Test Bank for Report Writing for Law Enforcement and Corrections Professionals, 1st Edition

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Chapter 2 The Art of Note-Taking 1. A small notebook that measures approximately 3โ€ณ ร— 5โ€ณ and is used in the officerโ€™s daily activity is ___________. a. A legal pad b. A steno pad c. A loose-leaf notebook d. A pocket notebook e. A pre-printed note sheet Answer: D Objective: Understand how to recall your actions and compile them into an accurate and comprehensive case report. Page number: 19-20 Level: Easy 2. Note-taking occurs after _____________. Select all that apply. a. The officer has a new notebook b. The crime scene has been declared safe c. The officer is in an advantageous position in relation to others on scene d. The officer clears the scene Answer: B, C Objective: Understand how to recall your actions and compile them into an accurate and comprehensive case report. Page number: 19 Level: Moderate 3. Midtown Police Department has been responding to an increased amount of vehicle theft calls for service. In order for the officer to gather vital information in a timely manner, a ____________ may be used to focus the questions the officer asks on scene. a. Legal pad b. Pocket notebook c. Loose-leaf notebook d. Pre-printed note sheet Answer: D Objective: Understand how to recall your actions and compile them into an accurate and comprehensive case report. Page number: 19 Level: Difficult 4. When an officer is involved in an in-depth interview in a controlled interview room, the best-suited form of note-taking would be a(n) _____________. a. Legal pad b. Pre-printed note sheet c. Pocket notebook d. Audio recording Answer: A Objective: Understand how to recall your actions and compile them into an accurate and comprehensive case report. Page number: 19-20 Level: Moderate 5. Which type of note-taking is NOT recommended at a crime scene? a. Pocket notebook b. Pre-printed note sheets c. Loose-leaf notebook d. Steno pad Answer: C Objective: Understand how to recall your actions and compile them into an accurate and comprehensive case report. Page number: 20 Level: Moderate 6. It is _____________ for names to be spelled correctly in an officerโ€™s notebook. Select all that apply. a. Redundant b. Necessary c. Irrelevant d. Important Answer: B, D Objective: Understand the guidelines to the process of note-taking, creating an outline, and then transferring that information into a professional case report. Page number: 20 Level: Easy 7. While at the scene of a burglary, the homeowner, Bill, asks Officer Ellison for her contact information in case he discovers more items missing. How should Officer Ellison respond? a. Tell the homeowner that if he wishes to speak to her he can call the department. b. Write her contact information down in her notebook, tear the page out, and provide it to the homeowner. c. Tell the homeowner that she will be in contact with him. d. Provide the homeowner with her contact information on a note card or business card. Answer: D Objective: Understand the guidelines to the process of note-taking, creating an outline, and then transferring that information into a professional case report. Page number: 20 Level: Moderate 8. Utilizing โ€œbuzzwordsโ€ helps an officer recall details at a scene. If numerous individuals were on scene and the officer wanted to use a buzzword to recall a specific individual, which form of buzzwords would be acceptable in a notebook? a. Hot b. Fat c. Redhead d. Hairy Answer: C Objective: Understand the guidelines to the process of note-taking, creating an outline, and then transferring that information into a professional case report. Page number: 21 Level: Easy 9. Audio and video recorders ___________. Select all that apply. a. Document precise victim, witness, and suspect statements b. Are acceptable substitutes for handwritten notes c. Capture physiological responses at a crime scene d. Are frowned upon by the courts Answer: A, C Objective: Understand the guidelines to the process of note-taking, creating an outline, and then transferring that information into a professional case report. Page number: 23 Level: Difficult 10. Abbreviations are used as a means of shorthand. When should abbreviations NOT be used? a. In a case report b. In an interview when a legal pad is used c. When describing a violent offender d. On a traffic stop Answer: A Objective: Understand the guidelines to the process of note-taking, creating an outline, and then transferring that information into a professional case report. Page number: 24 Level: Easy 11. Audio and video note-taking