Clinical Hematology And Fundamentals Of Hemostasis, 5th Edition Test Bank

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1. Under appropriate stimulation the mature lymphocytes of the peripheral lymphoid organs undergo A) Antigen-dependent effect on cell proliferation B) Kinin or antibody production C) Antibody production only D) A and B E) All of the above 2. Which of the following nondividing cells comprise the granulocytic maturation storage pool in the bone marrow? A) Segmented neutrophils B) Bands C) Metamyelocytes D) All of the above E) None of the above 3. Which blood cell aids hematopoiesis by the direct transfer of iron to erythroid precursors? A) Monocyte B) Macrophage C) Erythrocyte D) Lymphocyte E) None of the above 4. At what age do fat cells begin to increase in the bone marrow? A) 10 years B) 6 months C) 4 years D) 2 years E) None of the above 5. The average life span of a circulating neutrophil is: A) 6 to 10 hours B) 6 to 10 days C) 1 to 3 hours D) 1 to 3 days E) 24 hours 6. What is the main function of the bone marrow? A) To provide oxygenated cells to the tissues B) Self-renewal of stromal cells C) To maintain a steady supply of mature hematopoietic cells to circulation D) To regulate iron storage and transfer E) None of the above 7. What is the site of erythropoietin production? A) Spleen B) Kidney C) Liver D) Bone marrow E) None of the above 8. One-third of all circulating platelets are sequestered in which organ? A) Bone marrow B) Lymph nodes C) Spleen D) Thymus E) Liver 9. The most appropriate site for a successful bone marrow aspiration in an adult patient would be: A) Calvariae B) Scapula C) Iliac crest D) Long bones E) None of the above 10. Which would be the appropriate site for marrow studies in a young child? A) Upper tibial bone B) Lower tibial bone C) Iliac crest D) Sternum E) None of the above 11. Why is a clotted marrow specimen unacceptable for hematologic smears? A) Cells would not stain. B) Fibrin threads would impede spreading. C) Fluid would be discolored. D) All of the above E) None of the above 12. Hematogones are thought to be committed progenitor cells of what lineage? A) Granulocytic B) Platelets C) Erythrocytic D) Monocytic E) Lymphoid 13. Which cells have the two unique biologic characteristics of self-renewal and multilineage differentiation? A) Pronormoblasts B) Stem cells C) Myeloblasts D) Lymphoblast E) Eosinophil 14. In adults, fat cells average about what percentage of the total volume in the vertebrae and flat bones of the pelvis? A) 20% B) 80% C) 50% D) 10% E) 90% 15. Under which magnification should bone marrow initially be examined? A) ๏‚ด40 B) ๏‚ด4 C) ๏‚ด10 D) ๏‚ด100 E) None of the above 16. Why is the bone biopsy the most reliable assessment of cellularity? A) A large amount of tissue is evaluated. B) A small amount of tissue is evaluated. C) It offers a more sterile procedure. D) Marrow iron can be demonstrated with appropriate stain. E) None of the above 17. How many nucleated cells must be classified in a bone marrow differential count? A) 50โ€“100 B) 100โ€“500 C) 500โ€“1000 D) >1000 E) None of the above 18. The hematopoietic system consists of which of the following? A) Bone marrow B) Lymph node C) Spleen D) Liver E) All of the above 19. The myeloid-to-erythroid ratio represents: A) The ratio of granulocytic and their precursors to nucleated erythrocytes and their precursors B) The ratio of myeloid to non-nucleated erythroid cells C) The ratio of myeloid to eosinophilic cells D) The ratio of monocytoid to erythroid cells E) None of the above 20. In a normal adult hematopoiesis is observed primarily in which location? A) Liver B) Spleen C) Yolk sac D) Bone marrow E) Lymph nodes 21. The normal myeloid-to-erythroid ratio in a bone marrow aspirate from a normal adult is approximately: A) 1:1 B) 2:1 C) 4:1 D) 6:1 E) None of the above 22. The presence of megakaryocytes clusters and promegakaryocytes in every field of a bone marrow differential is indicative of: A) Megakaryocytic hypoplasia B) Thrombocytopenia C) Megakaryocytic hyperplasia D) Christmas disease E) None of the above 23. An increase in erythroid cellularity without disruption of the normal myeloid-to-erythroid ratio is termed: A) Erythrocytic hypoplasia B) Erythrocytic hyperplasia C) Granulocytic hyperplasia D) Granulocytic hypoplasia E) None of the above 24. How is iron stored in the bone marrow? A) Hemosiderin B) Transferrin C) Ferritin D) Erythropoietin E) None of the above 25. On Wright’s stain hemosiderin will stain as: A) Brownish-blue B) Golden-yellow C) Reddish-orange D) Purple E) None of the above 26. Which of the following granulocytic cells are included in the proliferating pool of the bone marrow? A) Myeloblasts B) Promyelocytes C) Myelocytes D) All of the above E) None of the above 27. The EDTA chelation method is used for iron studies in bone biopsy. What purpose does it serve? A) Binds hemosiderin B) Binds magnesium C) Binds calcium D) Binds ferritin E) None of the above 28. Marrow erythroblasts containing bright-blue iron specks when stained are called: A) Sideroblasts B) Siderocytes C) Histiocytes D) Erythrocytes E) None of the above 29. What bone marrow interpretation would be assessed to a complete count that showed neutrophilia with an increase in bone marrow cellularity, and increased myeloid-to-erythroid ratio? A) Granulocytic hypoplasia B) Marrow hypoplasia C) Granulocytic hyperplasia D) Marrow hyperplasia E) None of the above Answer Key 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. E 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. E 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. C

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