 Work in Process Inventory Manufacturing Overhead Control To assign actual overhead to WIP [see (b)] 42,000 Finished Goods Inventory Work in Process Inventory To transfer completed goods to FG [see (b)] 327,000 16,200 15,800 6,400 42,000 327,000 Cost of Goods Sold 294,300 Finished Goods Inventory To record cost of goods sold ($10.90 ร— 27,000) 294,300 Accounts Receivable Sales To record sales on account ($24 ๏‚ด 27,000) 648,000 648,000 49. Sales Case 1 $9,300 Case 2 $19,700g Case 3 $112,000 Direct material used 1,200 6,100h 18,200 Direct labor 2,500a 4,900 32,100m Prime cost 3,700 11,000i 50,300n Conversion cost 4,800 8,200 49,300 Manufacturing overhead 2,300b 3,300j 17,200 Cost of goods manufactured 6,200 14,000 68,900o Beginning WIP inventory 500 900 5,600 Ending WIP inventory 300c 1,200 4,200 Beginning FG inventory 800 d 1,900 7,600 Ending FG inventory 1,200 3,700k 4,300p Cost of goods sold 5,800e 12,200 72,200 Gross profit 3,500 7,500l 39,800q Operating expenses 1,300f 3,500 18,000 Net income 2,200 4,000 21,800r a Prime cost = DM + DL $3,700 = $1,200 + X; X = $2,500 b c Conversion cost = DL + OH $4,800 = $2,500 + X; X = $2,300 Beg. WIP + DM + DL + OH โ€“ CGM = End. WIP $500 + $1,200 + $2,500 + $2,300 โ€“ $6,200 = X; X = $300 e Sales โ€“ Gross profit = CGS $9,300 โ€“ $3,500 = X; X = $5,800 d Beg. FG + CGM โ€“ End. FG = CGS X + $6,200 โ€“ $1,200 = $5,800; X = $800 f Gross profit โ€“ Operating expenses = NI $3,500 โ€“ X = $2,200; X = $1,300 g Sales โ€“ CGS โ€“ Operating expenses = NI X โ€“ $12,200 โ€“ $3,500 = $4,000; X = $19,700 h CGM = Beg. WIP + DM + DL + OH โ€“ End. WIP $14,000 = $900 + X + $4,900 + $3,300 โ€“ $1,200; X = $6,100 i Prime cost = DM + DL X = $6,100 + $4,900; X = $11,000 j Conversion cost = DL + OH $8,200 = $4,900 + X; X = $3,300 k Beg. FG + CGM โ€“ End. FG = CGS $1,900 + $14,000 โ€“ X = $12,200; X = $3,700 l Sales โ€“ CGS = Gross profit $19,700 โ€“ $12,200 = X; X = $7,500 m Conversion cost = DL + OH $49,300 = X + $17,200; X = $32,100 n Prime cost = DM + DL X = $32,100 + $18,200; X = $50,300 o CGM = Beg. WIP + DM + DL + OH โ€“ End. WIP X = $5,600 + $32,100 + $18,200 + $17,200 โ€“ $4,200; X = $68,900 p Beg. FG + CGM โ€“ End. FG = CGS $7,600 + $68,900 โ€“ X = $72,200; X = $4,300 q Sales โ€“ CGS = Gross profit $112,000 โ€“ $72,200 = X; X = $39,800 r Gross profit โ€“ Operating expenses = NI $39,800 โ€“ $18,000 = X; X = $21,800 50. a. Under GAAP, product cost consists of all amounts that are necessary to manufacture a product. Although direct material and direct labor are clearly traceable to a product and thus should be considered part of product cost, a product could also not be produced without the costs of overhead. In a manufacturing plant, employees need to have some level of supervision and perform some cleanup tasks. Glue, screws, and nails are commonly used to secure parts together. Equipment and utilities must be used. Thus, indirect labor, indirect material, depreciation, and electricity are required to manufacture a product and should be part of that productโ€™s cost. b. It does not seem reasonable to allocate the depreciation overhead cost of the new equipment to the dog carriers because that equipment is not required for the production of the carriers. For this reason, overhead costs should be separated into different allocation โ€•poolsโ€– and allocated to the two product groups based on the cost drivers associated with each allocation pool. This concept is explained in more detail in Chapter 4. c. A normal cost system uses a predetermined charge for overhead rather than using the actual amounts that are incurred. One primary component of overhead is utility cost. In Michigan, the utility cost for winter operations could be substantially greater than during the summer. In Hawaii, the climate is consistent year-round, and thus, utility costs should be fairly constant. Because of the large fluctuations in utility costs, a Michigan business might be more likely to want