Solution Manual for Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, 7th Edition

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APPENDIX Operator Precedence and Associativity B This table shows the precedence and associativity of all the Java operators. The table is divided into groups, and each operator in a group has the same precedence. The groups of operators are arranged from the highest precedence at the top of the table to the lowest precedence at the bottom of the table. For example, the first group of operators shown is: . [] () ++ — This group of operators has the highest precedence of all the operators; and each of these operators has the same precedence. Operator Description Associativity . membership left-to-right [] array subscript left-to-right () method argument list left-to-right ++ postfix increment left-to-right — postfix decrement left-to-right ++ prefix increment right-to-left — prefix decrement right-to-left + unary plus right-to-left – unary minus right-to-left ~ bitwise complement right-to-left ! logical NOT right-to-left new object creation right-to-left (type) cast right-to-left * multiplication left-to-right / division left-to-right % remainder left-to-right From Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, Sixth Edition. Tony Gaddis. Copyright ยฉ 2016 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. B-1 Z02_GADD2213_07_SE_APP2.indd 1 27/11/2017 17:40 B-2 Appendix Bโ€‚โ€‚ Operator Precedence and Associativity Operator Description Associativity + addition left-to-right + string concatenation left-to-right – subtraction left-to-right <> signed right shift left-to-right >>> unsigned right shift left-to-right greater than left-to-right = greater than or equal to left-to-right instanceof type comparison left-to-right == equal to left-to-right != not equal to left-to-right & bitwise AND left-to-right ^ bitwise XOR left-to-right | bitwise OR left-to-right && logical AND left-to-right || logical OR left-to-right ?: conditional right-to-left = assignment right-to-left += combined assignment right-to-left -= combined assignment right-to-left *= combined assignment right-to-left /= combined assignment right-to-left <>= combined assignment right-to-left >>>= combined assignment right-to-left &= combined assignment right-to-left ^= combined assignment right-to-left |= combined assignment right-to-left Z02_GADD2213_07_SE_APP2.indd 2 27/11/2017 17:40

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