should ________________. Select all that apply. a. Be used with caution due to technical difficulties b. Be used as a supplement c. Be used as the main source of note-taking, as they accurately reflect exact words and phrases d. Be considered a legal document that can be subpoenaed into court Answer: A, B, D Objective: Understand the importance of creating a workable format and style of notetaking that will assist you in completing a clear and accurate report. Page number: 23, 27 Level: Moderate 12. In the following passage, which aspects would be beneficial to document in notes? John James and Carrie Vito were involved in a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, Carrie was crying. John stated that they had an argument about money and that Carrie had slapped him. Carrie said that John doesnโ€™t love her anymore. Carrie is 5โ€ฒ-4โ€ณ and John is 6โ€ฒ-4โ€ณ. John had a red mark on his right cheek. a. Names, Johnโ€™s statement, Carrieโ€™s statement, height of both b. Names, Johnโ€™s statement, red mark on Johnโ€™s cheek c. Names, Carrieโ€™s statement, height of both d. Names, Johnโ€™s statement, Carrieโ€™s statement, red mark on Johnโ€™s cheek, height of both Answer: B Objective: Understand the importance of creating a workable format and style of notetaking that will assist you in completing a clear and accurate report. Page number: 20-23 Level: Difficult 13. Why should an officer number bound notebook pages? a. To maintain a professional notebook b. To avoid any accusations of deception regarding removing pages c. To maintain organization within the notebook d. To help keep notes in chronological order Answer: B Objective: Understand the importance of creating a workable format and style of notetaking that will assist you in completing a clear and accurate report. Page number: 20 Level: Moderate 14. It is important to remember that handwritten notes are ___________. Select all that apply. a. The first step in completing a professional report b. Comprised of key words and phrases that should be documented c. A permanent record that can be subpoenaed into court d. Only one way to document an incident. Audio and video recordings can also be used in place of note-taking. Answer: A, B, C Objective: Understand the importance of creating a workable format and style of notetaking that will assist you in completing a clear and accurate report. Page number: 20-23 Level: Moderate 15. An officer should __________. Select all that apply. a. Develop a style of note-taking that accentuates his/her own recall b. Use a standard style of noting taking, including abbreviations, in case another officer reads the notes c. Number the pages of the notebook d. Always write notes in pen Answer: A, C Objective: Understand the importance of creating a workable format and style of notetaking that will assist you in completing a clear and accurate report. Page number: 20-21 Level: Easy Chapter 3 The Parts of the Narrative Case Report 1. The narrative case report is an essential element for _____________ in the prosecution of criminals. a. The reporting police officer b. The prosecutor c. The jury d. All of the above Answer: D Objective: Recognize that the narrative case report is an essential legal document that directly contributes to the prosecution of criminals. Page number: 31 Level: Easy 2. A narrative report should _____. a. Be easily understood b. Incorporate 10 codes, since all police officers understand them c. Be complex. The use of sesquipedalian wording indicates that you are an educated individual. d. Be vague Answer: A Objective: Understand the basics of narrative report writing. Page number: 31 Level: Moderate 3. A narrative case report consists of the following elements: a. Introduction, reporting party/victim statement, witness statement(s), conclusion b. Face sheet, witness statement(s), facts of the case, conclusion c. Introduction, your opinion, facts of the case, suspect statement(s), conclusion d. Face sheet, reporting party/victim statement, witness statement(s), your opinion, facts of the case e. Face sheet, introduction, reporting party/victim statement, witness statement(s), facts of the case, suspect statement(s), conclusion Answer: E Objective: Identify the various parts of a narrative case report. Page numbers: 32-33 Level: Moderate 4. A narrative case report is usually completed in what order? a. Most important first b. Least important first c. Chronological d. The officerโ€™s opinion first Answer: C Objective: Understand the basics of narrative report writing. Page number: 32 Level: Easy 5. The purpose of a face sheet is _____. a. To