Basic Geriatric Nursing, 6th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 02: Theories of Aging Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. How does a theory differ from a fact? a. A theory proves how different influences affect a particular phenomenon. b. A theory attempts to explain and give some logical order to observations. c. A theory is a collection of facts about a particular phenomenon. d. A theory shows a relationship among facts about a particular phenomenon. ANS: B A theory is an unproven concept that attempts to explain and give some logical order to observations. For a theory to become a fact, there must be reproducible evidence. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension TOP: Fact vs. Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 27 OBJ: 1 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 2. The biological theory of aging uses a genetic perspective and suggests that aging is a programmed process in which a. each person will age exactly like those in the previous generation b. a โ€•biological clockโ€– ticks off a predetermined number of cell divisions c. genetic traits can overcome environmental influences d. age-related physical changes are controlled only by genetic factors ANS: B The biological theory of programmed process suggests that there is a โ€•biologic clockโ€– set with a predetermined number of cell divisions that will occur before the introduction of the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application TOP: Biological Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 27 OBJ: 2 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 3. The Gene Theory of aging suggests which of the following ? a. The presence of a โ€•master geneโ€– prolongs youth. b. Genes interact with each other to resist aging. c. Specific genes target specific body systems to initiate system deterioration. d. The activation of harmful genes initiates the aging process. ANS: D The Gene Theory suggests that there is an activation of harmful genes that initiates the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application TOP: Gene Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 27 OBJ: 2 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 4. The theory that identifies an unstable molecule as the causative factor in aging is the _____ theory. a. b. c. d. free radical molecular neuroendocrine crosslink ANS: A The free radical theory identifies free radicalsโ€”unstable moleculesโ€”that will cause aging after accumulation in the body. DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge TOP: Free Radical Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 5. A patient uses good health maintenance practices. What aging theory most accurately relates to the patientโ€™s practices? a. Wear-and-tear b. Free radical c. Neuroendocrine d. Molecular ANS: A The wear-and-tear theory suggests that health maintenance practices will prevent wear and tear on the cells of the body and will delay the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 TOP: Wear-and-Tear Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease 6. The patient asks the nurse to describe the neuroendocrine theory of aging. What would be an appropriate response by the nurse? a. It relates thyroid function to age-related changes. b. Adrenal corticosteroids inhibit the aging process. c. The stimulation and/or inhibition of the hypothalamus causes age-related changes. d. The adrenal medulla inhibits epinephrine, causing age-related changes. ANS: C The neuroendocrine theory proposes that the hypothalamus stimulates or inhibits the pituitary gland to produce hormones that initiate the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 TOP: Neuroendocrine Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease 7. What is true of the psychosocial theories of aging? a. They focus on methods to delay the aging process. b. They are directed at decreasing depression in the older adult. c. They are organized to enhance the perception of aging. d. They attempt to explain responses to the aging process. ANS: D Psychosocial theories attempt to explain the various responses of persons to the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Focus of Psychosocial Therapies KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Growth and Development 8. What is the major objection to the disengagement theory? a. The theory justifies ageism. b. The theory addresses the diversity of older adults. c. The theory does not clarify the aging process. d. The theory diminishes the self-esteem of the older adult. ANS: A The disengagement theory seems to justify ageism by proposing that there is a mutual desire between the community and the older adult to be disengaged. According to the theory, this desire apparently does not diminish self-esteem because the older adult desires to be disengaged. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Disengagement Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping and Adaptation 9. An 80-year-old teaches Sunday school each week and delivers food for Meals on Wheels. What theory of aging would apply? a. Newmanโ€™s developmental b. The life course c. The activity d. The disengagement ANS: C Purposeful activity increases self-esteem and maintains cognitive function well into older age. