Arts And Culture: An Introduction To The Humanities, Combined Volume, 4th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 2: Aegean Culture and Early Greece Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following does not describe the early kouros. A. Originally painted B. Influenced by Egypt C. Freestanding D. Contains a supporting back pillar E. Is a figure of a bird Answer: D Page ref: 63-65 2. The __________ is the most ancient of the Aegean civilizations. A. Minoan B. Mycenaean C. Geometric Greek D. Cycladic E. Sumerian Answer: D Page ref: 51 3. Before Athens came to dominate pottery manufacture, __________ was the biggest vase-producing city in Greece. A. Sparta B. Delphi C. Thessalonica D. Neapolis E. Corinth Answer: E Page ref: 62 4. During the Archaic period, Greek sculptors began to focus on __________. A. scenes of violence B. the accurate portrayal of animal forms C. narrative scenes D. the expression of emotion E. the naturalistic depiction of the human figure Answer: E Page ref: 62 5. The major surviving architectural monument of the Minoans is the __________. A. Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut B. Treasury of Atreus C. Palace of Minos D. Palace of Darius and Xerxes E. none of the above Answer: C Page ref: 52 6. Which of the following is not a feature of the Mycenaean Lion Gate (fig. 2.6)? A. Main gateway to the fortified hilltop city of Mycenae B. Includes a lintel topped by a relieving triangle C. Guardian lions flank an Egyptian-style column D. The oldest piece of monumental sculpture in Europe E. The doorway weighs approximately twenty tons Answer: C Page ref: 55 7. Although the methods of creating pottery changed over the centuries, subjects frequently derived from __________. A. mythology B. political gatherings C. daily life D. both A and C E. none of the above Answer: D Page ref: 62 8. The chief deities of the Minoan religion were female, and __________ is the best known example in sculptural form. A. The Toreador Fresco B. The Snake Goddess C. Landscape D. Three-handled Vase with Lilies and Papyrus E. Woman of Willendorf Answer: B Page ref: 54 9. According to Benton and DiYanniโ€™s text, the __________ best embodies the warlike character of the Mycenaeans. A. Warrior Vase B. Mask of Agamemnon C. Treasury of Atreus D. Lion Gate E. Kamares War Spouted Three-Handled Pithos with Fish Answer: A Page ref: 56 10. A number of wall paintings recently discovered at Akrotiri on Thera (Santorini) include a __________ unlike any other known to have survived from antiquity. A. landscape B. narrative scene C. still life D. portrait of the ruler E. decorative pattern Answer: A Page ref: 53 11. Just inside the Lion Gate (fig. 2.6) archaeologists excavated six shaft graves with many spectacular items made of __________. A. gold B. silver C. bronze D. all of the above E. both A and C Answer: E Page ref: 56 12. The __________ is the most distinctive architectural element in Minoan architecture. A. column B. arch C. window design D. shape of the roof E. all of the above Answer: A Page ref: 53 13. The Geometric period of ancient Greek art is sometimes referred to as the __________ Age, since it was during this time that Homer created his poetic epics. A. Homeric B. triumphant C. Heroic D. Odyssean E. city-state Answer: C Page ref: 58 14. The Treasury of Atreus (fig. 2.7) was neither a treasury nor was it associated with Atreus; it was actually a __________. A. lookout tower B. throne room C. meeting hall D. tomb E. temple Answer: D Page ref: 55 15. __________ is the writing found at Knossos on the island of Crete. A. Hieroglyphics B. Cuneiform C. Linear A and Linear B D. none of the above E. both A and B Answer: C Page ref: 51 16. In __________ pottery details are created by scraping through the black slip used to create the figures to reveal the red clay beneath. A. black-figure B. red-figure C. Orientalizing D. Geometric E. white ground Answer: A Page ref: 62 17. The Geometric style of pottery is known for its __________. A. horizontal rows or bands B. funeral scenes C. some narrative elements D. geometric ornament, such as meanders (maze patterns), checkers, zigzags, and lozenges E. all of the above Answer: E Page ref: 59 18. Minoans subsisted primarily as __________. A. farmers B. sailors and traders C. potters D. pirates E. priests and prophets Answer: B Page ref: 52 True/False 19. The Odyssey was written by Hesiod. Answer: F Page ref: 60 20. Sappho was an Archaic lyric poet. Answer: T Page ref: 62 21. The Minoan culture was centered on the island of Thasos. Answer: F Page ref: 52 22. The term polis means โ€œhouse.โ€ Answer: F Page ref: 58 23. Heinrich Schliemann was the archaeologist who found Troy and worked at Mycenae. Answer: T Page ref: 56 24. The Geometric period spans the years between c. 600 and 485 B.C.E. Answer: F Page ref: 58 25. Red-figure is a style of Minoan pottery. Answer: F Page ref: 62 26. Ashlar is a type of masonry featuring stone carefully cut with right-angle corners. Answer: T Page ref: 55 Short Answer 27. List the three dominant civilizations of the early Aegean period, noting where each was located. 28. Describe the form and function of the typical Cycladic statuette. 29. Summarize the Greek myth of the founding of the Minoan culture. 30. What do scholars believe the Toreador Fresco (fig. 2.4) demonstrates about Minoan civilization? 31. What are the essential differences between the Minoans and the Mycenaeans? 32. What are the key features of Geometric Greek art and how do these elements reflect social structures? 33. Outline the main themes of The Iliad and The Odyssey. 34. Describe some of the most important concepts of early Greek philosophy. 35. Who was Sappho and what does her work offer that epic poetry does not? 36. What is a kouros and kore and what do these figures tell one of Greek gender roles and ideals in the Archaic period? Essay 37. Compare and contrast the treatment of the human form in Cycladic culture with that of the Archaic phase of Greek art through a detailed examination of two works. 38. Explore the effects of trading during the Orientalizing period on the ceramic art of Corinth. 39. Benton and DiYanni assert that, โ€œPerhaps nothing distinguished the rise of ancient Greece as a civilization more than its love of pure thought,โ€ or philosophy. How was philosophy translated into visual form?

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