An Overview of the Human Services 2nd Edition Test Bank

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An Overview of the Human Services 2nd Edition Test Bank Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Items 1. Which organization was founded to provide support, education and advocacy for people with mental illness? a. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill b. The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Center c. The Wellesley center d. The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health ANS: A 2. Which agency is likely to involve itself with needs of the mentally ill and substance abusers? a. World Health Organization b. The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration c. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration d. All of the above ANS: D 3. What is the official name of the most recent health care reform signed into law in 2010? a. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act b. Welfare for the 47% ers c. Obamacare d. The New Deal ANS: A 4. Which President signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act? a. Reagan b. Clinton c. Bush Sr. d. Bush Jr. ANS: B 5. Who is least likely to receive social welfare? a. Needy children b. Needy elder c. Disabled veteran d. All of the above should receive welfare ANS: D 6. The No Child Left Behind program was proposed by: a. Clinton b. Bush c. Obama d. Carter ANS: B 7. Which level of intervention includes efforts to prevent the first occurrence of a disorder? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. All of the above ANS: A 8. Which level of intervention includes efforts to assist people who have already demonstrated early signs of problematic behaviors? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. All of the above ANS: B 9. Which level of intervention is used with people who suffer from chronic problems and difficulties caring for themselves? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. None of the above ANS: C 10. The harm reduction models: a. Is based on stages of change model b. is a very judgmental , coercive approach c. Has been shown to be ineffective d. None of the above ANS: A 11. Baby boomers: a. Were born between 1946 and 1964 b. Were born just before WWII c. Will be dead before the year 2020 d. All of the above ANS: A 12. In the last 20 years, immigration has: a. Decreased b. Shown erratic statistics c. Increased d. Stayed the same ANS: C 13. Sociological theories explain: a. How biology and genetics play into human development b. How personality disorders cause deviance c. That politics and social values rarely affect individuals in society d. How societal phenomenon are caused by external and environmental conditions ANS: D Short Answer/Essay Test Items 1. What are two current efforts in place to assist those with mental health issues? Answer can include any of the following: Community mental health centers, Community Mental Health Act of 1963, Federal Short-Doyle Act, county mental health facilities, County Behavioral Health Services, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Mental Health Parity Act of 1996, Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, lottery monies and cigarette and gasoline taxes to increase state-funded services, The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), health maintenance organizations (HMOโ€™s), Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). 2. Define and give examples for each of the three levels of intervention proposed originally by Caplan. Answer should include all of the following definitions, though examples may vary from book or original idea from student: Primary Prevention: Efforts to prevent the occurrence of a disorder or a problem by counteracting circumstances or risk-factors that could contribute to or cause the disorder or problem. Examples-D.A.R.E., Scared Straight, Project Head Start. Secondary Prevention: Efforts to assist people who have already demonstrated early signs of dysfunction or problematic behaviors, or reduce the duration of the problem. Example-crisis intervention Tertiary Prevention: efforts used with people who suffer from chronic problems and have difficulties caring for themselves in order to reorient them and return them to a more productive capacity. Examples- long-term stays at psychiatric hospitals, ongoing psychotherapy or attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, incarceration, and indefinite periods in residential facilities. 3. Why is consideration of the older adult population critical for Human Services workers? Answer should address the following: Among the greatest changes in our population is the increased aging population. Within this population, there exists significant cultural variation due to gender, race and ethnicity, and economic status. It is likely that Human Services workers will inevitably work with or on behalf of an older adult and so their various needs are critical to understand.

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