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application TOP: Activity Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 29 OBJ: 3 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 10. The nurse would recognize successful aging according to Jungโ€™s theory when a long-term care facility resident demonstrates which of the following behaviors? a. The resident takes special care to dress for dinner in a manner that pleases his tablemates. b. The resident asks permission to sit on the patio with other residents. c. The resident asks persons in his hall if his television is bothering them. d. The resident wears a large cowboy hat at all times because he likes it. ANS: D Jung describes a successful adjustment to aging as being accepting and valuing of self regardless of the view of others. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Jungโ€™s Developmental Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Evaluation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Growth and Development 11. How would an elderly female be most likely to reduce the amount of the free radical lipofuscin? a. b. c. d. Avoid animal fat Take antioxidants daily Build muscle mass Perform outdoor exercise three times weekly ANS: B Individuals who follow this theory believe that free radicals can be reduced by antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and phytochemicals. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 TOP: Antioxidants KEY: Nursing Process Step: Planning MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease 12. A recently widowed woman moved to an assisted living community because of her hypertension and joined a group to learn how to do water color painting with other women her age. Which theory of aging does the nurse assess the patient to be following? a. Jung b. Havighurst c. Erikson d. Newman ANS: B Havighurst proposes that the process of aging is defined by adjusting to the loss of a spouse, establishing a relationship with oneโ€™s own age group, and establishing a satisfactory living arrangement. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 29 OBJ: 3 TOP: Havighurst KEY: Nursing Process Step: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease MULTIPLE RESPONSE 13. What age-related illnesses are thought to cause the accumulation of free radicals? (Select all that apply.) a. Arthritis b. Colon cancer c. Osteoporosis d. Diabetes e. Atherosclerosis ANS: A, D, E Cancer and osteoporosis are not considered to be diseases that accumulate free radicals. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 TOP: Free Radical Influence KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease 14. The nurse emphasizes that the relatively new theory that correlates restricted caloric intake to slowing of the aging process would probably extend the life span of the person, provided that the person __________. (Select all that apply.) a. consistently eats high-nutrient, low-calorie foods b. c. d. e. maintains a regular exercise program consumes 2000โ€“3000 mL of fluid a day supports the diet with adequate fat-soluble vitamins eats only organically grown foods ANS: A, B This new theory encourages high-nutrient, low-calorie foods combined with regular exercise to delay the aging process. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: pp. 28-29 OBJ: 2 TOP: Calorie Restriction Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease 15. Which of the following would be considered positive outcomes of Eriksonโ€™s โ€•life reviewโ€–? (Select all that apply.) a. Wisdom and integrated self-image b. Comparing self with others c. Understanding self and relationships d. Seeking anotherโ€™s opinion of his or her achievement e. Acceptance of self ANS: A, C, E Acceptance of self and understanding self and relationships with accumulated wisdom is the goal of Erikson. Seeking the opinion of others suggests that the older adult is experiencing doubt and gloom, which are negative outcomes according to Erikson. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 29 OBJ: 2 TOP: Eriksonโ€™s Developmental Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Growth and Development 16. Which of the following would be selected for a diet high in antioxidants? (Select all that apply.) a. Fruits b. Vegetables c. Organ meat d. Folic acid e. Vitamin D ANS: A, B, D Antioxidants can be obtained largely from fruits and vegetables. Organ meat and vitamin D are not antioxidants. DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: p. 28 OBJ: 4 TOP: Antioxidants KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease COMPLETION 17. The theory that proposes that defects in ribonucleic acid (RNA) protein production cause a progressive decline in the function of all cells is the __________ theory. ANS: error The error theory proposes that errors in ribonucleic acid protein synthesis cause changes such as decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and changes in reproductive function. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension TOP: Error Theory MSC: NCLEX: N/A REF: p. 28 OBJ: 2 KEY: Nursing Process Step: N/A 18. The nurse clarifies that the biologic theory that proposes that aging is based on the using up of a finite number of breaths or heartbeats is the __________ of __________ theory. ANS: rate; living The rate of living theory proposes that individuals have a finite number of breaths or heartbeats that are used up over a period of time. DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: p. 27 OBJ: 2 TOP: Rate of Living Theory KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Prevention and Early Detection of Disease

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