Basic Statistics For Business And Economics, 8th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 02 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation True / False Questions 1. A frequency distribution groups data into classes showing the number of observations in each class. True False 2. A frequency distribution for qualitative data has class limits. True False 3. To summarize the gender of students attending a college, the number of classes in a frequency distribution depends on the number of students. True False 4. In frequency distributions, classes are mutually exclusive if each individual, object, or measurement is included in only one category. True False 5. In a bar chart, the x-axis is labeled with the values of a qualitative variable. True False 6. In a bar chart, the heights of the bars represent the frequencies in each class. True False 7. The midpoint of a class, which is also called a class mark, is halfway between the lower and upper limits. True False 8. A class interval, or class width, can be determined by subtracting the lower limit of a class from the lower limit of the next higher class. True False 9. To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution, divide each class frequency by the sum of the class frequencies. True False 10. To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution, divide each class frequency by the number of classes. True False 11. A pie chart is similar to a relative frequency distribution. True False 12. A pie chart shows the relative frequency in each class. True False 13. To construct a pie chart, relative class frequencies are used to graph the “slices” of the pie. True False 14. A cumulative frequency distribution is used when we want to determine how many observations lie above or below certain values. True False 15. A frequency polygon is a very useful graphic technique when comparing two or more distributions. True False Multiple Choice Questions 16. Monthly commissions of first-year insurance brokers are $1,270, $1,310, $1,680, $1,380, $1,410, $1,570, $1,180 and $1,420. These figures are referred to as a(n) __________. A. Histogram B. Raw data C. Frequency distribution D. Frequency polygon 17. A small sample of computer operators shows monthly incomes of $1,950, $1,775, $2,060, $1,840, $1,795, $1,890, $1,925, and $1,810. What are these ungrouped numbers called? A. Histogram B. Class limits C. Class frequencies D. Raw data 18. When data is collected using a quantitative, ratio variable, what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. Upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. A pie chart can be used to summarize the data. C. Number of classes is equal to the number of variable’s values. D. The “5 to the k rule” can be applied. 19. When data is collected using a qualitative, nominal variable, what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. The upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. A pie chart can be used to summarize the data. C. The number of classes is equal to the number of variable’s values plus 2. D. The “5 to the k rule” can be applied. 20. When data is collected using a qualitative, nominal variable (in other words, male or female), what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. The upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. Class midpoints can be computed. C. The number of classes corresponds to the number of a variable’s values. D. The “2 to the k rule” can be applied. 21. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: Why is the table NOT a frequency distribution? A. The number of males does not equal the sum of males that smoke and do not smoke. B. The classes are not mutually exclusive. C. There are too many classes. D. Class limits cannot be computed. 22. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: What type of chart best represents the frequency table? A. Bar chart B. Box plot C. Scatter plot D. Frequency polygon 23. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: What type of chart best represents relative class frequencies? A. Box plot B. Pie chart C. Scatter plot D. Frequency polygon 24. When a class interval is expressed as 100 up to 200, _________________________. A. Observations with values of 100 are excluded from the class B. Observations with values of 200 are included in the class C. Observations with values of 200 are excluded from the class D. The class interval is 99 25. For a relative frequency distribution, relative frequency is computed as _____________. A. The class width divided by class interval B. The class midpoint divided by the class frequency C. The class frequency divided by the class interval D. The class frequency divided by the total frequency. 26. The relative frequency for a class represents the ________________. A. Class width B. Class midpoint C. Class interval D. Percent of observations in the class 27. A group of 100 students was surveyed about their interest in a new International Studies program. Interest was measured in terms of high, medium, or low. In the study, 30 students responded high interest, 40 students responded medium interest, and 30 students responded low interest. What is the relative frequency of students with high interest? A. .30 B. .50 C. .40 D. .030 28. A group of 100 students were surveyed about their interest in a new Economics major. Interest was measured in terms of high, medium, or low. In the study, 30 students responded high interest, 50 students responded medium interest, and 20 students responded low interest. What is the best way to illustrate the relative frequency of student interest? A. Use a cumulative frequency polygon B. Use a box plot C. Use a pie chart D. Use a frequency table 29. The monthly salaries of a sample of 100 employees were rounded to the nearest $10. They ranged from a low of $1,040 to a high of $1,720. If we want to condense the data into seven classes, what is the most convenient class interval? A. $50 B. $100 C. $150 D. $200 30. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify themselves as a Democrat or a Republican. This question is flawed because: A. Students generally don’t know their political preferences. B. The categories are generally mutually exclusive. C. The categories are not exhaustive. D. Political preference is a continuous variable. 31. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify their political preference, for example, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or another party. The best way to illustrate the frequencies for each political preference is a __________. A. Bar chart B. Box plot C. Histogram D. Frequency polygon 32. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify their political preferenceโ€”for example, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or another party. The best way to illustrate the relative frequency distribution is a __________. A. Bar chart B. Pie chart C. Histogram D. Frequency polygon 33. What is the following table called? A. Histogram B. Frequency polygon C. Cumulative frequency distribution D. Frequency distribution 34. For the following distribution of heights, what are the limits for the class with the greatest frequency? A. 64 and up to 70 B. 65 and 69 C. 65 and up to 70 D. 69.5 and 74.5 35. In a frequency distribution, the number of observations in a class is called the class ________. A. Midpoint B. Interval C. Array D. Frequency 36. Why are unequal class intervals sometimes used in a frequency distribution? A. To avoid a large number of empty classes B. For the sake of variety in presenting the data C. To make the class frequencies smaller D. To avoid the need for midpoints 37. The number of employees less than the upper limit of each class at Lloyd’s Fast Food Emporium is shown in the following table: What is it called? A. A histogram B. A cumulative frequency table C. A pie chart D. A frequency polygon 38. A sample distribution of hourly earnings in Paul’s Cookie Factory is: The limits of the class with the smallest frequency are: A. $6.00 and $9.00 B. $12.00 and up to $14.00 C. $11.75 and $14.25 D. $12.00 and up to $15.00 39. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the relative frequency for those salespersons that earn from $1,600 up to $1,800? A. .02 B. .024 C. .20 D. .24 40. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: To plot a cumulative frequency distribution, the first coordinate would be _________. A. X = 0, Y = 600 B. X = 500, Y = 3 C. X = 3, Y = 600 D. X = 600, Y = 0 41. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the relative frequency of those salespersons that earn $1,600 or more? A. 25.5% B. 27.5% C. 29.5% D. 30.8% 42. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: For the preceding distribution, what is the midpoint of the class with the greatest frequency? A. 1,400 B. 1,500 C. 1,700 D. The midpoint cannot be determined. 43. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the class interval? A. 200 B. 300 C. 3,500 D. 400 44. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What is the class interval for the preceding table of wages? A. $2 B. $3 C. $4 D. $5 45. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What is the class midpoint for the class with the greatest frequency? A. $5.50 B. $8.50 C. $11.50 D. $14.50 46. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What are the class limits for the class with the smallest frequencies? A. 3.5 and 6.5 B. 4 and up to 7 C. 13 and up to 16 D. 12.5 and 15.5 47. Refer to the following distribution of ages: For the distribution of ages just shown, what is the relative class frequency for the lowest class? A. .50 B. .18 C. .20 D. .10 48. Refer to the following distribution of ages: What is the class interval? A. 9 B. 10 C. 10.5 D. 11 49. Refer to the following distribution of ages: What is the class midpoint of the highest class? A. 54 B. 55 C. 64 D. 65 50. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What is the class interval? A. 1″ B. 2″ C. 2.5″ D. 3″ 51. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What are the class limits for the lowest class? A. 61 and up to 64 B. 62 and up to 64 C. 62 and 65 D. 62 and 63 52. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What are the class limits for the third class? A. 64 and up to 67 B. 67 and 69 C. 67 and up to 70 D. 66 and 68 53. Refer to the following distribution: What is the relative class frequency for the $25 up to $35 class? A. .02 B. .04 C. .05 D. .10 54. Refer to the following distribution: What is the class midpoint for the $45 up to $55 class? A. 49 B. 49.5 C. 50 D. 50.5 55. Refer to the following distribution: What are the class limits for class with the highest frequency? A. 55 up to 64 B. 54 up to 64 C. 55 up to 65 D. 55 up to 64.5 56. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent between 3 up to 6 days? A. 31 B. 29 C. 14 D. 2 57. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent fewer than six days? A. 60 B. 31 C. 91 D. 46 58. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent six days or more? A. 8 B. 4 C. 22 D. 31 59. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent from 6 up to 12 days? A. 20 B. 8 C. 12 D. 17 60. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What is the class interval for the frequency table above? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply 61. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Not satisfied B. Satisfied C. Highly satisfied D. None Apply 62. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What percent of the responses indicated that customers were satisfied? A. 40% B. 33% C. 50% D. 100% 63. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 64. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 65. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What is the class interval for the preceding frequency table? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply 66. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Very concerned B. Somewhat concerned C. No concern D. None Apply 67. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What percent of the responses indicated that users were somewhat concerned? A. 40% B. 70% C. 20% D. 100% 68. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 69. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 70. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What is the class interval for the preceding frequency table? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply 71. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Very confident B. Somewhat confident C. Not very confident D. Don’t know 72. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What percent of the responses indicated that users were very confident? A. 63% B. 21% C. 45% D. 33% 73. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 74. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon 75. A pie chart shows the ______________________. A. Relative frequencies of a qualitative variable B. Relative frequencies of a quantitative variable C. Frequencies of a nominal variable D. Frequencies of a ratio variable Fill in the Blank Questions 76. In constructing a frequency polygon, class frequencies are scaled on the ______ axis. ________________________________________ 77. A frequency distribution for nominal data requires that the categories be ___________________ and _____________________. ________________________________________ 78. For a frequency distribution of quantitative data, if every individual, object, or measurement can be assigned to a class, the frequency distribution is __________. ________________________________________ 79. For a frequency distribution of qualitative data, if the observations can be assigned to only one class, the classes are __________________________. ________________________________________ 80. The number of observations in each class of a frequency distribution is called a ________________________. ________________________________________ 81. A ___________ is useful for displaying the relative frequency distribution for a nominal variable. ________________________________________ 82. To calculate a relative frequency, a class frequency is divided by ___________. ________________________________________ 83. In a relative frequency distribution, the sum of the relative class frequencies is _____________________. ________________________________________ 84. A class relative frequency represents a __________ of the total observations in the class. ________________________________________ 85. A _____ chart is useful for displaying a frequency distribution for a qualitative variable. ________________________________________ 86. A _____ chart is useful for displaying a frequency distribution for a nominal variable. ________________________________________ 87. The midpoint of a class interval is also called a class ________. ________________________________________ 88. A table showing the number of observations that have been grouped into each of several classes is called a frequency ________________. ________________________________________ 89. In a cumulative frequency distribution, the percent of the total frequencies that would fall below the upper limit of the highest class would be _________. ________________________________________ 90. Unorganized data is referred to as ________ data. ________________________________________ 91. When classes in a frequency table are constructed so that each observation will fit into only one class, the categories are ______________________. ________________________________________ 92. The suggested class interval for a frequency distribution with data ranges from 100 to 220 with 50 observations would be _______. ________________________________________ 93. If the number of observations is 124, calculate the suggested number of classes using the “2 to the k rule.” ________________________________________ 94. In a frequency distribution, a class defined as “Under $100” and “$1,000 and over” is called a(n) ____________. ________________________________________ 95. In a deck of cards, a class of all cards that are hearts and a class of all cards that are kings are NOT _____________. ________________________________________ 96. To construct a histogram, the class frequencies are plotted on the ________. ________________________________________ 97. To construct a bar chart, the class frequencies are plotted on the _________. ________________________________________ 98. To construct a pie chart, the class frequencies are converted to __________. ________________________________________ 99. To summarize the gender of students attending a college in a frequency distribution, a total of at least ______ classes would be required. ________________________________________ 100.A ______ chart is useful for displaying a relative frequency distribution. ________________________________________ Essay Questions 101.Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 The class limits for the class 50 up to 60 are _______ and ______. 102.Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 What is the midpoint for the class 40 up to 50? 103.Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 What is the class interval? 104.The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the class interval? 105.The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the lower limit for the third class? 106.The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the upper limit for the third class? 107.The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What are the class limits for the fourth class? 108.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What is the class interval for the following frequency table? 109.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What is the class with the greatest frequency? 110.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What percent of the responses indicated that customers were satisfied? 111.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a bar graph that illustrates the preceding frequency table. 112.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a bar graph that illustrates the relative frequencies. 113.Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a pie chart that illustrates the relative frequencies. 114.A data set consists of 40 observations. For a quantitative variable, how many classes would you recommend for the frequency distribution? 115.A data set has 100 observations. In the data, a quantitative variable’s highest value is 117 and its lowest value is 47. What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? 116.A data set has 200 observations. In the data, a quantitative variable’s highest value is 1080 and its lowest value is 960. What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? 117.A data set has 200 observations. In the data, a qualitative variable’s highest value is “extremely satisfied” and its lowest value is “extremely dissatisfied.” What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? 118.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in less than one day? 119.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in less than one day? 120.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in less than three days? 121.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in less than three days? 122.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in three days or more? 123.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in three days or more? 124.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered from 1 day up to 3 days? 125.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency of the orders delivered from 1 day up to 3 days? 126.The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. For 300 observations, our rule-of-thumb for number of classes would indicate 9 classes. In this case, what is the class interval and why would it be reasonable to use that class interval and only 6 classes? 127.What is the difference between a bar chart and a pie chart? 128.What is the difference between a frequency distribution and a cumulative frequency distribution? 129.In a bar chart, why are there spaces between the bars on the horizontal axis? Chapter 02 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation Answer Key True / False Questions 1. A frequency distribution groups data into classes showing the number of observations in each class. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Frequency Distribution Concepts 2. A frequency distribution for qualitative data has class limits. FALSE Qualitative data is not numeric, so there cannot be class limits. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 3. To summarize the gender of students attending a college, the number of classes in a frequency distribution depends on the number of students. FALSE Gender is a nominal, qualitative variable that has two values. Therefore, there will only be two classes: male and female. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 4. In frequency distributions, classes are mutually exclusive if each individual, object, or measurement is included in only one category. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Frequency Distribution Concepts 5. In a bar chart, the x-axis is labeled with the values of a qualitative variable. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 6. In a bar chart, the heights of the bars represent the frequencies in each class. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 7. The midpoint of a class, which is also called a class mark, is halfway between the lower and upper limits. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 8. A class interval, or class width, can be determined by subtracting the lower limit of a class from the lower limit of the next higher class. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 9. To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution, divide each class frequency by the sum of the class frequencies. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 10. To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution, divide each class frequency by the number of classes. FALSE Relative frequencies are computed by dividing class frequencies by the total of the class frequencies. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 11. A pie chart is similar to a relative frequency distribution. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 12. A pie chart shows the relative frequency in each class. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 13. To construct a pie chart, relative class frequencies are used to graph the “slices” of the pie. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 14. A cumulative frequency distribution is used when we want to determine how many observations lie above or below certain values. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 15. A frequency polygon is a very useful graphic technique when comparing two or more distributions. TRUE AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data Multiple Choice Questions 16. Monthly commissions of first-year insurance brokers are $1,270, $1,310, $1,680, $1,380, $1,410, $1,570, $1,180 and $1,420. These figures are referred to as a(n) __________. A. Histogram B. Raw data C. Frequency distribution D. Frequency polygon Histograms, frequency distributions, and frequency polygons all summarize data. The data in the question are individual observations or raw data that are not summarized. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 17. A small sample of computer operators shows monthly incomes of $1,950, $1,775, $2,060, $1,840, $1,795, $1,890, $1,925, and $1,810. What are these ungrouped numbers called? A. Histogram B. Class limits C. Class frequencies D. Raw data Histograms and frequency distributions summarize data. The data in the question are the individual observations that are not summarized. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 18. When data is collected using a quantitative, ratio variable, what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. Upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. A pie chart can be used to summarize the data. C. Number of classes is equal to the number of variable’s values. D. The “5 to the k rule” can be applied. Choices B and C refer to frequency distributions for qualitative variables. For quantitative, ratio variables, the number of classes, the class interval, and class limits must be computed. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 19. When data is collected using a qualitative, nominal variable, what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. The upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. A pie chart can be used to summarize the data. C. The number of classes is equal to the number of variable’s values plus 2. D. The “5 to the k rule” can be applied. A pie chart is used to show the relative frequency for a qualitative, nominal variable. Choices A and D apply to quantitative variables. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 20. When data is collected using a qualitative, nominal variable (in other words, male or female), what is true about a frequency distribution that summarizes the data? A. The upper and lower class limits must be calculated. B. Class midpoints can be computed. C. The number of classes corresponds to the number of a variable’s values. D. The “2 to the k rule” can be applied. Gender is a nominal, qualitative variable that has two values. Therefore, the frequency distribution will only have two classes: male and female. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 21. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: Why is the table NOT a frequency distribution? A. The number of males does not equal the sum of males that smoke and do not smoke. B. The classes are not mutually exclusive. C. There are too many classes. D. Class limits cannot be computed. In a frequency distribution, the classes must be mutually exclusive so that each data item can be assigned to only one class. In this example, the classes are not mutually exclusive because a female can be assigned to two classes: females and females who smoke or females who do not smoke. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 22. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: What type of chart best represents the frequency table? A. Bar chart B. Box plot C. Scatter plot D. Frequency polygon The variables are nominal and qualitative. The frequency table is best presented with a bar chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 23. A student was interested in the cigarette smoking habits of college students and collected data from an unbiased random sample of students. The data is summarized in the following table: What type of chart best represents relative class frequencies? A. Box plot B. Pie chart C. Scatter plot D. Frequency polygon The variables are nominal and qualitative. Relative frequencies for a qualitative, nominal variable are best summarized with a pie chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 24. When a class interval is expressed as 100 up to 200, _________________________. A. Observations with values of 100 are excluded from the class B. Observations with values of 200 are included in the class C. Observations with values of 200 are excluded from the class D. The class interval is 99 Class intervals must be interpreted so they are mutually exclusive. The class interval, 100 up to 200, includes values equal to 100 and less than 200. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 25. For a relative frequency distribution, relative frequency is computed as _____________. A. The class width divided by class interval B. The class midpoint divided by the class frequency C. The class frequency divided by the class interval D. The class frequency divided by the total frequency. By definition, relative frequency is computed as class frequency divided by total frequency. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 26. The relative frequency for a class represents the ________________. A. Class width B. Class midpoint C. Class interval D. Percent of observations in the class By definition, relative frequency is computed as class frequency divided by total frequency, which is a percent of the total observations in a class. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 27. A group of 100 students was surveyed about their interest in a new International Studies program. Interest was measured in terms of high, medium, or low. In the study, 30 students responded high interest, 40 students responded medium interest, and 30 students responded low interest. What is the relative frequency of students with high interest? A. .30 B. .50 C. .40 D. .030 For calculations, 30 of the 100 students have a high interest, or 30/100 = .30. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 28. A group of 100 students were surveyed about their interest in a new Economics major. Interest was measured in terms of high, medium, or low. In the study, 30 students responded high interest, 50 students responded medium interest, and 20 students responded low interest. What is the best way to illustrate the relative frequency of student interest? A. Use a cumulative frequency polygon B. Use a box plot C. Use a pie chart D. Use a frequency table Interest is a qualitative, nominal variable. The relative frequencies for a qualitative, nominal variable are best summarized with a pie chart. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 29. The monthly salaries of a sample of 100 employees were rounded to the nearest $10. They ranged from a low of $1,040 to a high of $1,720. If we want to condense the data into seven classes, what is the most convenient class interval? A. $50 B. $100 C. $150 D. $200 ($1720 – 1040)/7 = $97.14. Of the answer choices, a class interval of $100 is closest to 97.14. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 30. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify themselves as a Democrat or a Republican. This question is flawed because: A. Students generally don’t know their political preferences. B. The categories are generally mutually exclusive. C. The categories are not exhaustive. D. Political preference is a continuous variable. The survey is not exhaustive because it does not include all possible party preferences, such as Independent or Libertarian. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 31. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify their political preference, for example, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or another party. The best way to illustrate the frequencies for each political preference is a __________. A. Bar chart B. Box plot C. Histogram D. Frequency polygon Political preference is a qualitative, nominal variable. Frequencies for a qualitative, nominal variable are best presented with a bar chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 32. A student was studying the political party preferences of a university’s student population. The survey instrument asked students to identify their political preferenceโ€”for example, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or another party. The best way to illustrate the relative frequency distribution is a __________. A. Bar chart B. Pie chart C. Histogram D. Frequency polygon Political preference is a qualitative, nominal variable. The relative frequencies for a qualitative, nominal variable are best summarized with a pie chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 33. What is the following table called? A. Histogram B. Frequency polygon C. Cumulative frequency distribution D. Frequency distribution The table is not a graph, such as a histogram or frequency polygon. The table shows the number of people in each class. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Frequency Distribution Concepts 34. For the following distribution of heights, what are the limits for the class with the greatest frequency? A. 64 and up to 70 B. 65 and 69 C. 65 and up to 70 D. 69.5 and 74.5 The frequency table has three classes with frequencies of 10, 70, and 20. The class 65″ up to 70″ corresponds with the greatest frequency of 70. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 35. In a frequency distribution, the number of observations in a class is called the class ________. A. Midpoint B. Interval C. Array D. Frequency By definition, frequency is the number of observations in a class. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 36. Why are unequal class intervals sometimes used in a frequency distribution? A. To avoid a large number of empty classes B. For the sake of variety in presenting the data C. To make the class frequencies smaller D. To avoid the need for midpoints When constructing frequency distributions, sometimes there are extreme or outlier values. Therefore, there would be several classes with zero frequencies. To better summarize the data, a class would be created with extended limits that would include the classes with zero frequencies and all the outlier or extreme values. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 37. The number of employees less than the upper limit of each class at Lloyd’s Fast Food Emporium is shown in the following table: What is it called? A. A histogram B. A cumulative frequency table C. A pie chart D. A frequency polygon The table shows the number of employees in each class or less. So each class frequency is a cumulative total and the table is a cumulative frequency table. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 38. A sample distribution of hourly earnings in Paul’s Cookie Factory is: The limits of the class with the smallest frequency are: A. $6.00 and $9.00 B. $12.00 and up to $14.00 C. $11.75 and $14.25 D. $12.00 and up to $15.00 The frequency table has three classes with frequencies of 16, 42, and 10. The class $12 up to $15 corresponds with the smallest frequency of 10. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 39. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the relative frequency for those salespersons that earn from $1,600 up to $1,800? A. .02 B. .024 C. .20 D. .24 The number 0.20 is found by 24/120. Here, 120 is the total number of salespeople in the distribution. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 40. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: To plot a cumulative frequency distribution, the first coordinate would be _________. A. X = 0, Y = 600 B. X = 500, Y = 3 C. X = 3, Y = 600 D. X = 600, Y = 0 To plot a cumulative frequency distribution, the first point would show a frequency of zero (Y = 0) at the lower limit of the first class. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 41. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the relative frequency of those salespersons that earn $1,600 or more? A. 25.5% B. 27.5% C. 29.5% D. 30.8% The figure of 30.8%, or 37/120, is found by taking the total of the frequencies for $1,600 or more (24 + 9 + 4) and dividing by the total of 120. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 42. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: For the preceding distribution, what is the midpoint of the class with the greatest frequency? A. 1,400 B. 1,500 C. 1,700 D. The midpoint cannot be determined. The class with the greatest frequency is “1,400 up to 1,600.” The class midpoint is the lower limit (1,400) plus one half of the class interval (1/2 ร— 200 = 100) or 1,400 + 100 = 1,500. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 43. Refer to the following distribution of commissions: What is the class interval? A. 200 B. 300 C. 3,500 D. 400 The class interval is 200, found by the difference between any consecutive lower or upper class limits. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 44. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What is the class interval for the preceding table of wages? A. $2 B. $3 C. $4 D. $5 The class interval is $3, found by the difference between any consecutive lower or upper class limits. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 45. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What is the class midpoint for the class with the greatest frequency? A. $5.50 B. $8.50 C. $11.50 D. $14.50 The class with the greatest frequency is “7 up to 10.” The class midpoint is the lower limit (7) plus half of the class interval (1/2 ร— 3 = 1.5) or $7 + 1.5 = $8.50. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 46. Refer to the following wage breakdown for a garment factory. What are the class limits for the class with the smallest frequencies? A. 3.5 and 6.5 B. 4 and up to 7 C. 13 and up to 16 D. 12.5 and 15.5 This class has the lowest frequency with 6 wage earners in the class. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 47. Refer to the following distribution of ages: For the distribution of ages just shown, what is the relative class frequency for the lowest class? A. .50 B. .18 C. .20 D. .10 The answer .20, or 10/50, is found by dividing 10 by the total of 50. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 48. Refer to the following distribution of ages: What is the class interval? A. 9 B. 10 C. 10.5 D. 11 The class interval is 10, found by the difference between any consecutive lower or upper class limits. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 49. Refer to the following distribution of ages: What is the class midpoint of the highest class? A. 54 B. 55 C. 64 D. 65 The highest class is “60 up to 70.” The class midpoint is the lower limit (60) plus half of the class interval: ยฝ ร— 10 = 5, or $60 + 5 = 65. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 50. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What is the class interval? A. 1″ B. 2″ C. 2.5″ D. 3″ The class interval can be computed as the difference between adjacent class midpoints (65.5 – 62.5 = 3) AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 51. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What are the class limits for the lowest class? A. 61 and up to 64 B. 62 and up to 64 C. 62 and 65 D. 62 and 63 Based on the class midpoints, the class interval is 3. The class limit for the lowest class would be the class midpoint less one half of the class interval, or 62.5 – (ยฝ ร— 3) = 61. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 52. Refer to the following information from a frequency distribution for “heights of college women” recorded to the nearest inch: the first two class midpoints are 62.5″ and 65.5″. What are the class limits for the third class? A. 64 and up to 67 B. 67 and 69 C. 67 and up to 70 D. 66 and 68 Based on the class midpoints, the class interval is 3. The class limit for the lowest class would be the class midpoint less half of the class interval, or 62.5 (ยฝ ร— 3) = 61. Then adding the class interval, the lower limit of the second class would be 64 and the lower limit of the third class would be 67. Again, applying the class interval, the upper limit of the third class would be 70. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 53. Refer to the following distribution: What is the relative class frequency for the $25 up to $35 class? A. .02 B. .04 C. .05 D. .10 The class frequency divided by the total observations: 2/50 = 0.04. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 54. Refer to the following distribution: What is the class midpoint for the $45 up to $55 class? A. 49 B. 49.5 C. 50 D. 50.5 The class midpoint is the lower limit (45) plus half of the class interval ยฝ ร— 10 = 5, or 45 + 5 = 50. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 55. Refer to the following distribution: What are the class limits for class with the highest frequency? A. 55 up to 64 B. 54 up to 64 C. 55 up to 65 D. 55 up to 64.5 This class with the highest frequency of 20 observations is “55 up to 65.” AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 56. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent between 3 up to 6 days? A. 31 B. 29 C. 14 D. 2 From the chart, there are 31 employees who were absent 3 up to 6 days. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 57. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent fewer than six days? A. 60 B. 31 C. 91 D. 46 To find the number of employees who were absent fewer than six days, add the frequencies for the classes, 0 up to 3 days, and 3 up to 6 days, or 60 + 31 = 91. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 58. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent six days or more? A. 8 B. 4 C. 22 D. 31 To find the number of employees who were absent six or more days, add the frequencies for the classes, 6 up to 9 days, and 9 up to 12 days, and 12 up to 15 days, or 14 + 6 + 2 = 22. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 59. Refer to the following frequency distribution on days absent during a calendar year by employees of a manufacturing company: How many employees were absent from 6 up to 12 days? A. 20 B. 8 C. 12 D. 17 To find the number of employees who were absent from 6 up to 12 days, add the frequencies for the classes, 6 up to 9 days, and 9 up to 12 days, or 14 + 6 = 20. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 60. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What is the class interval for the frequency table above? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply There is no class interval for data measured on an ordinal scale. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 61. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Not satisfied B. Satisfied C. Highly satisfied D. None Apply The highly satisfied class has 60 people. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 62. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What percent of the responses indicated that customers were satisfied? A. 40% B. 33% C. 50% D. 100% The answer (33%) is found by dividing the frequency of the satisfied class by the total frequency, or 40/120. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 63. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Bar charts can be used to illustrate a frequency table. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 64. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room service in a hotel. What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Pie charts can be used to illustrate relative frequencies for an ordinal variable. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 65. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What is the class interval for the preceding frequency table? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply There is no class interval for data measured on an ordinal scale. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 66. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Very concerned B. Somewhat concerned C. No concern D. None Apply The very concerned class has 140 people. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 67. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What percent of the responses indicated that users were somewhat concerned? A. 40% B. 70% C. 20% D. 100% The answer (20%) is found by dividing the frequency of the somewhat concerned class by the total frequency, or 40/200. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 68. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Bar charts can be used to illustrate a frequency table. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 69. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “Are you concerned about being tracked while connected to the Internet?” What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Pie charts can be used to illustrate relative frequencies for an ordinal variable. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 70. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What is the class interval for the preceding frequency table? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. None Apply There is no class interval for data measured on an ordinal scale. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 71. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What is the class with the greatest frequency? A. Very confident B. Somewhat confident C. Not very confident D. Don’t know The Somewhat Confident class with 135 people. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 72. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What percent of the responses indicated that users were very confident? A. 63% B. 21% C. 45% D. 33% The answer (21%) is found by dividing the frequency of the Very Confident class by the total frequency, or 63/300. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 73. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What type of chart should be used to describe the frequency table? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Bar charts can be used to illustrate a frequency table. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 74. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of “How confident are you that you saved enough to retire?” What type of chart should be used to show relative class frequencies? A. A pie chart B. A bar chart C. A histogram D. A frequency polygon Pie charts can be used to illustrate relative frequencies for an ordinal variable. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 75. A pie chart shows the ______________________. A. Relative frequencies of a qualitative variable B. Relative frequencies of a quantitative variable C. Frequencies of a nominal variable D. Frequencies of a ratio variable Pie charts can be used to illustrate relative frequencies for qualitative variables. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data Fill in the Blank Questions 76. In constructing a frequency polygon, class frequencies are scaled on the ______ axis. Y or vertical (axis) By definition, the Y or vertical axis is labeled as class frequency, while the X or horizontal axis is labeled with class limits or midpoints. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 77. A frequency distribution for nominal data requires that the categories be ___________________ and _____________________. Exhaustive; mutually exclusive By definition, every observation must be included in the distribution (exhaustive) and can belong to only one category or class (mutually exclusive). AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 78. For a frequency distribution of quantitative data, if every individual, object, or measurement can be assigned to a class, the frequency distribution is __________. Exhaustive Exhaustive means that all individuals or objects can be assigned to a class in a frequency distribution. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 79. For a frequency distribution of qualitative data, if the observations can be assigned to only one class, the classes are __________________________. Mutually exclusive By definition, every observation can belong to only one category or class. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 80. The number of observations in each class of a frequency distribution is called a ________________________. Class frequency or frequency By definition, frequency is the number of times an event occurs within a specific interval. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 81. A ___________ is useful for displaying the relative frequency distribution for a nominal variable. Pie chart In a pie chart, the whole represents 100% that is divided into proportions based on the relative frequencies for each category of a nominal variable. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 82. To calculate a relative frequency, a class frequency is divided by ___________. The total number of observations By definition, relative frequency is equal to the class frequency divided by the total of the class frequencies, or the total frequency. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 83. In a relative frequency distribution, the sum of the relative class frequencies is _____________________. 1.00 A relative frequency represents a proportion or percentage of the total. Therefore, the sum of all the relative frequencies must equal the whole, or 1.00. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 84. A class relative frequency represents a __________ of the total observations in the class. Proportion or percentage By definition, a proportion or percentage is part of the whole. So, a relative frequency is a class frequency as a percentage or proportion of the total frequency. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 85. A _____ chart is useful for displaying a frequency distribution for a qualitative variable. Bar For a frequency distribution, frequencies or counts are clearly illustrated with a bar chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 86. A _____ chart is useful for displaying a frequency distribution for a nominal variable. Bar For a frequency distribution, frequencies or counts are clearly illustrated with a bar chart. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 87. The midpoint of a class interval is also called a class ________. Mark By definition, a class midpoint is the same as a class mark. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 88. A table showing the number of observations that have been grouped into each of several classes is called a frequency ________________. Distribution By definition, organizing data by summarizing frequencies in classes is a frequency distribution. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 89. In a cumulative frequency distribution, the percent of the total frequencies that would fall below the upper limit of the highest class would be _________. 100% In a cumulative frequency distribution, the last class is the sum of all frequencies for all lower classes, or 100% of all observations. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 90. Unorganized data is referred to as ________ data. Raw or ungrouped A listing of measurements for a sample or population of individuals is considered raw or ungrouped data. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 91. When classes in a frequency table are constructed so that each observation will fit into only one class, the categories are ______________________. Mutually exclusive By definition, mutually exclusive means that an observation, like the gender of a person is female, eliminates the possibility that the person is male. In a frequency table, a person cannot be classified as both female and male. Therefore, the categories are mutually exclusive. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 92. The suggested class interval for a frequency distribution with data ranges from 100 to 220 with 50 observations would be _______. 20 The class interval would be (maximum – minimum)/number of classes. Using the “2 to the k rule,” there would be 6 classes. So (220 – 100)/6 = 20. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 93. If the number of observations is 124, calculate the suggested number of classes using the “2 to the k rule.” 7 ร— classes 26 = 64, 27 = 128. Since 124 is less than 128, the rule says that we should use 7 classes. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 94. In a frequency distribution, a class defined as “Under $100” and “$1,000 and over” is called a(n) ____________. Open class Both examples do not have specified upper or lower limits. So they are “open classes.” AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 95. In a deck of cards, a class of all cards that are hearts and a class of all cards that are kings are NOT _____________. Mutually exclusive The king of hearts is included in both classes. It is a king and a heart. Therefore, the classes are not mutually exclusive. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Frequency Distribution Concepts 96. To construct a histogram, the class frequencies are plotted on the ________. Y or vertical axis To illustrate a frequency distribution with a histogram, class frequencies are plotted on the vertical axis, and the class limits on the horizontal axis. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 97. To construct a bar chart, the class frequencies are plotted on the _________. Y or vertical axis To illustrate a frequency distribution with a bar chart, class frequencies are plotted on the vertical axis, and the classes on the horizontal axis. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-02 Organize data into a bar chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 98. To construct a pie chart, the class frequencies are converted to __________. Relative frequencies Pie charts are used to show relative frequencies. So class frequencies must be divided by total frequencies to compute relative frequencies. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 99. To summarize the gender of students attending a college in a frequency distribution, a total of at least ______ classes would be required. Two For nominal variables, such as gender or color, the number of classes corresponds with the number of values for the nominal variable. A frequency distribution for gender would have two classes: male and female. A frequency distribution of primary colors would have three classes: red, yellow, and blue. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 100. A ______ chart is useful for displaying a relative frequency distribution. Pie Relative frequencies are a percentage or proportion in relation to the whole. A pie chart shows “slices” in proportion to the whole. So a pie chart is useful for displaying a relative frequency distribution. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions Essay Questions 101. Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 The class limits for the class 50 up to 60 are _______ and ______. 50, 60 Feedback: By definition, the values are 50 and 60. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 102. Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 What is the midpoint for the class 40 up to 50? 45 Feedback: The class interval is 10, so the midpoint for any class would be half of the class interval added to a class lower limit (in this case, 40 + 5 = 45), or subtracted from a class upper limit (50 – 5 = 45). AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 103. Ages (rounded to the nearest whole year) of employees at a large company were grouped into a distribution with the following class limits: 20 up to 30 30 up to 40 40 up to 50 50 up to 60 60 up to 70 What is the class interval? 10 Feedback: The class interval is the difference between the lower or upper class limits of adjacent classes. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 104. The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the class interval? 10 Feedback: The class interval is the difference between the class marks or midpoints of adjacent classes. (115 – 105 = 10, or 125 – 115 = 10). AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 105. The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the lower limit for the third class? 120 Feedback: The class interval is 10. The class marks are the same as the class midpoints. Therefore, the upper and lower limits for a class are the class mark plus or minus half of the class interval. For the third class, the lower limit is 125 – ยฝ(10) = 120. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 106. The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What is the upper limit for the third class? 130 Feedback: The class interval is 10. The class marks are the same as the class midpoints. Therefore, the upper and lower limits for a class are the class mark plus or minus half of the class interval. For the third class, the upper limit is 125 + ยฝ(10) = 130. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 107. The first three class marks for a frequency distribution of “weights of college men” recorded to the nearest pound are 105, 115, and 125. What are the class limits for the fourth class? 130 up to 140 Feedback: The class interval is 10. The class marks are the same as the class midpoints. Therefore, the upper and lower limits for a class are the class mark plus or minus half of the class interval. For the third class, the upper limit is 125 + ยฝ(10) = 130. The upper limit for the third class becomes the lower limit for the fourth class. The class interval, 10, is then added to get the upper limit for the fourth class. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 108. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What is the class interval for the following frequency table? There is no class interval. The variable is qualitative. Feedback: There is no class interval for data measured on an ordinal scale. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 109. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What is the class with the greatest frequency? Satisfied Feedback: The satisfied class with 40 individuals. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 110. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. What percent of the responses indicated that customers were satisfied? 50% Feedback: The satisfied class accounts for 40 of the 80 total individuals. Therefore, 40/80 (or 50%) of the customers were satisfied. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Understand Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 111. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a bar graph that illustrates the preceding frequency table. Feedback: A graph with appropriate labels on the horizontal (satisfaction) and vertical (frequency) axes. The bar for “satisfied” should be twice as high as the “not satisfied and highly satisfied” categories, and these categories should be equal in height. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 112. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a bar graph that illustrates the relative frequencies. Feedback: A graph with the appropriate labels on the horizontal (satisfaction) and vertical (relative frequency) axes. Bars should show approximate relative frequencies or percentages. The bar for “satisfied” should be twice as high as the “not satisfied and highly satisfied” categories, and these categories should be equal in height. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 113. Refer to the following breakdown of responses to a survey of room cleanliness in a hotel. Draw a pie chart that illustrates the relative frequencies. Feedback: The pie chart should be divided into three slices. The “satisfied” slice should be one half of the pie, and the “not satisfied” and “highly satisfied” slices should each be one quarter of the pie. The slices should be labeled. AACSB: Communication Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-03 Present a set of data using a pie chart. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 114. A data set consists of 40 observations. For a quantitative variable, how many classes would you recommend for the frequency distribution? Six classes Feedback: 26 = 64, since 40 is less than 64, the rule says that we should use 6 classes. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 115. A data set has 100 observations. In the data, a quantitative variable’s highest value is 117 and its lowest value is 47. What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? The intermediate answer is 7 classes. The difference between the high and low is 70. So, the class interval is 10. Feedback: The class interval would be (maximum – minimum)/number of classes. Using the “2 to the k rule,” there would be 7 classes (100 is less than 27 = 128. So (117 – 47)/7 = 10. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 116. A data set has 200 observations. In the data, a quantitative variable’s highest value is 1080 and its lowest value is 960. What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? The intermediate answer is 8 classes. The difference between the high and low is 120. So, the class interval is 15. Feedback: The class interval would be (maximum – minimum)/number of classes. Using the “2 to the k rule,” there would be 8 classes (200 is less than 28 = 256. So (1080 – 960)/8 = 15. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 117. A data set has 200 observations. In the data, a qualitative variable’s highest value is “extremely satisfied” and its lowest value is “extremely dissatisfied.” What is the minimum class interval that you would recommend? There is no class interval because the variable is qualitative, not quantitative. Feedback: Qualitative data does not have class intervals or class limits. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 118. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in less than one day? 150 Feedback: For the first class, 0 up to 1 day, there are 150 deliveries. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 119. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in less than one day? 0.50 Feedback: For the first class, 0 up to 1 day, the relative frequency is 150 divided by the total, 300. Therefore 150/300, or 0.5, is the relative frequency for the first class. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 120. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in less than three days? 255 Feedback: The first three classes account for all the deliveries of less than three days. So summing 150, 60, and 45, there were 255 deliveries of less than three days. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 121. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in less than three days? 0.85 Feedback: The first three classes account for all the deliveries of less than three days. So summing 150, 60, and 45, there were 255 deliveries of less than three days. The relative frequency would be 255/300, or 0.85. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 122. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered in three days or more? 45 Feedback: The three classes, 3 up to 4, 4 up to 5, and 5 up to 6, account for all the deliveries of three days or more. So summing 30, 10, and 5, there were 45 deliveries of three days or more. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-06 Present data from a frequency distribution in a histogram or frequency polygon. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 123. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency for orders delivered in three days or more? 0.15 Feedback: The three classes, 3 up to 4, 4 up to 5, and 5 up to 6, account for all the deliveries of three days or more. So summing 30, 10, and 5, there were 45 deliveries of three days or more. The relative frequency is 45/300, or 0.15. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 124. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. How many orders were delivered from 1 day up to 3 days? 105 Feedback: The two classes, 1 up to 2, and 2 up to 3, account for all the deliveries from 1 up to 3 days. So summing 60 and 45, there were 105 deliveries from 1 up to 3 days. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 125. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. What is the relative frequency of the orders delivered from 1 day up to 3 days? 0.35. Feedback: The two classes, 1 up to 2, and 2 up to 3, account for all the deliveries from 1 up to 3 days. So summing 60 and 45, there were 105 deliveries from 1 up to 3 days. The relative frequency is 105/300, or 0.35. AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Apply Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02-05 Understand a relative frequency distribution. Topic: Relative Frequency Distributions 126. The following frequency distribution shows the distribution of delivery times (in days) for customer orders during the last month. For 300 observations, our rule-of-thumb for number of classes would indicate 9 classes. In this case, what is the class interval and why would it be reasonable to use that class interval and only 6 classes? The class interval is 1 day. The class interval would be reasonable because that is the level of detail that the company uses to measure delivery time. The number of classes would be limited to 6 because there are no deliveries that take six days or more. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-04 Create a frequency distribution for a data set. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Quantitative Data 127. What is the difference between a bar chart and a pie chart? A bar chart shows the frequency for the distribution of a qualitative variable. A pie chart shows the relative frequency for the distribution of a qualitative variable. The pie chart is also a great way to make a visual message of the proportions that each variable contributes to the total observations. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data 128. What is the difference between a frequency distribution and a cumulative frequency distribution? A frequency distribution shows the number of observations in each class. A cumulative frequency distribution shows the sum of the number of observations in a class plus all lower-ranked or -valued classes. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-07 Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency distribution. Topic: Cumulative Frequency Distribution 129. In a bar chart, why are there spaces between the bars on the horizontal axis? A bar chart shows the frequency distribution of a qualitative variable. A qualitative variable is discrete and not continuous. Therefore, placing a space between each bar reflects the fact that a qualitative variable is not continuous. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Blooms: Analyze Difficulty: 3 Hard Learning Objective: 02-01 Make a frequency table for a set of data. Topic: Constructing Frequency Distributions: Qualitative Data

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