to โ€•smoothโ€– that part of overhead throughout the year by using a predetermined overhead rate. 51. a. Beginning inventory of direct material Direct material purchased Materials available for use Ending inventory of direct material Direct material used $ 12,300 196,300 $208,600 X $195,800 X= $208,600 โ€“ $195,800 X = $12,800 b. Direct material used Direct labor Factory overhead Total product costs $195,800 182,400 205,700 $583,900 c. Petersham Company Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured For the Month Ended August 31, 2013 Beginning WIP inventory $ 25,900 Direct material used 195,800 Direct labor 182,400 Overhead 205,700 Total costs to account for $609,800 Ending WIP inventory (33,300) Cost of goods manufactured $576,500 d. Petersham Company Cost of Goods Sold Schedule For the Month Ended August 31, 2013 Beginning FG inventory Cost of goods manufactured Goods available for sale Ending FG inventory Cost of goods sold $ 62,700 576,500 $639,200 (55,500) $583,700 e. Petersham Company Income Statement For the Month Ended August 31, 2013 Sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Selling and administrative expenses Income before income taxes Income tax expense ($230,100 ๏‚ด 0.40) Net income $ 985,000 (583,700) $ 401,300 (171,200) $ 230,100 (92,040) $ 138,060 52. a. $1,040,000 รท $5,200 = 200 units sold b. Flex-Em Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured For the Month Ended July 31, 2013 Beginning WIP inventory Direct material used $377,000 Direct labor 126,800 Overhead: Indirect labor $ 40,600 Insurance 6,000 Utilities 17,800 Depreciation 230,300 294,700 Total manufacturing costs Ending WIP inventory Cost of goods manufactured $ 798,500 $798,500 (51,000) $747,500 c. Units completed = Units sold + Units in ending FG inventory = 200 + ($97,500 รท $3,250) = 200 + 30 = 230 units completed d. $747,500 รท 230 units = $3,250 e. 200 ๏‚ด $3,250 = $650,000 f. Sales โ€“ CGS = Gross margin $1,040,000 โ€“ $650,000 = $390,000 0 53. a. and b. BB (1) Purch. EB Raw Material Inventory 72,000 (2) DM and IM issued 570,000 136,200 505,800 BB (2) DM (2) IM (3) DL (3) IL (5) Util. (6) Depr. (7) Rent EB Work in Process Inventory 108,000 CGM 532,140 121,200 15,000 180,000 42,000 28,140 48,000 39,600 49,800 BB EB Finished Goods Inventory 24,000 CGS 502,740 53,400 Total product cost = Cost of goods manufactured = $532,140 Period costs for August (all on income statement): Office salaries expense (4) $144,600 Utilities expense (5) 12,060 Depreciation expense (6) 12,000 Rent expense (7) 26,400 Total period cost $195,060 54. a. Cost of goods sold for the first 18 days of June: $230,000 ๏‚ด (1 โ€“ 0.40) = $138,000 Cost of goods sold for the first 18 days of June: Beginning FG inventory Cost of goods manufactured Goods available for sale Ending FG inventory Cost of goods sold a CGA = $138,000 + $42,500 = $180,500 b CGM = $180,500 โ€“ $29,000 = $151,500 $ 29,000 151,500b $180,500a (42,500) $138,000 Cost of goods manufactured for the first 18 days of June: Beginning WIP inventory $ 48,000 Direct material used 76,000 Direct labor 44,000 Manufacturing overhead 42,000 Total cost to account for $210,000 Ending WIP inventory (58,500)c Cost of goods manufactured $151,500 c Ending WIP Inventory = $210,000 โ€“ $151,500 = $58,500 b. The insurance company would want to substantiate the quantity and cost of the inventory. The company would require nonfinancial records including labor, material, and production. The insurance company might also require some verification of the market value (current value or replacement value) of the inventory. Further, it might require the company to substantiate the number of units in the WIP inventory and the average percentage of completion. The market value data could be obtained from industry publications and the unit data might be obtained from production records or internal receiving and shipping documents.

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