2022-2023 HESI Reading Comprehension Passage Version 1 A2 Version 1 With Answers (93 Solved Questions)

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lOMoAR cPSD| 3013804 HESI A2 Reading Passages Versions 1 & 2 (with ANSWERS) NOTICE: I ONLY CREATED THIS FILE AS MY OWN STUDY GUIDE AND DO NOT INTEND TO MAKE COPIES, SHARE OR POST THEM ONLINE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE RIGHTFUL/COPYRIGHT OWNER. DETAILS BELOW ARE COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC DOMAIN/SOCIAL MEDIA ONLINE POSTS/QUIZLETS/SHARED DOCUMENTS FROM RANDOM SITES AND NO RESOURCES/REFERENCES INCLUDED. I DONโ€™T OWN THE FOLLOWING AND WILL NEVER USE ANY COPYRIGHTED WORK/MATERIAL FOR PROFIT WITHOUT PERMISSION. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO SHARE/MAKE COPIES, PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING FIRST: โ— โ— โ— Find out the copyright owner. Some owners use third party companies. Make an official request to use the following documents from the copyright owner (or the third party if applicable). If a request for use is approved, please use the documents according to the terms/conditions agreed with the copyright owner. 1 HESI A2 Reading Version 1 FOOD Food and drink are necessary and desirable, but their abuse can cause serious physical and mental problems. Many physicians believe that overeating is one of the country’s main health problems, since it places a great strain on the heart, can lead to diabetes, and often shortens the individual’s life span. To fill an emotional void. People often turn to food when they are bored or lonely. Another area of concern is alcohol consumption. The results of alcohol abuse are widely publicized. The social drinker who becomes alcoholic, the drunken driver’s contribution to highway death, spousal and child abuse, are all concomitant problems associated with alcohol abuse. 1. As used in the last sentence of this paragraph, the term <concomitant= means? *Accompanying (CORRECT) 2. The authorโ€™s motive for writing the paragraph seems to have been to? *Urge self-control (CORRECT) 3. What is implied by this paragraph? *We should eat and drink in reasonable quantities. (CORRECT) 4. The author seems? *Favor moderation (CORRECT) 5. The information presented in this article is *Against drinking alcohol (CORRECT) 6. The author seems to *Oppose drinking alcohol (CORRECT) EATING Consumption of food is a universal necessity. Different cultures have developed different methods to accomplish the task. It is interesting to discover these differences and learn new ways to do things. European cultures developed cutlery (knives, forks, and spoons) to enable people to efficiently eat their food. Correct use of this toolโ€™s changes with the times-what was polite in 1800 may not be considered proper manners today. China developed the chopstick as an efficient tool for eating. Mastery of the use of chopsticks can be difficult for the person not raised in the culture. The attempts of a novice to use chopsticks can be very amusing to the watcher, but frustrating for the hungry diner. Space travel has created new challenges for consuming food. Squeeze bottles and other unique packaging have enabled space travelers to get their needed nutrition. Chopsticks and forks do not work well in space. 1. What conclusion can be drawn about the article? A. The author think chopstick are funny B. The best way to eat food is with cutlery C. The author explains differences in eating processes. (CORRECT) D. Space flight is fun and exciting. 2 2. What statement can be implied from the content of the article? A. Eating in space can be time-consuming. B. Diversity is interesting to learn about (CORRECT) C. The author thinks cutlery is the best tool to use to consume food. (correct) D. The author enjoys trying new food. 3. What is the best definition of efficient as used in the third paragraph? *Productive without waste (CORRECT) 4. What conclusion can be drawn about the article? *The author explains differences in eating processes. (CORRECT) 5. What statement can be implied from the content of the article. *Diversity is interesting to learn about (CORRECT) 6. What statement from the article draws the conclusion? *It is interesting to discover new ways to do something (CORRECT) 7. What statement from this article is correct? *China developed chopsticks for eating utensils (CORRECT) EXAMS Subjective exams measure your ability in several areas. Besides recall information, you must be able to realize content logically and intelligently express yourself in a clearly understood manner. Subjective tests provide opportunity for students to show their broad knowledge of a subjective area. Answers may be in the form of paragraphs or lengthy essays. When your review for an essay exam, concentrate on main ideas rather than details. Since essay tests are less to a few questions, they are likely to deal with more important ideas of a subject. Prepare a list of questions you think might be asked. Write an answer to each of your questions. Rather than writing a complete sentence down your thoughts in outline form. Doing so will help you organize the information so that you can express yourself clearly. When you take the test, read through all the questions before you start to write. Allot time for each question, spending more time for questions worth the most points. Read each question carefully to determine exactly what they are asked. Pay attention to words such as define, illustrate, explain, list, compare, and contrast. Each work requires a different type of response. Write a brief outline of your answer on scrap paper or the back of the test. Make sure you include all the important ideas that are within the limits of the question. In other words, do not write more than is asked for each answer. When you write your answer, keep it specific and as brief as possible. In the introductory sentence it is often helpful to make a general statement that includes important points addressed in each question. Such a topic sentence serves as a framework for your answer. Then use your outline to develop the main point and subtopics. Add substance to your answer by including as many facts as possible to support your answer. Check your paper before you submit it. Look for mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Unless you are certain an answer is wrong, do not change it. Your answer is an educated guess and is usually your best chance of answering correctly. 3 1. When taking a subjective examination, you will find questions like. A. True & False C. Matching B. Multiple Choice D. Definitions. (CORRECT) 2. Compared to objective exams, essay test contains A. no good answers C. fewer questions (CORRECT) B. more questions D. harder questions 3. From the article the reader can conclude that a test containing a true-false question is called. A. subjective C. objective (CORRECT) B. rejective D. Detective 4. Compared to objective exams, subjective tests contain A. more questions. C. harder questions B. fewer questions(CORRECT) D. no good answers 5. In answering subjective questions, the student should A. Include more than is asked B. Keep it brief and specific (CORRECT) C. Write out the words-true or false D. Capitalize the matching letters 6. When taking an exam, you should divide your time A. Into three or four short segments B. To allow more time for the difficult questions (CORRECT) C. Equally between all questions D. So that you have time to check and change answers 7. In the above passage, the word "subjective" refers to test questions that: A. Allow you to choose an answer B. Are matching C. Are true or false D. Require you to write your own answer (CORRECT) THE GAME OF BRIDGE The ebb and flow of laughter and silence fills the room as four old friends gather to engage in a round of Bridge playing. For the beginner, Bridge can be complicated, but with time, effort, and a good teacher, even the novice can become proficient. Composed of two main parts, bidding and playing, Bridge requires the player's undivided attention. The dealer deals the entire deck of playing cards evenly between the four players, with each person receiving thirteen cards. In the bidding portion of the game, the four suits of cards in the deck are ranked highest to lowest as follows: spades, hearts, diamonds, and finally clubs. However, during play all the suits of cards are considered equals, and they go from highest to lowest from the ace being high to the two cards being low. The highest number of tricks wins. A trick is one card played by each player for a total of four. After the lead player lays 4

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