provide a brief summary of the narrative report b. To offer a quick reference to the reader about what is in the report c. To provide the officerโ€™s opinion of what happened in the incident d. To list and describe the essential elements of the crime Answer: B Objective: Identify the various parts of a narrative case report. Page number: 32-33 Level: Moderate 6. The purpose of the body (or narrative) of the report is _____. a. To be as vague as possible. You donโ€™t want to back yourself into a corner in court. b. To document who said what c. To document what happened at the incident and what actions the officer took. d. To describe what the perpetrator did so you can make an arrest Answer: C Objective: Recognize that the narrative case report is an essential legal document that directly contributes to the prosecution of criminals. Page number: 32 Level: Easy 7. The length of a narrative report should be _____. a. Determined by the number of victims, witnesses, and suspects at the scene b. Approximately 2-3 pages c. Determined by the accurate and precise documentation of the incident d. Determined by how much time the officer has before the end of shift. Reports need to be completed prior to the end of shift. Answer: C Objective: Understand the basics of narrative report writing. Page numbers: 33-34 Level: Easy 8. When are supplemental reports filed? a. When the reporting officer did not have time to do the original report before his/her off days and submits the original report late. b. Prior to the original report being filed. c. When the reporting officer really wants his/her opinion added to the original report. d. When a follow-up report or attachment needs to be added to the original report. Answer: D Objective: Identify the various parts of a narrative case report. Page number: 34 Level: Moderate 9. Once the reporting officer submits the report, who is the first person to read and review it for potential prosecution? a. The detective bureau b. The first line supervisor c. The Chief of Police d. The prosecutor e. The defense attorney Answer: B Objective: Identify the various parts of a narrative case report. Page number: 36 Level: Moderate 10. The purpose of a synopsis is _____. a. To support the elements of the crime and provide the reader with a brief description about what is and what is not included in the report b. To provide a reader with a detailed summary of the report c. To provide the reader with the perpetratorโ€™s past criminal history d. To provide the reader with definitions and explanations of police lingo used throughout the report Answer: A Objective: Identify the various parts of a narrative case report. Page number: 33 Level: Moderate 11. Identify the errors in the following portion of a narrative report. On Wednesday, September 30 2015, this officer responded to 222 Hill St., reference a loud noise complaint. Upon arrival at 2235 hours, I met with the complainant, Mrs. Rose Foxwood, who indicated that the neighbor residing at, 220 Hill St, had a canine that incessantly barked. Mrs. Foxwood indicated, that she only wanted this officer to speak with the violator and have him bring his canine indoors. This officer then spoke with the resident of 220 Hill St; one Mr. Mark Mills. Mark indicated, that his k-9, Borris, was not barking and that Rose was crazy. Mark agreed to bring Borris into the house for the night. a. Written in third person, punctuation errors, spelling errors b. Written in third person, out of sequence, inconsistent wording, punctuation errors, complex wording c. Written in third person, punctuation errors, inconsistent wording, complex wording, grammar errors d. Written in third person, inconsistent wording, complex wording, punctuation errors Answer: D Objective: Understand the basics of narrative report writing. Page number: 38-39 Level: Difficult 12. When writing a narrative report you should _____. a. Use deductive statements b. Include your opinions c. Use abbreviations to minimize lengthy reports d. None of the above Answer: D Objective: Recognize that the narrative case report is an essential legal document that directly contributes to the prosecution of criminals. Page number: 38-39 Level: Moderate 13. When writing a narrative report, _____. a. Use present tense so readers can picture what you are describing b. Use working names such as โ€œvictim 1โ€ and โ€œvictim 2โ€ to protect a victimโ€™s identity c. Use careful punctuation and grammar d. All of the above Answer: C Objective: Understand the basics of narrative report writing. Page number: 38 Level: Easy

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